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This place is dead anyways...
Thursday, 24 July 2003
Not my problem.
Last night I awoke to something fairly unnerving. I had originally arisen from my slumber only to alleviate the pain of my swollen bladder, but when I returned to my bed my thoughts swayed to another subject. I found myself thinking about someone I used to be involved with, and furthermore, worrying about their well being. Now I know that this doesn?t sound like the rantings of a madman, or unnerving in the least. But, she is no longer my concern, my problem, or my responsibility. So when my obsessive compulsive disorder starts cutting into ?sleepy? time, it?s a good idea to employ the powers of chemistry. Word to the wise: when attempting to chloroform yourself, do it lying down, otherwise you?ll wake up well rested, half slung over a metal chair, with a stomach ache that feels like a gunshot wound.

I found myself tonight thinking more and more about the individual at hand and came to the conclusion that it was in fact a test of my sanity. I found it mind numbingly interesting. Oh wait, did I say interesting? I ment the other thing....tedious. So with that, it?s getting late and I gotta be out like a crack addict in the suburbs, I got work tomorrow and I?m a workaholic?.I?m addicted to workahol. That, and, this place is dead anyways.

Posted by retro2/steves_journal at 1:25 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 July 2003 8:05 AM CDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 2:47 PM CDT

Name: There's no
Home Page:

Excuse me? Could you please repeat all that? I believe there was something CRAZY in my ear. Whoever this chick is, you need to give her the keys to the street. She sounds lame.

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