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Minnesota Experiance

I won't tell you that I have a boring life, because I don't. I have friends, plenty of them! I just spend most of my time either working my ass off, or in school. I don't exactly have your typical job. See, I go to the University of Minnesota, and I'm working on a degree in performance arts, and I'm so passionate about it, I'm doing summer school. So, as in job, I mean, in a play. You wouldn't exactly call that typical, would you? And I love it. Every minute of being in that spotlight. But, there is an issue, being an actress doesn't exactly get you much money. A bummer, I have to admit. So, that is why I plan on staying back at the dorm, listening to my Beatles records and feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't scrounge up enough money to buy a ticket to the biggest concert ever. Well, maybe not the biggest, but certainly the best. The Beatles were coming here for their first stop ever in Minnesota. Beth, my room mate was going, and our two other friends, Anne and Shelly were going too. Leaving me in the dust. Boo hoo. I know. Feel sorry for me, come on. You know you want to. Okay, okay, I'll stop asking for your pitty. Anyway, I figured I would use the time to maybe go into downtown Minneapolis and look around a bit. Maybe do some boy watching, since I didn't seem to have one of my own right now. I haven't actually had one for about a year now. I mean, I had been kissed, and there had been a few makeout sessions, but nothing further than that. So, feeling sorry for myself, I started to get ready for a night out on the town. It had been a hot, muggy, Minnesota summer day, so I decided to take a quick shower. After drying off, I picked out a black miniskirt and a yellow top with ruffles around the cuffs and collar. It showed a bit more cleavage than I thought my parents would have allowed, but, hey! I was in college! No parents to hold me down. They were up in Ely, Minnesota. As I was putting up my hair, Beth walked in. "Hey," I said, with two bobby pins in my mouth. "Hey! Are you absolutely sure that there is no way you can come with us tonight?" She pleded as she walked over to help me with my hair. I handed her a bobby pin. "If I had the money, I would be there! You know that! I as big of a fan as anyone. Even those little beatlemanicacks." She smiled and nodded. "I know, I know, but I was hoping you had changed your mind about Europe and could splurge just a bit on one teeny tiny ticket, to the biggest show of your life!" She said as she stuck her arms out. "Ok, well look at it this way. If I save up enough money to go to Europe, then I might actually get to... Meet them!" "Oh, right. Maybe take Paul out on a date!" She grinned and pinched my shoulder. "Ouch!" I said with a laugh. "I've decided to spend the evening out on the town. By myself. Maybe... some boy watching?" Beth's mouth opened with a bit of a smile. "That makes me almost want to skip the concert! But... I'm such a diehard fan..." I rolled my eyes at this comment, because we both knew she didn't love them that much, but she, and I quote, "enjoyed watching them wiggle their little butts up there." Sad, isn't it. I love them for their music, as well as their butts, which are nice I might add, but that isn't all their is to them. "Thanks anyway," I looked at my watch. "Hey, you'd better go if you want to get there on time. You wouldn't wanna miss those cute little butts!" "Oh, I see how it is." Beth smiled. "You just want me outta here, so you can bring home some cute boy to makeout with." I slapped her arm for that comment and said, "I would never do that! Plus, even if I wanted to bring someone home, you'd be home to early for us to have any fun anyway!" She looked at me and smirked. "And... even if I did find a guy... We'd probably go back to his place." And just then we both burst into giggles and I pushed her towards the door. "Blow them a kiss for me!" I yelled to her down the hall. "Oh, you know I will!" She yelled back. I went back in our room and put on my make up. Some black eyeliner, a coat of mascara. I was ready to go!But, I soon realized, that going out this early would mean I would have to get dinner somewhere, which meant, I had to spend money, of which, I will state again, I have none. Such a funny thing, money. It can spoil so many plans. I resulted to a penutbutter sandwich and an apple. Classic dorm food. I flipped on Rubber Soul on the record player and danced around as I ate. I think you would probably cry you would be laughing so hard if you saw me. I'm not the best dancer. I glanced at my watch and it was around seven thirty. The concert would be ending at around eight. I had been dancing for a long time! Oh, you don't know how much I wished I could have been at the concert. But, I put that out of my mind as I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. A few minutes later, I was on a bus, heading downtown. When I got off, I decided I