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My Life
Saturday, 5 November 2005
Mood:  flirty
So today has been interestering... Hmm where to start. First off I woke up and before doing anything but stretching i ended up driving my aunt to the emergency room b/c last night around 4am she took a lil spill outside and then we get to the hospital wait for like ever in there cuz her ankle is messed up. Then we go home and she is on cruches. After all that Chris stopped by long enough to ask where everyone was(chisty/john ect.)
He uses the phone and says hell be back later.
Then after doing a crap load of dishes I decided i was going to go out to my aunts. I go there and end up leaving my cousin Kayla out there. Drive home and then well that about covers how my day has gone... At this point I dont think Chris is going to come over and I really am starting to not give a da**. anyways Ill write more later.

Posted by retro2/rebelgurl2886 at 7:19 PM CST
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Friday, 4 November 2005
Mood:  spacey
well I had my aunt go get me a test and of course it came as neg. So that made my day but i have still been feeling like complete crap.. So we are just going to make an apmt. w/ pph. and hopefully they can do somethign for me...
well have a good night all...
mabey ill get my scanner working and i can show you guys some of my art..

Posted by retro2/rebelgurl2886 at 7:50 PM CST
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A peachy freakin king Day
Mood:  irritated
well today has started out crappy. Mom shows up at 10 something and of course shes cheerful and wants to talk (yippi). Mom says she wants my art so she can show it off to her work buddies... So of course i gave them to her mabey someone will want to buy one lol. Kim needed to take Jamie to school he missed the bus.Then Dave needed to run to his sisters for some rings and to some pon shops... That is always fun. I had to turn from washington to go to apperson and i was in the wrong turn lane w/ about 3 cars coming right at me so i swerve over into the right turn lane and dave nearly pisses his pants and has to light a cig just to calm down lol.
Chris is coming over today... and i need to go pick up a preg.Test. School starts at 2pm so i dont have much time to do much of anything. I hope this day goes better than its starting out...

Posted by retro2/rebelgurl2886 at 11:19 AM CST
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