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第07話ブラウン レンジャ、第1のストライキ!

Episode 07 - Brown Ranger, 1st Strike!

(inside MAHO-DOU)

Doremi: WA-?
Onpu: They want search some flowers?
Aiko: Flowers to make tea?
Hazuki: It sounds dangerous...
Momoko: Yes...we need help Fluffy-chan!
Doremi: OK!
Majorika: BUT, Who is going to stay here?!
Doremi: I forgot!
Aiko: We need somebody to stay here...
Poppu: Don't worry! I will sell many sweets!
Doremi: Thank you Poppu-chan!
Poppu: You go to help Fluffy!

(Road to Magic Garden)

Pao: Hana-tan...I am hungry...
Hana: Hana-chan is hungry too...
Fluffy: AH...but we aren't close!
Hana: Inumimi-chan is hungry too?
Fluffy: I am not! (Fluffy's stomach grumbles)
Fluffy: Hueeee...(blush)
Hana: (laughing) You are hungry too!
Pao: Inumimi-tan is hungry!
Hana: Hana-chan have some food!
Pao: Hana-tan, I want eat!
Fluffy: (Takes off helmet) but...we need search the flower
Hana: Inumimi-chan, don't worry! Doremi will help us!
Fluffy: Oh! Yes! I was forgeting Doremi-chan!
Hana: Then let's eat!
Pao: Yes!
Fluffy: (smiling) Let's eat then!

(Night. Crickets chirping. In camp fire.)

Pao: (sleeping) Zzzzzz
Hana: This is warm.
Fluffy: I learned to make fire with woods
Hana: (looking Fluffy) ...
Fluffy: (looking Hana) ...
Hana: You look good dressed as Maho Ranger!
Fluffy: You look good as Commander Hana!
Hana: I hope Doremi come soon!
Fluffy: is dark now...
Hana: They might come here tomorrow
Fluffy: Yes...

(Night. Inside MAJOKAI Castle)

Doremi: Queen...
Queen: It is dangerous going at night...
Aiko: Why?
Queen: Many weird things happen in the road to the garden...
Onpu: Like...?
Queen: Many old ghosts and bad things happen...that's why nobody goes there
Hazuki: G-Ghosts?!
Aiko: Calm down Hazuki-chan...
Momoko: But...we can't leave Fluffy-chan and Hana-chan alone!
Queen: They have Pao-chan and Fluffy-chan have magic
Doremi: but...Fluffy-chan Magic level is low...
Queen: I trust in her, and I know they will be OK
Ojamajo: Queen...
Queen: Tomorrow, you will go to search them.
Doremi: OK!
Momoko: Fluffy-chan...
Onpu: Don't worry Momo-chan...Fluffy is strong
Aiko: Yes!, also, Hana-chan is very powerful too!
Hazuki: They will be OK
(An old clock sounds)
Doremi: Midnight...
Hazuki: ...Majorika...majorika...majorika...
Aiko: It will start...
Onpu: Un...
Momoko: Fluffy-chan...
Queen: can stay here until morning.
Doremi: Thank you, Queen!

(Hana's camp. Midnight)

Hana: (sleepy) A...Hana-chan is sleepy...
Fluffy: (serious) I have...a..feeling...
Hana: Feeling?
Fluffy: something bad will happen...
Hana: Inumimi-chan, daijoubu?
(Long Pause)
Fluffy: (jumps toward Hana) HANA-CHAN!
Hana: WA-!!
(A little fireball destroys the lightfire)
Hana: Hueeeeeeeee!-
Fluffy: Who are you?!
Ghost: I am a GHOOOOST from the Magical Woods.
Fluffy: Ghost?
Hana: OH! Its is time to battle!
Ghost: Eh? Who are you?
Hana: (grin) I am...COMMANDER HANA!!!!
Ghost: ...
Hana: We are the super extreme and great defensors
of the right, love, peace and cute things!
Ghost: ...
Fluffy: am Majo Brown!
Ghost: Children are weird those days...
Fluffy: (blushing) ...
Hana: Hey! don't insult us! We are super cool!
Fluffy: Hana-chan...
Ghost: And weird too!
Hana: No! We are the defensors of right!
Fluffy: H-Hana-chan...
Ghost: You are crazy...
Fluffy: Hana-chan...don't make that ghost mad...
Hana: me Commander Hana...
Fluffy: HUEEEEE! she is taking serious!
Ghost: ???
(Many rays come from Hana's compact)
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Ghost: (evades the attack) are good...
Hana: Hana-chan failed!
Ghost: Fufufufu!
Fluffy: Hana-chan! He is too powerful!
Pao: (sleeping) Zzzz
Fluffy: Pao-chan is still sleeping...
Hana: Brown! We need the MAJO-SWORD!
Fluffy: Hueee! The Majo-what?!
Hana: (posing) Evil Ghost! You will be punished!
(Hanachan hums SENTAI music and the MAJO-Sword animation plays)
Fluffy: HUEE!
Hana: (holding the MAJO-Sword) DUH DUH DUH DUH!!
Ghost: (froze)......
Fluffy: HUEEE!! It is a real sword!!
Hana: Dissapear!!! EVIL GHOST!
Ghost: ....
(Hana's blow becomes a fine ray of Light)
Fluffy: HUEEE!
(The ghost explodes and many hearts and flowers fall from sky)
Fluffy: ...hueee...Awesome!
Hana: Brown... We did it...Not even the Dark of the night
Can stop the defensors of the MAJOKAI!
Fluffy: well...y-yes!
Hana: Now! Let's take Pao-chan and let's go to a safe place!
Fluffy: Yes!
Hana: Commander HANA saves the day!!!
Fluffy: (grins and thinks) Hana-chan is very reliable
Hana: (humming Commander Hana theme)
Fluffy: She is the first person that make me feel safe...
Fluffy: Thank you Hana-chan...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 8

The ghost is defeated but a evil monster attacks! danger!!
Hana try to attack but the monster is so powerful...but...Fluffy?!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Golden Heart"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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