would go admire the formal dresses at Dayton's department store. I knew I would never be able to afford any of those pretty dresses, but it was really fun to look anyway!As I walked past the counter, I got some snooty looks, as usuall, because I wasn't the typical person to be walking through there- but I didn't let that get me down. Nothing was going to ruin my night! The people downtown were much different than the people near campus. I walked across the street and past a woman who looked like a prostitute. I'm not trying to descriminate or anything- but she looked like a whore!She had fishnet tights on, and a skirt that was so short, and so tight, you could practicly see her ass! Sick if you ask me... Anyway- It was around eight thirty when I walked past the Radison Hotel. I was expecting to have to walk around an overpowering crowd of girls, but there wern't too many there yet. Probably because they hadn't gotten time to come back and wait for their beloved idols, only to try to rip them to shreds. Its sort of sad when you think about it. Its like these girls have no lives outside The Beatles. I suppose I shouldn't be talking, because I have no life outside of school, work and The Beatles, but still! I have some sort of life... right?So, I walked past the front entrance of the Radison, and there were about ten security guards there. They all looked as if they were about to pounce on me if I tried to set foot in that building. I sort of smiled and waved at them a little as I walked past, but got no responce. Oh well, I guess none of them decided to humor me. I was almost half way down the block when a man came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I was so startled I jumped! When I turned around I saw a man in a suit with sandy blonde hair. "Excuse me Madam," The man said in a nice Liverpudlian voice. "I was wondering if I could ask you a question." "I guess so." I said hesitantly, because I wasn't exactly used to strange, British men randomly walking up to me. "Er... Do you like The Beatles?" He asked, in sort of a whisper, like there was someone around who could actually hear what we were talking about, or want to listen. "Yeah... I love them..." I said with a little smile and my eyebrow raised. "Really? May I ask, how old are you?" "I'm twenty," I responded, still a bit confused on why he was asking me this. "Why do you ask?" "I'll explain later. Would you come with me?" "Um, I don't think so, buddy." I said starting to think this guy was trying to pick up some date. If he was, this sure was some weird way of doing it. "No! No, no, no. You don't understand." He said, laughing and shaking his head. "This is Beatle related, I promise you. I'm not trying to... pick you up, or whatever you say here in America." This made me smile a bit, but I was still suspicious. "If I were to go, where are you taking me?" "Just into the lobby of that hotel right there." He replied casually, pointing to The Raddison. "No where else?" I asked. "At least not for bit." He said, smiling. "Come on, you'll enjoy it." "Alright..." I said, starting to follow him. Don't ask me what posessed me to do this. He could have tried to kill me or something!Maybe it was the word "Beatles" that intreagued me. He led me past all the security guards and into the lobby where there were four other girls sitting in some comfy chairs. They all looked up as we walked over to them. "Girls, this is... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." He said as he turned to look at me. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Leeanne. But you can call me Lee." I smiled. I recognized one of the girls who was in my communications class. I couldn't think of her name though. Maybe... Laura? "Ah, Lee. Alright. This is Maggie, Judy, Annie and Lucy. And my name is Neil." He said. Lucy! That was her name. She was the girl I recognized. And... Neil. An interesting name. The girls waved at me and Lucy said to come sit down as Neil turned around to go take a phone call. "You look familiar..." Lucy said studying me as I came and sat down in a chair next to her. "Do I have a class with you or something?" "I think Communications, with Professor Danials?" I smiled. "Oh, yeah! You sit in the second row! Behind that cute guy!" I laughed and said, "Yup! That's me!" Yup. What a funny word. Yup, yup, yup... ok anyway! Next, one of the othe girls asked if any of us knew what we were doing here. "I have no idea," I answered. "Neil told me it had something to do with, The Beatles?" "Thats what he told me!" Judy said. "I wonder just what it has to do with them!" We all giggled, and I assumed that they had gotten the same questions from Neil as I did. We chatted about how school was going, and where we all went, and what we were planning on majoring in. We also talked about how none of us could afford a ticket to the concert, but we all despirately wanted to go. Then, Neil came back from his phone call. "Ladies," He said in a serious voice. "I am going to tell