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Love Reign O'er Me

Setting: London, England circa 1966. It's a bright summer afternoon and The Who(Roger, Keith, Pete, and John), have a new neighbor. *Keith spies out the window with binocculars* *John comes over and yanks them out of his hands* "Gimme those you git!" Keith gets all upset and pouts like a little boy, who just lost his lollipop. "Damn you, Jun' I wanted to see the knew foxy lady who just moved in." John gets a glimpse of this young girl and his jaw drops to the floor. "Wow wuld ya have a lookie here!" Keith and Roger immediately crowd the window, push and shove poor John out of the way to see this female. "Hey, I wanna see this beautiful looking creature on two legs!"Roger yells, throwing a hissy fit. "That's it! I can't take this anymore!"Keith declares, moving his way through both John and Roger. They suddenly stop and look at him. Dead-faced. "Wot?"Keith has a puzzled look on his face. "I'm going to talk to her face to face, and maybe we both can get to know each other a little bettah. If you know waht I mean?" He makes a nudging and winking gesture toward John, Pete, and Roger and walks out the front door. As Keith shuts the door, Pete makes a remark,laughing. "Just like that, and he's gone." Roger gets annoyed now."Wot does that mean you wanker?" Pete smirks. "It means, Keith was the only smart one out of the two of you children!" Roger and John both turn toward each other."E's rightcha know."They said in unison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keith is nervous. He tries to find the doorbell and fumbles while doing it. At the next moment, this beautiful girl appeats at the doorway. She clears her throat. "Excuse me, sir can I be of some assistance?" Keith just looks up at this 5'6 brunette with dark brown eyes. "Helllo? Are You alright?"She waves her hand over his face. Keith finally comes out of his trance. "Hiya how are you?Just thought I'd greet a fine young chick to this side of town."He grined. "How thoughtful of you."She smiles, gesturing for him to come inside. Keith accepts, graciously. "Won't you sit down?"The girl smiled. Keith again accepted. "If I may ask wot is yur name?"Keith pondered, anxiously. "My name is Athena Simpson."She smiled and began to tell Keith all about herself, when she asked him the same r question. "What is your name,sir?" "My name is Keith..Keith Moon to be exact, and I'm the drummah fer the "oo"!"Keith proudly smiled at what he told Athena. "Groovy!!!"Was all Athena could come to say, as she was awe-struck, at this baby-faced dream. "Soo..why did you decide to move to London?"Keith curiously asked, sipping a cup of tea. "Well, I wanted to get a change of scenery for a while. I mean, the states are nice, but it's always been my dream to go to England."Athena smiled at Keith. Keith smiled back. "Well would ya look at the time?"Athena nervously looked at the flowered clock on her wall. Keith looked up too. "Oh shit! I'm late for me rehearsal!" He grabbed his coat and headed for the door. "It was nice meeting you, Keith."Athena graciously smiled. "I hope we can get together again and chat some more. "Ey, how about Friday night, if you're free?"Keith interupted. "Sure" "Then I'll pick you up at 7:00 sharp"Keith exclaimed as he smiled and she lead him out of the front door. Athena thanked him and just waved and watched as he went next door to the flat he shared with the Who. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keith opens up the front door and there is a note left on the table for him. He reads it to himself. Keith man, we left for rehearsal without you. Didn't want to disturb your "fun" time with the new neighbor. Be back later. Signed, the guys. He chuckled to himself. "Fun times??? Now would I ever do that to a lady on the first date?"An evil grin appeared on his baby face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday finally came... *The phone rings at the Who's flat* "I'll get that. It's probably for me anyway."Keith said cheekily. There were "ooh and ahhs" from Roger, Pete, and John. "So where ya going with this ghal?"Roger wanted to know. "I'm taking her to that new restaraunt called Antonio's. It's supposed to be really nice." Keith added, putting the finishing touches on his attire. He looked at his watch. "Time to go, wish me luck!"He shouted as he walked into the kitchen and dialed the phone. Keith dialed the telephone slowly. There was a dialtone and the phone began to ring. "Hello?" Athena said from the other end of the phone. "Are you ready, luv?I'll be right over."Keith said with enthusiasm in his voice. "Yes, I am"A thrill in her voice as she put down the receiver. *door bell rings* Athena opens the door and sees Keith standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "These are for you, dear girl."He hands them to her and she smiles and thanks him. Keith kisses her on the cheek and they head for the car Keith had. "I'm sorry luv. I don't drive. This is my chaufer, Dougal."Keith gestured toward Dougal as they both got into the car. Athena just smiled and sat down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keith and Athena arrived back from their dinner and ended up going into Athena's flat for a little while. "Wow that was a nice evening!"Athena exclaimed as she sat down on the couch and Keith sitting next to her. "It's not over yet, luv!"Keith smiled evilly, moving closer toward Athena. "Oh really now? What else do you have in store for me?"She added moving closer and closer toward Keith.