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Episode 29 - I became a happy Witch!

(Morning, MAHO-DO)

Fluffy: (waking up) Ahhh ...
Hana: (still sleeping) Zzzzz ...
Fluffy: AH, I need wake up Hana-chan and make some breakfast ...
Hana: (bitting the pillow) Mmmm ...
Fluffy: (giggle) She is cute ... when she isn't hyperactive ...

(Morning, Downstaris, MAHO-DO)

Majorika: fufufu ...
RaRa: Majorika...
Fluffy: Ohayou, Majorika-san ... uh? what's going on, Lala-san?
Majorika: That green haired girl is a gold miiiine, we need her working here ...
RaRa: (sigh) Ah, Fluffy-chan, Good Morning
Majorika: (leaving) Fufufufufu!
Fluffy: (sweatdrop) hueeeeee ...

(Day, after school, Outside Misora School)

Doremi: Hyaaan, we got much Homework ...
Fluffy: (a little down) yes ...
Momoko: ah, Flu-chan, don't give up! lets do our best!
Fluffy: ehehe, okay, Momo-chan!
Hana: Hana-chan is sleepy ...
Momoko: Oh? Hana-chan?
Fluffy: hueee, Hana-chan lately is reading the mangas I bought ...
Doremi: oh, that famous manga about that Student falling in love with a classmate?
Fluffy: Yes!
Momoko: ah, I heard is a Remake ...
Hana: hana-chan wants sleep, Inumimi ...
Fluffy: hueee, she should sleep early ... ah, I need take care of Hana-chan
Momoko: okey, Flu-chan
Doremi: See you much later!
Fluffy: (grabs Hana) Hai!
Hana: (waves) Byebeeeeee!
Onpu: um? Where is Fluffy-chan going?
Doremi: Ah, Onpu-chan, she was taking care Hana-chan ... she was tired
Aiko: waa, Hana-chan tired? thats amazing ...
Hazuki: She is still a baby, her energy is not infinite as we now ...
Doremi: Ah, thats true ...
Momoko: But since Fluffy-chan gets along with Hana-chan its okay!
Girls: (giggle) Yes!
(Then Midori crosses next them)
Aiko: Ah, Midori-chan
Midori: Oh, Hello!
Onpu: (just smiles to her) Hello!
Hazuki: Ah, are you going your house now?
Midori: hehehe, no, I am going to MAHO-DO ... oh, but thats the place you work, no?
Doremi: Well ... yes
Hazuki: Oh, you are going?
Aiko: AH, maybe Midori-chan wants a cake!
Midori: (nods) yes, exactly, Aiko-chan
Doremi: Wai! Then we all can go to MAHO-DO!
Midori: (opnes her eyes and smiles) Oh ... thank you!
Onpu: (blushes a bit) Ah ...
Aiko: Huaaaa ...
Hazuki: (blushes) hyaaan, those eyes ...
Momoko: Oh ... then Lets get going!

(Day, Walking to MAHo-DO)

Doremi: So, Midori-chan, where do you came from? You moved to Misora?
Midori: (smiling) Yes, I moved to here, we came from Hokkaido region, I come from Furano
Momoko: Oooh ...
Aiko: Wa ... from North ...
Hazuki: Thats explains why you are a little pale ...
Midori: ehehe, yes ... I feel hot days slow and heavy ... (smiles) but they are nice!
Onpu: Oh ... Midori-chan, you seem to be always optimist and happy
Midori: well ... I think so, In my other school they called me the "Happy Green".
Aiko: H-happy green?
Hazuki: (laughs a bit) ...
Doremi: ah ... but its good you are happy!
Midori: Well, I get sad when the series finish, or at endings ... teehee ...
Onpu: (thinking) She is reaaaaally weird ...
Momoko: Ooh ... yes, when anime series is sad!
Doremi: yes, like Battle rangers ... they are about to finish!
Midori: (smiles) ehehe, Odango-girl likes sentai-series
Doremi: ODANGO? (puffs her cheeks)
Onpu: (giggles)
Momoko: hehehe, Doremi-chan doesn't likes being called like that ...
Aiko: Ah, but is true (holds Doremi's odango hair)
Hazuki: Yes, true.
Midori: (smirks) hehehe

