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Shake loose the cobwebs and stir up some gray matter! There are no right or wrong answers here. Right or wrong is a matter of perception, anyway, isn't it? Healthy debate about all things philosophical can only strengthen an individual's resolve or change it's course otherwise.

So, here's the issue--


If ever there were a base for this union to split at the seams, it would be the dichotomy that entangles church and state. "God Bless America" long as His name isn't mentioned in our public school systems. " nation under God"...until liberalism feels threatened by the constraints of morality. "In God We Trust"...until conservatism is publicly humiliated by a band of third world thugs(who, incidentally, are bound to their own conservatism).

While our children, regardless of faith or denomination, are taught that we are blessed by a creator, they are also taught that the law of the land turns the wheels of justice. They are told that fervent prayer and meditation are the pathways to whatever god they worship, and to let their light shine for all the world to long as they keep it in the closet, and as long as they don't intrude on others' rights to be atheists, agnostics, or any number of half-baked excuses to succumb to human nature.

Speculation suggests that, if we were indeed one nation, under ANY god's sanction; diversity may not be such a difficult concept. The very nature of religion suggests that blessings are a free commodity, not to be associated or confused with any power or principality that may choose to dole them out at will.

Organized religion is not too far set apart from labor unions, political parties, or organized crime, in that respect. The substance of the organization seems to detract from the benefit of its supporters. That, in and of itself, may be the fuse. The anger, frustration, despair, pain and disparity of the average believer--left or right, conservative or liberal--may well be the powder keg.

We cannot deny our creator, whatever name we choose to address in prayer. We are condiitoned to accept our government, with all its faults. Some choose to follow one...some, the other. Still others choose to ride the fence. Auchincloss had it right, when he identified the condition as "the dichotomy of the few and of the many."

Take your time. Chew it up. Digest it. If nothing else, you're bound to find some sort of clarity in the process. Tell us what you think. Scroll down and rant away Thanks.
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How much of the vote wil 3rd/4th parties get in '04?

I don't care
10% or better

How many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb?


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