you something very important, but I can't have you getting hystarical." We all looked at each other wondering what was going on. "I have just gotten off the phone with Mr. Brian Epstein, The Beatles tour manager. He said that he and the band are leaving the stadium right now." We looked at him, confused and he must have caught on, because he decided to further explain what was going on. "When they get back here, you five girls are invited up to their room for a bit of socializing." You should have seen our jaws drop. My stomach flipped. I would get a chance to not only see The Beatles, but talk to them! But... I knew what he meant by "socializing". I had read some things about the parties The Beatles threw. There were drugs, and drinks to fill everyone, and then some. Plus, I had heard that John and Paul were fast movers, even if John was married. I have never actually had sex, or anything remotely close for that matter. I will admit, I have done a few things, but that is a different story. It didn't exactly sound like my kind of party, being the "good girl" that I am. I had had a few drinks, but not too much, and I had never smoked a cigarette in my life, let alone marajuana. But, did any of this phaze me? NO! Of course not! I was so hyped up about seeing them, it didn't bother me a bit. We looked at each other and grinned. My heart started beating faster at just the thought of seeing Paul McCartney. Maybe I would get the courage to talk to him, maybe I would get the courage to, gulp, dance with him! The six of us, including Neil, waited for about a twenty minutes, talking about things, how we would act, etc... A mob of teenage girls started to form outside the doors of the hotel. And after about forty minutes, the crowd was huge! There were hundreds of girls screaming and jumping up and down. It amazed me. Just watching all those girls, ready to cut off an arm or a leg, just to get a glimpse of one of the fabs. Neil went to answer another phone call. The other girls had a short conversation, but I was way too nervous to join in. My hands started shaking and my heart started beating fast again. "Remember," I thought. "This is just how you get before a show! Its nothing bad, they are just four guys who want to have some fun. They aren't anything but normal. Completely normal." Neil came back from the phone call and lead us to the elevator. We stood up and followed him in silence. You could see the excitement building up inside us, but each of us were too nervous to let it out. We rode up to the fourteenth floor and stepped off the elevator. The floor was amazing. I guessed that The Beatles had a whole floor to themselves. We walked down a large marble hallway and Neil stopped at a door at the end. He turned to talk to us before he opened the door. "Are you ready girls?" He asked calmly. We all nodded and tried to smile. My heart was beating so fast, and my hands were all clammy. What a great turn on, huh? Yeah, right. Neil gave us a now-please-try-to-remember-what-I-told-you-for-your-sake-and-mine look as he opened the door. The room was full of people talking and drinking. The music was moderately loud, or at least loud enough where you had to yell to talk to someone as John did when he spotted us. "Ey! The birds are here!" He yelled, with a drink in his hand. Everyone turned to look at us, and I went bright red, just looking around at all these people. I glanced at the other girls who were already walking into the room to "socialize" I assumed. But I couldn't move. I couldn't make myself go anywhere, so a sat down in a chair that was next to me. No one seemed to notice, fortunately- so I just sat there watching people. I looked around for each of The Beatles, but strangely, I couldn't see any of them. I soon began to realize I had blown my chance to dance with any of them, because there were four Beatles, and there were five girls that came up. And I was the one left out. (This is why I am not a math major. I am slow at these things.) This brought my spirits down a little, as it would in anyone, and I soon decided that I was going to leave, because there was no point in staying, if I wasn't going to get to even to talk to one of them if they were already infatuated with the other girls. So, I stood up and headed for the door. I turned around to look for Lucy, to tell her I was leaving. I found her sitting on George's lap playing with his hair. I made eye contact with her waved. Then I looked at George, who had a questioning look on his face, but he waved anyway. I waved a little to him with a bit of a smile, then turned around and mouthed "Oh my god" to myself. I grabbed the door handle and turned, but was pulled forward as someone was opening the door from the other side. I let out a small yelp because I was so suprised. I looked up to see whoever the rude person was who was opening the door like that, and I almost fainted. "I'm sorry, luv." Paul said looking at me. I was literally screaming inside my head, but I managed to let out, "It's alright." Paul continued to stare at me, right into my eyes. He looked a bit drunk, I was sure he had had a few drinks already. Suddenly, I i broke our stare, and started to walk away. (How rude was that? I don't know what posessed me to walk away from Paul McCartney, but it must have been something pretty weird.) "Where are you going?" He asked. I turned around again, to meet his gaze. "I... I..." I stammered. "I have class in the morning..." I managed to get out, actually supprised I could talk. "On Saturday?