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Retro Nerdhouse


Retro Nerdhouse is intended for nerd eyes only. If you are not a nerd, some of the contents of this site may upset you. Retro Nerdhouse takes no responsibility for any projectile vomiting due to exposure to extreme nerdiness. All those with weak stomachs or with any form of social life should leave this site immediately.

How to tell if you are a nerd:

You must meet three of the following four criteria:

  • You have no girlfriend or boyfriend.
  • You do or need to wear glasses.
  • You have at least some acne.
  • You are on honor roll or something like it.

You must also be obsessed with one or more of the following:

  • Lord of the Rings
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • The Matrix
  • Chess
  • Dungeons & Dragons
  • Math
  • Science
  • Computers
  • Anime
  • Nintendo (or video games in general)

If you are female, you must have little to no interest in the opposite sex.

If you are male, you must be obsessed with the opposite sex.


Meet all the criteria, but still don’t think you are a nerd? Don’t fret. Keep in mind some very cool people are nerds. Steven Spielberg, Keanu Reeves (only in the Matrix), Toby Maguire, and many more.


Be proud of your nerdiness. Stand tall as you push up your glasses and pick up your books after the jocks push you down. And always remember, they will someday be the ones pumping gas into your BMW while you wait next to your supermodel wife on your way to your illustrious mansion.

About Retro Nerdhouse:

Well basically we were bored one day and decided to make a site. “What kind of site?” somebody asked us. “One about our many interests and hobbies.” And thus Retro Nerdhouse was born. From humble beginnings it has climb to…well it’s humble post-beginnings I guess.


Anyway that’s the story. Feel free to look around. But remember: nerdiness is contagious and prolonged exposure can cause a total nerd conversion. Explore at your own risk.