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Kats World on The mOve
Monday, 13 February 2006
Fun Fun yet again
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Chamillionaire "Ridin"
Well today was a good day. I didnt go to math class and went out to hang out with a friend and we had fun it was good they got my mind off things. So i thought i would get here and see what was going through my head. Anyways my friend is home and she is having a very hard time and is not doing to well her mom being gone is taking a huge toll on her. I am going to have to be there for her. Well this is all i have to say right now so more to come!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 9:56 PM EST
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Tuesday, 13 September 2005
welll well well
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Lindsay Lohan
Well here i am again i have had a rough few weeks. I have had a car wreck and have an injured shoulder and have been in and out of the doctors office for over a month. This guy that likes me has treated me like udder shit and called me a racist for no reason and doesnt understand what he did wrong so he has quit talking to me cause he doesnt want to understand which is fine i will find someone that does care about me and love me.

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 10:22 AM EDT
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Saturday, 25 June 2005
Well to day is the wedding day
Mood:  caffeinated
Well here we are the wedding day for my friends wedding and i am tired from last night and wish i could still be in bed but i have to get ready to go anyways the rehearsal dinner was great last night the food was good and well it was just a lot of fun anyways i gotta run and finish eating my breakfast and then take a shower to get ready so if you see so til next time and i will tell you about the wedding.

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 11:30 AM EDT
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Friday, 24 June 2005
Well today is the rehearsal dinner
Mood:  not sure
Well i have a rehearsal dinner tonight for a wedding that is tomorrow and i am trying to get myself ready but it is just not working. I mean this is the most i have tried to do at once in a long time. I am jusst ready for most of this to be over. Although i get to eat food from the Hula Hut tomorrow night at the reception and then tonight we are eating at texas land and cattle which is going to be alot of fun it is just going to be late tonight and a late night tomorrow. Man i cant wait til i tell this guy that i like him cause my best friend from highschool has just told me that she is getting married which i think is awesome cause the guy she is with they have been togeather for like 3 or 4 years i think maybe 5 so it was about time that her boyfriend asked her.Anyways gotta have lunch and make some phone calls. Well stay tuned for more of my wild and crazy life.

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 1:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 23 June 2005
Family Fueds
Well alright today is just not my day cause my aunt is coming over i just found out and i have no idea as to why but i dont know that her and my mom arent getting along and havent for about 2 years. This is the longest family fued i have seen in my family and it makes me wonder sometimes if this would ever happen between me and my brothers but i dont think it will cause to me we are close all i know is that we well i cant hang out with my cousin or my aunt cause it hurts my moms feeling well i cant really say that i think it hurts my moms feelings but i am not really sure if it does. I think that a fight will break out tonite here at my house and i just wish that my aunt would stay away.

Anyways I just hate that i am stuck in the middle of this huge battle that has been going on and my grandmother just makes it worse by keeping it going and trying to make them fix it and what my mom says is that well she isnt mad she is just done with being walked on which is what my aunt did you my mom alot. THen my grandmoter sticks me in the middle of it and makes it seem like i am the one that needs to fix it and it think i am about to just snap when it comes to my grandmother cause she has to be in everyones business and just tell them what to do and it is driving me and my brothers crazy.

My grandmother has a heart problem and my mom had surgery a month and a half ago well me and my brothers decided with my mom that she wasnt to come to the hospital the day of the suregry cause we all could cope with her crap cause she wanted to deal with everything and it was my oldest brothers job to make all of the decisions that needed to be made and that pissed my grandmother off and she didnt talk to my mom for like 3 weeks. my family all act like a bunch of children and i cant stand it anymore. Til next time

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 5:35 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 June 2005 9:46 PM EDT
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My World IS Changing
Mood:  caffeinated
Well everything is on the move with me and i just cant make it all work. I have a wedding to finish planning for a friend at church that is getting married this weekend so i have to finish setting it up.All my crazy friends are pulling me in every direction and i cant figure out how to tell the guy i like that i like him. My mom and i are packing to move again and we are fighting about it in many different ways and it is just all getting out of hand and i cant take it anymore. So i am n relaxin mode and they hate it and me well i am having fun with it cause they are fighting with me about spending time with them but as long as they make me stressed i am not going out on the own with my crazy zoo of friends that i call a family

Posted by retro2/laidbackkat at 2:05 PM EDT
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