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Welcome to The Abyss

Greetings and welcome to all who may be checking in with The Abyss at the moment.

I apologize for the rather disorder of the page at the moment however that will all be fixed with time, as I get it due to work
and other activities that require my personal attention. As I continue in my endevour I will update with everything im trying
to get on here and I figure after some time I will eventualy get close to the glory that I hope for. Untill the time comes that I can do more with the site I am stuck making very small updates which I figure will
over time add up to quiet a bit however I still do not feel pleased with the way it looks concidering the time taken.


Random bullshit?

Today's rant

You know, the more I think about and the more I put up with them, the more I hate rich people.
Yeah you know the kind, the disgustingly rich that have all the god damned money in the world,
Then they come around and try and rub it in your face by tellin ya how they charge $500k on their
"American express" and bitch at you like you did something wrong when the damn credit card machine
doesn't accept their card. That shit really pisses me off a lot, had a guy come into my store last
night and got $30 worth of gas.. Still suprised his car held that much, and then he tried to pay
with his card, then it was declined because of a bad card read, and he acted as though we did it...
Am I the only person thinking that that is complete bullshit.. If so then let me know cause im not sure.
Ya know what.. Now that I think about it, if you are exceedingly rich and you rub it in everyones face
I hope you fucking choke on it, cause that's what's coming to you people.
Aside from that think about it, all these rich fucks runnin around complaining about how they can only
withdraw so much at one time from their god damn atm machine and then how they need to get their french
Poodles into the three thousand dollar fucking spa. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!?! What the hell is wrong
With these people, three thousand dollars on a fucking dog!? What do you get from spending that much
on something that looks as though it was just coughed up? You know what you get.. You get a dog that
that still looks like shit, smells like roses and sometimes even smells like shit afterward, that can
do nothing more than the before mentioned.. If im gonna spend that kind of money on an animal it better
be fucking worth it, that animal better feed it's self, that or it better be a 200lb. Irish wolf hound named Buck.
I think what im really getting at here is that there are some people that should really re-evaluate their
life and think about how some of the other people in the world are doing, concidering they are not the
only one's breathing the air. However now that I think about it their rich, they can't see from our point
of view cause they really can't pull their head's out their asses.. Mabey one day.. Mabey.. Nahh..

I have no ending so I thank you for reading that small bit of anger induced insanity.


Well at current there isn't much on the site I know however im working on getting more up here so that mabey
this won't be such a boring trip into Cyber space.