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. "Some school you go to..." "No! I mean... I... I have a show tomorrow." I lied. I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so hard. "A show? What sort of show?" He asked politely, still staring at me. "A...A Mid Summer Night's Dream..." Now, I wasn't exactly lying... I was going to be in this show, but practice didn't start for another week. "Ah, Shakespeare, was it not?" He said rather dramaticly. "Yeah... That was him." I smiled. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. I mean, surely he was intimidating, but he seemed pretty normal. And he certainly wasn't dumb... like some stars are. "So, why are you leaving?" He repeated. "Uh..." I said rather dumbly. "Well, you can't stay for at least a little longer? So I could get to know you better?" WHAT THE HELL DID HE MEAN BY GET TO KNOW ME BETTER? Oh well... Sounds like fun to me! I just looked at him for a second, judging what he meant by get to know me better. Maybe I would see what he meant. If he meant talking, then I would stay, but if he meant what I thought of as "socializing"... well... then I would leave. For sure. "Come on then," He said, sticking out his hand. I took it with my heart beating so loud I could have sworn Paul heard it. Well, if he did, he certainly didn't mind... So, he lead me back into the room and to the bar and said, "Get this lady a drink," And before I could say no, I had a scotch and coke in my hand and I was being lead into the center of the room to dance. "What's your name, luv?" Paul asked, dancing. "L...Lee..." I replied, looking for a place to set the drink (that I didn't want) down and avoiding Paul's stare. "Lee... That's an interesting name." He said as he put his hand on my hip to pull me closer. This supprised me, considering, I WAS DANCING WITH PAUL MCCARTNEY! Lucy walked by me and saw who I was dancing with and gave me one of those looks with the raised eyebrows and smiled. I handed her my drink as she walked past, she didn't seem to mind... bottoms up Lucy! Paul kept moving closer to me until we were pressed up against each other. This, made me feel just a tad bit uncomfortable, but being the stupid girl that I am, didn't stop him. He moved his hand down to my upper thigh. "You know, you're very pretty," Paul said with his cute smile. "Thank you," I blushed and looked straight at him. It felt like his eyes penitrated my soul. I studied him for a second, then looked away. That's when I got the suprise of my life. Seriously, i almost had a heart attack. Paul then leaned over and kissed me, right on the lips. (Speaking of fast movers...) The kiss shot electricity right through me. I must have enjoyed it, because I began to kiss back. Not even thinking that I hardly knew this guy apart from what I read about in magazines. He moved his hands up my back, which sent chills up my spine. "Wow..." I thought. "This is crazy! I'm kissing Paul McCartney! I never ever thought I would be doing this! EVER!" He was leading me over to a wall by a couch where John and Ringo were sitting. Paul moved his hands back down on to my legs. I knew where this was going. "Wait a second," I thought as his hands moved closer and closer to under my skirt, "I was fine with just kissing but..." Suddenly, his right hand slid up my skirt and I pushed him off. I gave him a what-the-hell-do-you-think-you-are-doing-feeling-me-up-like-that look. Great. I now have a man who I thought I would fall in love with the instant I saw him, moving faster on me that a speeding bullet. I guess I was more disappointed than mad. Ok, I was mad, because he had violated my space, but still, what happened to the clean cut Beatle I thought he was? "What?" He sounded confused. I'm guessing probably because he could fuck any girl he wanted any time, and it confused him that he was being rejected. I just looked at him for a second, then walked away and headed strait for the door. I could hear John and Ringo laughing extremely hard as I opened the door. I assumed at Paul because they also knew he had never been passed up. "What an asshole." I thought as I started walking down the hall. "He didn't even come after me. I guess thats no supprise though, considering he does this in every fucking town he goes to." Why was I at all supprised that he moved like that? I'm sure I was the envy of the whole planet at that point. Any girl would give anything to be in my shoes, which were very uncomfortable