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Cloning, the Key Factor to Living

In the past decades, scientists have been researching on a technique to duplicate an organism. They have mastered the technique after several experiments with various kinds of animals. Recently in 1997, a researcher in Scotland managed to grow a healthy adult sheep. Its name is Dolly, named for U.S. country music star Dolly Parton. Cloning became the main factor all over the world, even in the United States. Scientists later had an idea to clone human beings! Critics started to define the ethical wrongs for cloning. In my opinion, cloning for the purpose of saving a person from losing his or her life is very essential to limit the number of deaths in the world.

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Scientists believe that they can treat this problem by cloning healthy heart cells and inject it into the areas of the heart, which have been damaged. Cloning can also help women at high risk of Down’s syndrome to avoid it. Liver and kidney transplants can also be helpful to people with failures in their liver or kidney. Scientists are able to clone the bone marrow for children and adults suffering from leukemia. This is one of the first benefits to come from cloning. Cloning, not just helpful for curing diseases or failures in the human body; but can also get rid of defective genes, genetic diseases, and injuries.

The average person carries eight defective genes inside the body. These defective genes create a sickness inside a person when he or she would otherwise remain healthy. With human cloning and its technology, it may be possible to ensure that we no longer suffer because of our defective genes. Christopher Reeves, the man who played Superman, is now in wheelchairs. With cloning, scientists may learn to grow nerves or the spinal cord back again when they are injured, thus Christopher might be able to walk again! Cloning technology can also be used to test for and perhaps cure genetic diseases. Using cloning ensures that a child does not express the gene for the disorder could prevent the Tay-Sachs disease, a genetic disorder.

Many people in the world are not happy with their appearance. Cloning gives them a chance to have natural breast implants, plastic surgery, and infertility. Thousands of women received silicone breast implants for cosmetic reasons, and soon found out the implants were making them ill with disease of their immune systems. With human cloning, implants could be done with person’s normal tissues and no diseases would appear afterwards. With the new technology, instead of using materials foreign to the body for such procedures, doctors will be able to manufacture bone, fat, tissue, or cartilage that matches the patient’s tissues exactly.

Severe accidents occur unsuspected in our lives. People lose their limbs, arms, and even their body in car accidents. Athletes snap their muscles and cartilage while training or competing in tournaments. Children usually are careless, and fall off a swing or cut themselves with sharp objects. For these careless reasons, every person should have a clone of themselves. Scientists can use these clones for body parts that we happen to miss, muscles that we tear, or for extra blood that we need. For these reasons, I believe that cloning should be highly encouraged. It would be possible to cure a heart attack and the person would live a normal life again.

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