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.*.Welcome to Quizzy's Domain.*.

Ummmm...My domain is pretty boring...hehehe...So for the first thing you get to hear about me : )

   I better tell you about me....Or should I *ponders* I guess I could... But you should already know me shouldn't you? *stares at stalkers* Ok here goes I am 14, Female and my location is really none of your bussiness don't you agree? Ok I hope so because well I am not telling you...Muhahahahahah aren't I evil? *smiles knowing isn't* Ok again just so you know my hobbies are surfing to internet for html help sites, chatting at online chat servers, and swimming. I bet I sound like a nerd don't I? I most likely do. I will admit some truths about me now I don't have a barbie doll figure -who REALLY does nowadays- I have acne -as my grandparents say I am at that age- I am not, I repeat not a askabout -a askabout is someone who NEVER understand anything at all!- Ok and another thing is I get annoying sometimes so you have been warned. Oh yes and everyone asks everyone what music they listen to so they may define that person as a prep, goth, punk, hick, ect. just so you know I listen to a mix mostly rock but I like some pop ballads, I love 80s music and a couple country songs. Am I boring you? *stares* Hopefully I am not...But just in case I will stop talking for a little bit and let you check out some cool sites. Please visit them but, come back.

These are some good links to go to.....

The Best Basic Search Engine
For The Young At Heart
My Birth Place On The Internet
My Home On The Internet
Place To Host Your Pictures
Only Joke Site I Go To

Saying Of The Day (Week, Month, Year): There grrrrrrreat - Tony the Tiger

Ok These Are My Five Favorite CDs

Ok I love buttons (even if they don't work) so here are a few...

OK Those buttons don't work -lol- so what they are fun to click and make! This one works.......

alright have fun with this list select a color and boom look at the background color! (thanks to Eric Kung)

Oh yes if you are still here this is a list of my favorite movies.

Ok ....... should I ummm tell you about my cat? I will take the silence as a yes. Ok he is white, soft, cute, 5 years old, chubby, smart, and cuddley. His name is Orion of Men In Black1. I love him so much he looks like this ^ . ^ ! Ok I like dogs too alot more than cats but, Orion is a exception.

Ok I am bored a game...


Be Nice To this button

This Game is Guess a number

This game is Crystal ball

Crystal Ball

Please enter a yes/no question and it will respond

Warning: the crystal ball has a tendency to be sarcastic!

Ok Im me at AIM *sorry temporarily gone* or MSN or e-mail me at with comments or advice on my site. If you E-mail Me set the Subject as 'I saw your site and........'. Thank You for visiting My Site Please come back soon.

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