mind you, my feet hurt. Anyway- I had always thought Paul was the nice type, not the let's see how fast I can get this bird kind. When I was half way down the hall I heard the door open behind me and an all too familiar Liverpudlian voice yell, "Lee! Lee, Wait!" I turned around to glance at him, then kept walking. "Why? So you can feel me up again? Oh, joyride..." I said sarcasticly as I punched the down button on the elevator. "No... I" He stopped. It looked like he was thinking. Thats when the tears came. Not sobs or anything, just a single tear that rolled down my cheek. "Listen, I'm sorry...." He sounded a bit supprised that I had snapped at him like that. "What makes you think you have the right to do that?" I yelled. "Because you're a Beatle? Is that it? You're a fucking Beatle?" Paul looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. It looked like he didn't know what he did wrong. But I felt seriously violated, even if he hadn't really done anything horribly wrong. He probably was used to taking girls way farther than that. "Really... I... I'm sorry..." He stammered. Just then the elevator doors opened. "Yeah..." I said as I stepped inside. I looked away as the doors closed, but I could feel Paul's stare again. "Gosh, could I have hurt him? Is that why he looking at me like that?" I thought as the elevator decended downward. "No, I couldn't possibly have. He... He was just thrown off... Confused. Why would one rejection hurt him? And... Its not that I seriously rejected him, right? I mean, I let him kiss me..." When the doors opened, I walked out into the lobby and started to grab for my purse. "Oh SHIT!" I said, rather loudly, because a few people turned to look at me. I had forgoten my purse upstairs, and there was NO WAY I was going back up to get it. I looked around to see if there was a phone I could use. I looked at the front entrance of the hotel where there were still, hundreds of girls out there screaming. I couldn't believe it! It was almost eleven o'clock! I almost wished I was one of them, that I hadn't gone to the party. But, looked that over, because the most important thing right now was to get home. I had no money, no ID, nothing. I figured I would call the hotel in the morning to see if anyone had dropped off my purse. I decided I would ask the lady behind the desk if I could use the phone to call Beth, maybe she could come pick me up. I was lucky because my room mate was the only girl in our group who had a car, so therefor , she could come pick me up. "Excuse me," I said to the woman, who was looking at a magazine behind the desk. "Can I help you?" She responded politely. "Um, yes, Could I please use your telephone? I need to figure out how to get a ride home." "Of course," "Thank you so much." I said as she handed me the phone. I dialed the number to our room and waited for about five rings before Beth picked up. "Hello?" She sounded like she had been asleep. "Hey, sorry, did I wake you up?" "Mmm, yeah, but its okay. What do you need?" "Well... I sort of need you to come pick me up." "Oh god." She said under her breath. "Where are you? Are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, but I really need you to come pick me up, because I don't have my purse... so I can't ride the bus home..." I said hesitantly. "Alright, where are you?" "The Raddison..." I laughed a bit. "THE WHAT?" She screamed. "That, That's where The Beatles are!" "I know, I know..." "Are you outside?" "No, but I have to make this quick, will you please come pick me up?" "Well, of course, but under one condition." "What?" I sighed. "You tell me exactly why you are inside the Raddison Hotel and exactly how you got in when you get in the car." "Alright, alright..." "Okay, I'll be there in about ten minutes." "Thank you," I said "Anytime. Bye." "Bye." I said hanging up the phone. I sighed and walked over to the bench that was by the window where all the girls were. "Maybe I had jumped away too quickly." I thought. "He didn't really do anything wrong, I made it bigger than I should have. Drama queen all over again." I looked out at all those girls singing and screaming. Most of them would never get a chance to meet them, and I did get a chance, and I blew it. I fucking blew it. I got up to go out and wait for Beth, and when I opened the first set of double doors, a huge wave of screams almost deafened me. "Geez! This makes you wonder why The Beatles aren't deaf." I said to myself as I pushed open the second set and ventured into the crowd. I got pushed, and shoved and stepped on the whole way, but when I finally reached the other side of the screaming girls, Beth was there waiting, as I fell on her car. "Good lord," She said as I practicly dove into the car. "Are you okay?" "Eh, fine. Just a few bruises here and there, but nothing too big." Beth started to drive away from the crowd, and before she could get to the corner she said, "Okay, SPILL." I sighed, and proceeded to tell her the whole story of my evening. She sat in silence until I got to the part where I went to the party. She was screaming her head off by the time I told her I danced with Paul, and she looked like she was going to kill me when I told her why I left. