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Fat is the Best!

WARNING THERE MAY BE EXPLICIT CONTENT ON THIS SITE THAT MAY OFFEND IT IS YOUR CHOICE IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE! -Hey everyone. i'm a fat guy who likes all fat people. i wanna write some good stories(IF you know what i mean :} ) anyway, i need some good ideas, so for anyone who wants to (and i know if your on dis site i know you have lots of time on your hands), please give me some good ideas. just let me know what you want it to be about, and i will do my best! here's my email address if you want to get to know someone fat! i'll be waiting. New on this site: fat stories if you have a fat story that you'd like to share, please send it to my email. STORY #1 The Boss It was a bad day to begin with. An electrical storm had knocked out the power, so Jeff's alarm didn't go off. Even though he woke up with enough time to make it to work, he got held up by a slow moving freight train at a railroad crossing. Despite that, he was within moments of being on time and that was whne the he noticed the blue flashers in his rearview mirror. By the time the policeman handed the citation to him it was a half hour past his regular starting time. Knowing the guys on the crew wouldn't have started any serious work yet, Jeff thought he just might be able to slip in the laoding dock door and get to his work area unnoticed. he was just steps away when he heard his his name called. His heart sank. "Jeff, come here please," a husky voice demanded. He didn't have to turn around. He knew who it was: Laurel Hutching - Executive Vice President of Cargo Operations - his boss - all 5'11", 315 pounds of her. "Turn around, Jeff." He turned slowly and lifetd his gaze to meet her steely gray eyes set in her wide oval face. Her full red lips were downturned in an expression of disapproval. Angry lines contrasted darkly against the milky white skin of her forhead. She shook her mane of blonde hair impatiently as she began to speak. "This is the third time this week you've been late, Jeff. What seems to be the problem?" Her eyes bored into him and made him look anywhere but at her eyes. he made the mistake of looking downward. Involuntarily, he followed the curve of her smooth neck down to the generous cleavage of her jutting breasts where they strained against the fabric of her white blouse. He felt his penis begin to stir and stiffen against the material of his cotton workpants as his eyes roamed down his boss' ample figure. He surveyed her thick, fleshy belly where it plumped out the waistband of her skirt. He became engorged as he noticed how her skirt tightened where her thighs and torso came to juncture. "Are you listening to me, Jeff?" Jeff heard his boss somewhere in the backround as he unconsciously sliiped his hand in the front pocket of his pants. His eyes descended ever downward to the creamy white of her thighs encased in nude hose. He could faintly hear the whisper of the hose as one meaty thigh came into friction with the other. His penis escaped from his underwear and tented triumphantly at the side of his groin.Absentmindely he stroked himself through his pocket and . . . "Jeff!" He came out of his reverie, jerking his hand from his pocket and snapping his head up. "Sorry, Ms. Hutching," he stammered. "Sorry, my ass, Jeff. You'd be out the door if we didn't have this big Amalgamated order to finish. You'd better watch your step, mister.You're skating on thin ice. It took iron will and determination for him to not look at her heaving bosom as she barked out her diapproval.He managed to hold her stare as she finished. "Now get your ass to work," She turned on her heel and stomped to the office. he was immediately mesmerized as he watched the generous globes of her buttocks rotate under her tight skirt. He was still staring dumbfounded as she turned abruptly. "Now, Jeff, now!" The rest of the day passed uneventfully. The Amalgamated job was coming together smoothly. Jeff steered the forklift with practised ease and he fell into a regular routine. He steered the forklift into the back warehouse to retrieve a pallet of flanges when he noticed his boss on a catwalk twenty feet above him. She was doing an inventory of parts on the second tier. She had a clipboard balanced on her knee and her foot propped on a crate. From his vanatge point on the forklift he was able to view all the way up into her skirt. In a flash his eyes moved up her thick calves to her fleshy thighs where her thigh-high hose ended to the point where her mound reigned unobstructed by panties. he though he detected a glimpse of pink wetness before he ran his forklift into the pallet of glass filament replacements. When he came to he was on the leather couch in her office. He felt a cold rag draping his forehead. His head ached slightly as his eyes came into focus. "So, you're alright then?" "I think so, How did I get here?" "I carried your skinny little ass in here after I found you on the floor." "Thanks" "Don't thank me. You are probably the stupidest, most worthless employee I have ever had. You just cost this company $5,000!" Jeff just moaned and the ache in his head doubled. "I just don't have much choice but to fire your ass!" She was standing now and bent over as she berated him. Despite the ache in his head his eyes sliiped down to the pendulous breasts swaying inside her top just inces away. "I'm sorry I have to fire you, but I don't see how you can repay the company." He didn't know why he did it. Perhaps because he believed he was fired or because he couln't control a primal urge, but he reached about and squeesed one of her massive breasts. The material of her bra was soft against the callouses of his hands. Her breats felt fleshy and pliable. her nipples sprung rigid against the bra, stabbing into his plam. He heard the sharp intake of her breath. "What the hell do you think you're doing mister?" He grasped the breast's twin as she made an effort to pull away. He massaged them greedily as she protested. Their efforts cause the buttons of her blouse to ripple open and the top portion of her stomach appeared, milky white in the fluorescent light of the office. Her bra began to ride up over her breasts as her protests began to come farther apart. He continued carressing the fleshy orbs as she began to tentatively began to push against his palm. "Jeff, we shouldn't be doing this." He stared at her. For the first time since he had worked there, she looked away. "Are you sure?" he asked. He twisted her nipples sharply,; she moaned audibly. "No... yes... I don't know what I mean." She lowered her mouth to his and kissed him wetly, her greedy tongue snaking in his mouth. He hooked his hand in the waistband of her skirt and began to tug it down over her wide hips. "Don't stop, please don't stop," she begged as she twisted her mouth against his. She smothered his face with her fleshy breasts as she kicked the skirt the rest of the way off. He pushed her away gently. "Stand over there," he ordered. "What's wrong," she asked as she complied with his order. "I want to look at you.Turn around slowly for me." Her breasts gently swayed, her belly quivered, and her ass cheeks rippled as she did a slow pirouette. Her face reddened and her nipple poked out further as she put on the show. Jeff slipped out of his work pants and underwear and his cock sprung free. he stood before her. "What do you want... Laurel?" She stepped to the couch and lowered herself to the black leather. "You know what I want," she said as she spread rippling thighs apart. She smiled at him as he lowered himself into her pussy. "You may not be fired after all, Jeff."

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