This is the brand new HIllary Duff Fan Site! If you like HIllary Duff then Join by signing the form to your left! But anyways, I think you should join this clique! And If you know of anyone that likes her too, then just tell them about my site! You can also go to her Official Site. But when you get there, you are re-directed to this other site. Scroll down to the bottom and it will say enter Hillary's Site! If anyone wants to donate a button for the codes part, just send me a little Email. Or! If anyone has any comments or questions then just tell me in the guestbook or email me for that too! Thanks Bunches! *-*Amanda*-*

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*1* Must Like HIllary Duff
*2* Must use a button or make one of your own!
*3* Must Have button linked back to this page!
The buttons are below
My Other Site
*Wanna be linked here, Just sign my guestbook and ask for a link exchange, or you could just join my clique* LOL
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