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Episode 30 - Ayane's Second Strike

(MAJOKAI, Dark World)

Ayane: (mad) ... Today will be the day of your last battle .... (holds her poron firmly)
(Ayane looks up)
Ayane: And I will make those smiles of your into tears ...

(Human World, Misora School Playground)

Fluffy: hueee, Seki-sensei did another test ...
Doremi: yeah, I think I failed ...
Momoko: Ah, you need study more, Doremi-chan
Doremi: (scratching her head) Y-Yes, ahaha
Kimura: Ahhh, Careful!
Fluffy: ahhh!
Momoko: waaaa
(the soccer ball hits Fluffy's face)
Fluffy: (K.O) Hueeeeeeeee....
Momoko: FLU-CHAN!
Doremi: Fluffy-chan!
(fade out)

(Misora School. Infermary)

Fluffy: (waking up) huaaaa ...
Yuki Sensei: Ah, you are waking up, Eevee-san
Fluffy: eh? Where am I?
Yuki Sensei: At infermary, you got a hit from the soccer ball.
Fluffy: Ah ... (rubbing her head)
Momoko: Flu-chan, are you okay?
Fluffy: Yes, I think so, ehehe, mmm? where is Doremi-chan?
Momoko: Oh ... (looks to the door) she is talking withthe person who hit you ...
Fluffy: oh? and who it is?
Momoko: uh ...
(Kotake enters to the infermary)
Kotake: Ah, Inumimi, are you okay?
Fluffy: (blushing) Y-yes ....
Doremi: (mad) Kotake you are an idiot!
Kotake: (mad) Shut up Dojimi!
Fluffy: hueeee ...
Momoko: um .. lets go Doremi (takes Doremi out)
Doremi: Ahh Momo-chan, but I want scold him!
Momoko: ehehe ... (pushing Doremi outside)
Fluffy: (blushing more) um ....
Kotake: eh, are you okay Inumimi?
Fluffy: (nods) ...
Kotake: (rubs her head) you need be more careful .... g-goodbye!
Fluffy: (blushes) ah ...
Momoko: (returns) Flu-chan, why are you red?
Fluffy: (blushing) Ahhhh!

(Misora School. Outside)

Doremi: Today was hard ...
Momoko: (nods) too much homework ...
Fluffy: (days dreaming) ...
Aiko: yes ... so much!
Hazuki: mmm? Its not so hard.
Onpu: How about you, Midori-chan?
Midori: I think it was a nice day!
Hana: Ahaha, uh, Inumimi?
Fluffy: (snaps from day dreaming) eh,. what?
Hana: hahaha Inumimi is absent!
Fluffy: (blushing) s-sorry
Momoko: (giggles)
Onpu: Oh ... maybe she is in Love ...
Fluffy: (blushing red) O-ONPU-CHAN!!!
Ojamajo: Ahahaha
(Ayane is looking them from the distance)
Ayane: ... laugh when you can ... cause I will destroy you ...
(A shadow of a strange being appears behind Ayane)

(MAHO-DO, Sweet House open)

Doremi: Thanks for your purchase!.
Midori: ehehe, there is many people here today!
Onpu: Of course they like the new decorations made by you, Midori-chan
Midori: ehehe, oh my ...
(Majorika and Lala watching from her room)
Majorika: nyohohoho! She is a gold mineeee!!
RaRa: (sweatdrop) Majorika ...
(At Kitchen)
Doremi: Ah, there is many people today!
Momoko: yes, thats so good!
Fluffy: (making some cookies in heart shape) ...
Doremi: um? Fluffy-chan?
Momoko: Flu-chan, did Kotake-kun said something special to you?
Fluffy: (blushing) W-WHAT?! N-NO!
Doremi: oh? ...
(Suddenly a thunder sounds)
Fluffy: hueeeeeee!
Momoko: eeeeh?
Doremi: S-Storm?!
(People start getting put from MAHO-DO)
Majorika: Eh? NO!
RaRa: ... Majorika ... this is not a natural storm!
Majorika: Ah ... you are right!
(After the last person leaves Maho-DO)
Doremi: eeeh, why a storm?
Hazuki: mmm, there is no storm season ...
Aiko: Yes ... there is something strange here ...
Onpu: mmm ...
Momoko: Its strange ...
Hana: Hana-chan is cooold (hugs Fluffy-chan)
Midori: Oh my ...
(suddenly, it starts raining)

(MAHO-DO, Outside)

Kiri: This rain ....
(Ayane appears in front of Maho-Do)
Ayane: So ... this is where they are ...
Kiri: Y-You!
Ayane: ...
Kiri: So ... You made this rain!
Ayane: ... so?
Kiri: (mad) ugh ... (shows her the golden tap)
Ayane: ...
Kiri: (transforms into the Golden witch) ...
Ayane: ... you know you aren't rival for me ...
Kiri: (confident look) heh ... I trained so much, you knew?
Ayane: ... we'll see ... (takes her dark Poron)
Kiri: (shows her gold Poron) ... we'll see!
Ayane: (shoots a dark blast) ... Dark ray ...
Kiri: (created a golden shield) Golden shield! ...
Ayane: ... so you improved a bit ...
Kiri: (smiles) of course!
Ayane: ... but you will not be match for me ...
(The strange shadown behind Ayane shows)
Kiri: W-What?!

(MAHO-DO, Inside)

Hana: waaa its raining ....
Hazuki: (looking the window) There is somthing weird with this rain ...
Aiko: (looking closer) uh? Black raindrops?
Onpu: That means ...
Midori: oh?
Doremi: Ah!
Momoko: Its her!
Fluffy: The dark witch!

(The Ojamajo go outside)
Fluffy: ah ... this rain ...
Doremi: Isn't liquid ...
Hazuki: Its so weird!
Onpu: ah! look!
(Onpu points where Kiri is fighting with Ayane)
Momoko: Kiri-chan!
Hana: hueeee!
Ayane: (looks the Ojamajo) ... I will take my revenge now ...
Fluffy: ah ... her eyes ...
Aiko: ... are filled with hate ...
Midori: oh? who is that girl?
Ayane: ...
Hana: oh is Ayane-chan!
Ojamajo: ...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 31

Ah, Ayane and Kiri are battling! Oh no! Another battle?.
But we are here in MAHO-DO, what we should do?
Its time to have the final battle!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy : "Ayane: The last battle"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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