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My Pagee!-

Hayy! Whats going on!? UHmm yeah My name is Tiffany Welch..if ya didnt know! Im a blonde..i have hazel eyes..and im around 5'5" or 5'6"!<--i think! haha!Im 14..and i go to Opdyke..Yeah it sucks ass! haha! I lykk just about every kind of music.Uhmm I lykk to just go out and have a good time..Anything i do has to be funn! lol!I hate boring people..sorry but i do! haha! There no fun! Well im single right now! haha not for long hopefully! I think I might have someone in mind tho!haha but we will see how that goes! I have Hella all know who you yeah I got really tired of doin all those pic pages and shoutouts and i deleted em' and said fuck it! haha! I have Yeah that email is pretty old but im to lazy to make a new one! haha! Well i guess thats about it for now! Latroo! Love ya!

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