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Episode 34 - Fusion

(Dark World)

Doremi: Ayane-chan, where is the way to go with ZARD?
Ayane: This way, please come with me.
Momoko: Ayane-chan dont' have a broom.
Doremi: Also she don't have a witch suit
Ayane: ... Um ... sure .. I'd take the train station ...
Midori: (holds Ayane's hand) Come here Ayane-chan!
Ayane: Midori-san ...
Doremi: hehe, good! Now let's go!
Ayane: (nods) let's go to the west.

(Dark World, West Side)

Doremi: Is that place?
Momoko: Its a big rusty house ...
Ayane: ... yes, it is here.
Midori: Mmm It needs some painting ... and remodeling!
Aiko: (sweatdrop) Midori-chan ...
Fluffy: Let's go there then!

(They land near the house and walk to the entrance)

Doremi: It's a little scary ...
Momoko: Ahh ...
Hana: (hugging Fluffy) Hana-chan is a little scary ...
Fluffy: hueeee ...
Doremi: (gulps) okay ... here we go ...
Ayane: Why you are scared?
Doremi: (knocks the door) ...

(The door opens slowly)

Fluffy: Ah ... it opened!
Hana: But nobody is there ...
Doremi: It's so scary!
Ayane: Um ... it's not scary .... (entering)
Midori: Ooh, Automatic door!
Momoko: (sweatdrop) Midori-chan ...
Fluffy: Let's follow Ayane-chan ...

(They enter the house, dark and scary, but at the same time, a
legendary place and they felt some strange energy)

(Dark World, ZARD house)

Ayane: ZARD-sensei!
Momoko: Ah!
Fluffy: The echo can be heard, its so big this house?
Doremi: Uoooh!

(Zard came from the shadows, but the girls didn't felt her energy)

Zard: Hm? Ayane? Its that you?
Fluffy: AH!
Hana: WAH! Where did she came from?!
Doremi: I didn't see her come!
Onpu: She is like a ghost!
Hazuki: Majorika Majorika Majorika ....
Momoko: oh my god!
Midori: Oh, nice entrance!
Aiko: Woah, her eyes are deep as a lake ...
Kiri: Why i didn't felt her energy? ...
Ayane: Zard-sensei, long time no see ...
Zard: You bring people? ... hmmm? humans? ... no ...
(Zard looks Fluffy and Midori)
Zard: Well, not all humans ...
Midori: ?
Fluffy: hueeee ...
Ayane: Zard-sensei, the Virus is released ...
Zard: I knew ... he is destroying the East side
Fluffy: ?!
Kiri: ?!
Doremi: AHh, he is moving fast! ...
Zard: Yes ... its too early to fight, but somebody released it ...
the gold witch its too young now ... (looks Kiri)
Kiri: ........
Ayane: Please help us, Zard-sensei!
Zard: Mmm, okay ... first of all, you are Musical witches, isn't?
Doremi: Yes, we are ...
Momoko: Flu-chan is a musical witch too
Onpu: Ayane-chan is a Dark witch
Aiko: and Kiri is the Golden witch ...
Ayane: What that means, Zard-sensei?

(Using her dark power, Zard appears 2 boxes)

Midori: oh, I like the design!
Ayane: What is that? ...
Zard: Gifts from a friend ... I am giving them to you, so you can fight
against the Virus ...
Doremi: I wonder what they are
Onpu: Ooh ... two boxes ...
Aiko: Presents? ...
Zard: Yep ... from an old friend ... (Zard gets her bottle of sake)
Ayane: old friend? ...
Zard: Open the boxes, Ayane.
Momoko: Ooh, what will contain inside?

(Ayane opens the left box and it contains 2 Witch Taps)

Doremi: Witch taps?
Momoko: Apprentice Witch taps?
Hazuki: that will help us to save the world?
Aiko: but we don't need another apprentices!
Zard: (drinking) These aren't normal apprentice tap ... its the FUSION TAP.
All: Fusion Tap?!