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" She asked as she turned the corner into the parking lot at school. "Be...Because I felt violated I guess..." "Oh, come on!" "Listen, if you're gonna give me shit about it, then I don't want to talk to you." I said firmly. She looked at me for a second in disbelief, and then said, "Alright, I'm sorry. I guess I got a bit too excited..." "Its okay, I'm just still sort of confused on what is going on..." "Well, why don't you go to bed and we'll figure out how to get your purse back in the morning." "Thanks," I said sleeply as we walked up the stairs to our room. "Oh, and one more thing," "What?" "Please don't tell anyone about this, I'm not in the mood to explain it to every person who walks by." "Okay, okay," She laughed as she opened the door to our room. I got ready for bed as quickly as I could. I took off my makeup, threw on a tank top and some pj bottoms, brushed my teeth, then jumped into bed. It was actually surprising how fast I fell asleep, considering all the events that had happened that evening. I got up the next morning to the sound of the phone ringing. It was around ten and Beth hopped down from the top bunk to answer it. "Hello?" She said sleeply again. "No, she's asleep, can I take a message?" I rolled over at looked at her and she motioned if I wanted to talk but I shook my head. "Oh... yes... Thank you Mr. Evans. I'll be sure she's awake by then," she laughed. "Yes, thank you, bye." She hung up the phone and looked at me again. "Someone named Mal Evans is coming to drop your purse off at noon." I snorted, "Thank God," and rolled out of bed. "No kidding..." Beth said as we grabbed our shower stuff and headed into the bathroom. "I'm so happy they found my purse, whoever they is." I said, washing my hair. "Yeah, me too! Less work for us..." I laughed and started to the rest of my body and began to think about last night. "It was a bad choice to leave... wasn't it." I sighed. "I'm not going to say anything." She responded. "If I only got a second chance." "No offence, hun, but I wouldn't count on it." "I know, I know... but if..." "If- you did, I think even I know what you would do." "Oh really? Whats that?" I laughed. "Hmm, let's think here. Paul McCartney to show you that he can be a real gentleman, what would any girl in their right mind do?" "Okay, okay" I laughed again. "I guess you do know. But, I'm not getting my hopes up." "Good plan." She said with a little laugh. I turned off the shower and dried off. We went back to the room and changed to go down for breakfast. I put on a tweed miniskirt and an orange cardigan sweater and put my hair in low pigtails. We headed downstairs and had some pancakes which didn't taste all that great, then headed back up and attempt to do a little bit of homework before Mal came. "Hey, its almost twelve, you should go down and wait for Mal." Beth said looking up from her World Govornment homework. "I guess you're right," I said getting up. "I'll be back in a few." I walked down the four flights of stairs to the main floor and waited by the entrance. A few people came in and out during the five minutes I was down there, but there was one man who caught my eye the second he walked in. Mal was a tall man, with blondish hair and glasses. Not all that bad looking either, and the second he spoke to the girl at the desk to ask for me, I knew it was him. I jumped up to greet him. "I'm Lee," I said as he turned around. "Hello Lee," He said in his Liverpudlian accent. Geez, every man who had some relation with the beatles had that accent that could make me melt. "I believe I have something of yours?" "Yes," I laughed. "I believe you do." He smiled and handed me my purse. "There you go. You know, you might want to check if everything is there." I looked at him sort of funny and opened it. "I'm not saying that anyone took anything, but I would just make sure anyway." I smiled and opened the purse. Cash, lipstick, mirror, ID, bus pass, pads (in the zipper pocket, hopfully unseen by whoever found my purse.), and... a mysterious, white piece of paper. I looked up at Mal with a questioning face. I could tell he was trying not to smile. "Just let me know if anything is missing, we would be glad to search for it." "Thank you very much for bringing this to me," I said fiddling with the peice of paper. "I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have found it." "Don't mention it," He said, looking from me, to the paper, and back again. "Just let me know." "Of course, thank you again." I said as he started to turn around. I started walking upstairs again, playing with the peice of paper as I climbed. "I could have sworn this wasn't in there before..." I thought. It was folded into quarters, so I opened it to see what it was.