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Aaron sat there looking at her. She was sound asleep. She had red hair and greens eyes. She had a pretty smile. He smiled as he watched her sleep. He felt the pain in his heart as he watched his little girl. She looked like her mother. Her mother who was taken far too soon. He felt the tears start and brushed them away. He swore to himself he would not cry infront of Heaven. He left her room and went to the livingroom. He took out a photo book and saw a photo of him and his wife from when they met after his concert. He had just turned 17. She was a fan and he had asked her out.

7 years before...............

"Hey what's your name?" Aaron asked a somewhat tall young lady with red hair and enchanting green eyes. She had on a nice pair of jeans and a nice purple peasent top. She also had on a interestng crystal.
"Angel." She giggled. Aaron smiled at her giggle. He liked it. It was a soft sweet and cute sound.
"Thanks cool. I got a sister named Angel. Would you like to get something to eat after the show? I mean just you and I. We can go get pizza or somthing," He asked. Heaven looked at him and smiled.
"Sure. Where do I meet you?" She asked.
"Just wait by the backstage door. Mike here will bring you back and we can go to the hotel." He smiled at her. She nodded her head and went to find her seat.

Present..... Aaron remebered that night well. They talked until 5 the next day. He was so tired, but it was worth it. She was different from other girls. That is what made her interesting. She was moving to California from New York and was going to become an actress or a model. Aaron knew that she was the one girl he would want to spend more time with. And it became that they did. Either on the phone, in person or online. Aaron talked to her all the time. She became a large part of his life.
He looked at more photos and smiled at the thoughts he had with each photo. Like the ones of Heaven at the park with him behind her. Her green eyes shining like her mothers. Heaven was so much like her mother. She had the same smile and laugh. She looked more and more like her mother everyday. It was the day before Angel's 19th birthday when he gave her the best gift of all.

6 years before...............

"Ang? You here?" He called through the house that they shared.
"I'll be down in a sec." She called from their room. They had moved in together on her 18th birthday. It was a year after they had first started to date. She walked down and smiled when she saw Aaron. He had just goten home from his tour. It was midnight and she was more then happy to stay up for him. She strolled down the stairs and hugged him.
"I have something I wanted to ask you." He said as he took a deep breath.
"Ok. You know you can tell or ask me anything." She smiled. Aaron led her to the couch and sat her down. He kneeled in front of her on one knee and spoke.
"Angel, you are the best thing to have walked into a concert that I had done. I knew there was something about you that I had have. Ok I know that sounds bad and all, but I am nervous. I was hoping that since I found my bit of Heaven that you could also be my bit of earth. I love you so much and I never want to lose you. Will you marry me?" He asked as he pulled out a 4 1/2 caret dimond ring set on white gold.
"Aaron.......yes." She whispered.
"Yes?" He asked not to sure if he heard her right. She nodded her head and started to cry. He hugged her tight and gentely kissed her.

Present day...........

That made him happy when they got married and told his family. They were thrilled. Nick was proud of Aaron for finding a girl who could make him so happy. His mother was crying when they told her. She was happy for her youngest child. She had always hoped it would be later. She was happy for her son. Bob and girls were also happy. They set to work planning it all. On Febuary 14th they became Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carter. Angel was so happy. She was married to a man she loved more then anything. It was not until later that same year they got a bigger surprise.

May 14th........5 years ago........

"Aar? Hunny I have to tell you something." She said as she chewed her lower lip.
"What's up?" He asked as he gave her a kiss and pulled her to his lap.
"Well sweetie, you know that night on the boat?" She giggled.
"Yea. I don't think we can think of it the same anymore." He laughed.
"You got that right. Well I went to the doctors. I am........"She began as the phone rang.
"Just a I can't....Look call back tomorrow man." He said as he hung up the phone.
"Aar I am gonna have a baby." She said with a smile.
"Your pregnant?" he asked.
"I am 4 weeks pregnant. I am due January 21th." She smiled again.
"I am gonna be a daddy?!" He said with a big smile. She nodded. He hugged her and kissed her softly.
"I am so happy."Angel said with a smile.
"So am I. I am gonna be a daddy!" He smiled really big. Angel laughed and kissed him again.

Present day.......

Aaron looked at the annoucment from when Heaven was born. Heaven Ann Carter. Born January twenty-first 2010 at 11:30 PM. 7lbs 4 ounces. It was pink and green. Aaron began to cry as he turned the page of the book. Heaven had woken up and made her way to her father. She crawled onto the couch and looked at him.

"Daddy ok?" the 3 year old asked.
"Yes hunny. I was just going ti put in the tape of Mommy soon. Do you want to see it?" He asked.

She nodded her head and her red hair bounced around her face. He smiled at her as he stood up. He put the book away and sta down next to Heaven. It was a year after she was born that it happened. Angel had been in put into the hosbital for having a low bloodpressure. Only as it turned out there was more to it. She had a form of brain caner. It was not able to be treated. Aaron was crushed. He wanted to save his wife. The only other thing in his life that ment the most to him. He had begged the doctors to try something. They said that there was no chance of her making it if they tried anything. All he could do was make her time enjoyable. Angel had told Aaron she wanted to make a video for her baby. She wanted Aaron to show it to Heaven when she was 2. Aaron tried to protest, but Angel would not hear of it. So Aaron did as she asked.
Aaron took Heaven to her room and put the tape in.

"Hey my sweetie. I'm your mommy. Even though I am not there I want you to know how much I loved you. I am so sorry I can't be there.I wanted to be there, but god called me away. He needed me. I will always be in your heart. I wanted you to know that you have loving grandparents and aunts and uncles. You also have a father who cares very deeply for you. He loves you so much. I You be good for him and do not give him too hard of time. I also want you to know that when you were born it was the best day of our lives. I never wanted anything more then you and your father. Only now, I am going to lose both. I wanted you to know how much I loved you. If I could be there I would. It hurts me that I can not be there with you both. Instead I am with god an dthe angels. When your old ask your father about me. He will tell you anything you want to know. I have to go now hunny. I love you so much." Angel said as the tape ended.

2 years ago Novemeber 9th.....

"Aaron....please make sure Heaven knows about me. As much as I love you I need you to do this. Tell her about me and show her photos of me....I will always be with you......Also please go to my top drawer. There is something in there for Heaven. I want her to get it on her 8th birthday....I am tired." Angel said as she coughed. She shut her eyes and Aaron sat down next to her.
"Angel, please, you can't go. Please. I need you." He cried. He let his tears fall as she drifted off. He held her hand. He heard the heart monitor sound and he cried. He had lost his first bit of heaven. She got her last wishes. She was at home and with her family. Aaron sat with her and cried.

Present day.............

Aaron sat with his little girl as she watched her mother on the tape. He took out a box and gave it to her. He couldn't wait to give it to her. He stood up and took out the tape.

"Heaven, mommy wanted you to have this. This was her's when she was younger and she wanted you to have it. Inside is a photo of you and a photo of her. Keep it with you always." He said as he took out a locket and placed it on his daugther's neck.
"Daddy crying?" She asked in her little voice.
"I am just a litle sad." He said as he hugged her close letting the tears fall.