Zard: That's right ... In our battle 133 years ago, Majotron made them, it was useful in the battle
before the Golden witch appeared and saved all ...
Kiri: Mother ...
Doremi: But what you mean by fusion?
Momoko: Is like unite?
Onpu: Majotron made weird stuff ...
Aiko: Fusion, like a fusion of stuff?
Hazuki: It seems like for fusing people ...
Ayane: ooh ...
Midori: They are pretty!!
Zard: Yes, its for fusing people ... for being more specific, fusing 2 Witches ...
Flu & Hana-chan: COOL!
Ayane: Amazing ... how it works, Zard-sensei?
Zard: (gets up) ... (looking Doremi) You, the girl with ballons on head ...
Doremi: (mad) BALLOONS?!
Onpu: (laughs) ...
Aiko: Hahaha its true!
Ayane: ... (smiles slighty)
Midori: Oh my .. its true!
Momoko: Ahaha!
Zard: (looking Fluffy) You, the dog-girl ...
Fluffy: hueee ...
(Zard gives one girl a fusion tap)
Aiko: Woah ...
Hazuki: They will ...
Onpu: ....
Momoko: Inumimi?
Hana: Ooh? They are going to play?
Ayane: Zard-sensei?
Zard: Now ... lets start! Dog-girl, Balloon head girl ... First put in front of eachother.
Doremi: (holding the tap) Um ...Okay
Fluffy: (holding the tap) Oh ... Like this?
Zard: Yes, now (uses her dark magic to transforms them back to normal)
Ayane: AH!
Onpu: She reverted them to normal! ...
Momoko: Using pure magic ...
Doremi: Ah?!
Fluffy: We need be normal?
Zard: yes ... you can't use the tap while using other taps ... Magical, Light or Dark ....
Fluffy: ... (looking Doremi) ...
Doremi: .. lets go ...
Zard: Now ... I'll count to Three ... when the count goes down to ZERO, you need press
AT THE SAME TIME, your tap ... if you fail, you will not fuse, until you wait 5 minutes.
Doremi: Eh?!
Fluffy: hueeeee!
Ayane: ...oh, they need coordinate ...
Midori: Looks fun!
Hana: ahah they need do a dance!
Momoko: (sweatdrop) Hana-chan ...this isn't THAT manga ...
Zard: LETS START ... press the tap! ....

(Fluffy and Doremi press the tap, then they are covered with a colorful aura)

Zard: THREE ...
Doremi: (heartbeats) ...
Zard: TWO ...
Fluffy: (heartbeats) ...
Zard: ONE ...
Doremi: I will fuse with Fluffy?
Fluffy: We can do such a thing?
Zard: ZERO!
Fluffy and Doremi: (press the tap at same time) AH!!

(Then a light covers them both and they form a big ball of energy)

Zard: They did it ...
Onpu: Doremi-chan?!
Hazuki: Fluffy-chan?!
Momoko: Flu-chan?!
Hana: Inumimi, where are you?
Midori: Oh my...
Ayane: Ah, look!!!

(The light fades out and then a girl comes out from the energy ball)

Girl: (looking herself) ...
Hazuki: ?!
Aiko: WHA?!
Onpu: WHO IS?!
Momoko: oh my god!
Hana: Inumimi? Doremi? Where are you!
Ayane: ...who is this?
Kiri: Her hair is brown and red?!
Midori: She got dog ears and tail ...
Zard: Tell them your name ...
Girl: My name is Dorefi!

All: ?!
Dorefi: Hehehe, nice to meet you all!
Kiri: Dore...
Ayane: fi?...
Momoko: Eh? Its Doremi and Flu-chan fused?
Hana: Ahaha Doremi and Fluffy in one!
Onpu: Amazing ...
Hazuki: She is small like Fluffy, but have Fluffy and Doremi hair styles!
Aiko: She even have Doremi and Fluffy-chan clothes fused!
Zard: Not only that ... her skills are fused too ...
Dorefi: (playing with her dog ears) ...
Hana: haha cute! (hugs Dorefi)
Kiri: She is able to become a witch?
Zard: Of course the fusion tap becomes one, and it takes all the data from the girls.
Onpu: Amazing
Momoko (worried) But, how long this fusion lasts?!
Midori: They can return to normal?
Ayane: I hope so ...
Zard: Of course, they need wait 1 hour.
Momoko: Thank goddess ...
Dorefi: (blushing) hueee ... why you are hugging me!
Onpu: She even have Fluffy behavior ...
Hana: Inumimi so cute!
Dorefi: I am not Inumimi!! I am Dorefi!
Hana: You love Kotake too?
Dorefi: Kotake ... (blush and gets mad) OF COURSE NOT!
Hana: Ahahaha
Momoko: (sweatdrop) ...
Zard: Now become a Witch ...
Dorefi: Ah, Okay!
Kiri: Let's see this ...
Dorefi: (takes the tap and transforms into a witch) Pretty Witch Dorefi!
Midori: Ah? She does doremi Pose ...
Kiri: Oh ... yeah ...
Ayane: ... What was that? ...
Dorefi: hehehe, I want steak ... I am starving ...
Hazuki: That's Doremi love for steak ...
Aiko: But she isn't bragging for it like Doremi does ...
Momoko: yeah hahaha ...
Zard: mmm Their power is fused too, she is twice powerful than any witch
Kiri: I wonder if she can convert into a Gold witch like me.
Zard: (looking Kiri) What you said?!
Dorefi: Like this? Ahhhhh!! (concentrating power)
(Dorefi becomes a gold witch in front of Zard)
Zard: ?!
Momoko: ?!
Ayane: ......?!
Kiri: Ah ... Ah ...
Onpu: She became ...
Aiko: ... A gold Witch?!
Hazuki: Is a fused gold witch
Dorefi: Pirikara Pirirara Pika Pi! Make a Steak APPEAR!
Midori: Their spell is combinated too!
(A steak appears)
Dorefi: WAH!! STEAK!
Hana: Ahaha Steak!
Zard: ?! WHAT IS THIS! (dissapears the Steak with her dark power) ....!!
Dorefi: Wah ... The steak ...
Onpu: Zard-sama?
Ayane: Zard-sensei?
Zard: (amazed) How is supposed to be 2 golden witches?!
Dorefi: (sad) waaa I am the prettiest unluckiest dog-girl in the world ...
Onpu: (sweatdrop) Thats doremi behavior ....
Ayane: Zard-sensei, I'll explain it to you
Dorefi: steaaaaaak ...

(Dark World, Zard House, afternoon)

Zard: So ... (drinking sake) the legendary Gold witch?
Dorefi: Uh?
Momoko: Inum ... I mean ... Dore ... Dorefi
Dorefi: Ah, Momo-chan!
Kiri: She seems to have some splitted memory from both.
Zard: This will help you agaisnt virus ... but I recommend to fight next weekend ...
Ayane: Why is that? ...
Zard: Cause the Virus wont attack her while I am here ... cause I can seal it ... but not
by myself ... I need the golden witch hep, so I need wait until you ... or her, get more
experience ... (driking sake)
Momoko: Mmm we need train more ...
Aiko: And sell more at MAHO-DO
Onpu: I know we can do it!
Hana: hana-chan will help!
Ayane: Thanks Zard-sensei ...
Zard: MAHO-DO? ... you mean that shop? That's why your power is high ... hahaha ...
Ayane: um ...
Hazuki: our power ...
Aiko: She refers our Musical power ...
Kiri: Then my Golden power will grow if I work at MAHO-DO? ...
Midori: Oh my ... We have power!
Dorefi: MAHO-DO? ... ahh w need go back or Majorika will be maaaad, hueee
Momoko: You are right ... Zard-sama ...
Ayane: (reverence) ... Thanks for all, Zard-sensei ...
Zard: Wait ... Ayane ... open the second box
Momoko: Ah yes
Onpu: I almost forgot about it.
Hazuki: yes, i wonder whats inside it ...
Aiko: Another fusion tap?
Midori: Oh ...
Kiri: I doubt it ... The desig is different ...
Ayane: ... this? (takes the box)
Zard: Open it ... (drinks sake)
Ayane: (Opens the box and a black tap is in it)
Momoko: Eh?
Ayane: This is ...............
Zard: yep, is that ...
Dorefi: Uh?
Onpu: What is that?
Midori: Ayane-chan, what is that tap?
Ayane: (smiles slighty) ... mother battle armor ...
All: Eh?!
Ayane: My mother used it on the 133 Witch battle ...
Zard: (driking sake) Since you lost your Dark Witch tap, this will be helpful
Momoko: but ... isn't a witch suit?
Zard: Is a battle armor ... (looks Kiri) There is a Golden battle armor too, right?
Kiri: ... yes ... mother used it ...
Zard: You are Lucy Matsumoto daughter? You look like her.
Dorefi: ooh ...
Kiri: (nods) Yes I am ...
Zard: Of course since you are the golden witch ... hahaha (drinks more)
Ayane: (smiles and reverences again) Thank you ... Sensei ...
Midori: (opens her eyes and smiles) good, you got something nice, Ayane-chan
Ayane:(closes eyes and holds the tap) Yes, Midori-chan ... mother .... I wont fail
Dorefi: I wanted something too ...
Aiko: (sweatdrop) You were born from THAT GIFT...
Dorefi: uh?
Momoko: (shrugs) Um, lets go back, okay?
Zard: please drop by the next weekend ... we'll make a plan to stop the virus ...
Zard: take care ... Witches of Music ... Golden Witch ... and ... (looking Midori)
Midori: um?
Zard: (driking more sake) :.. hehe You will know soon ... hahahaha ...
Ayane: Goodbye ... Zard-sensei!
Midori: What she mean with that?
Momoko: Midori isn't Witch of music?
Aiko: But she is a witch apprentice like us ...
Kiri: Ah, we'll find that later, lets return MAHO-DO
Dorefi: Ahh, Majorika will be mad, hueee ...
Momoko: I wonder if the Hour passed yet ...
Hana: I want Fluffy and Doremi together forever! (hugging Dorefi)
Dorefi: hueeeeeeee!

(Dark World, Virus lair)

Virus: ....
????????: So, ZARD is back ... we need wait to do the final move ... right?
Virus: (changes shape) ...
????????: Uh? ... Whats wrong? Piece of scrap!
Virus: (absorbs the dark witch energy with its tentacles)
????????: AH, NOOOOOO!
(The dark witch dissapears)
Virus: ... So ... ZARD ... um? ...

To be continued! ★☆


Preview of Episode 34

The dark world is a strange place, we need save it!
ZARD-sama is a good person but she drinks like
Majorika ... Let's train and make many cookies!
Then battle for the love and peace!!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Draw my heart"

May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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