(Day, Inside MAHO-DO)

Majorika: fufufu, so, she will come here ... perfect!
RaRa: Majorika, I don't think it will be a good ...
Majorika: (interrupts) Shh, they come ... (hides in her room)

(Ojamajo and Midori enter MAHO-DO)
Doremi: (stretches not so happy) Ahhhh, another day of workiiing...
Hazuki: Doremi-chan, we must do our best!
Aiko: AH, Onpu-chan, why you don't guide Midori so she can sit to wait we open?
Onpu: Ah, Okay
Momoko: ehehe, I'll go with Flu-chan! (leaves)
Doremi: ah, yes, Fluffy-chan and Hana-chan are here.
Hazuki: ihihi, those seem to get along too
Aiko: (smiles) yes!

(Onpu and Midori)

Midori: (looking around) oooh ... funky ...
Onpu: eeh, Midori-chan, please sit here, we'll open the shop soon
Midori: ah, okay, Thank you Onpu-chan! (smiles to her)
Onpu: (blushes a bit and leaves)

(Then Majorika goes close to Midori)

Majorika: uhh. there she is ...
RaRa: (as a Cat) Majorika! , what are you think are doing?
Majorika: fufufu, my gold mine ... (climbs where Midori is sitting)
Midori: (looking around) ooh, this place looks nice ... but a bit weird (smiles)
RaRa: Ah ... Majorika ...
Midori: (sees Lala) Oh, a Kitten ... (gets up and then bends to grabs her)
RaRa: (shivers a bit) M-meow ...
Midori: (smiles to Lala) ehehe, aren't you cute? maybe you are a princess or something!
RaRa: (sweats) M-m-meooooow ...
Majorika: (clears troat)
Midori: um? what was that? (looks around) that was like a cough? (sits on Majorika)
Majorika: !!!! uuuuuuggggh
RaRa: (shock) M-m-m-meoooooooow (looks where Midori sat)
Midori: uh? what it is Kitty? Afre you hungry? (looks her eyes and expression) um? (gets up)
Majorika: (almost KO) uh ...
Midori: Ahh, it was a toy in there? oooh ... (puts Lala on floor and grabs Majorika)
Majorika: (almost unheard moan) uhh ...
Midori: um ... (silent for a while, then gets up and goes to counter)
RaRa: (transforms to fairy while Midori isn't looking and flies to girls)

(MAHO-DO counter)
Midori: (holding Majorika) Doremi-chaaaan
Doremi: (Cleaning counter) mmmm? Midori-chan?
Midori: (shows her Majorika) This toy is from here?
Doremi: (shock) Majorika!!
Midori: oh? "Majorika"? Thats the name of the toy?
Aiko: (walking in) uh? what wrong Doremi-chan?
(looks Majorika and shocks too) WOOOOAHHH ....
Midori: uh? Aiko-chan?
Hazuki: (coming from Kitchen) Ah, Doremi-chan did you ...
(looks Midori and Majorika and her glasses brake)
Midori: (a bit confused) Uh? Hazuki-chan?
Majorika: (regaining conscious) Uhhh ...
Midori: (amazes) oh1 A moving Doll!

(Drumrolls as Everyone is shocked and Majorika is waking up)

Majorika: (looks Midori and yells) BAKAAAAAAAYAAAAROOOOOOOO!!!!
Midori: (drops Majorika) eh?
Doremi: (shocked) ...
Hazuki: (shocked) ...
Aiko: (shocked) ...
Midori: Ah ... the doll just talked (smiles)
Majorika: (mad) I am not a DOLL!
Midori: oh? no? you look like one (giggles)
Majorika: Ugh ... Girls, lets go to backyard ...(gets on her flying scoop)
Midori: oh! Dolls can fly in Misora? (smiles and follows Majorika)
Doremi: (shocked) ...
Hazuki: (shocked) ...
Aiko: (shocked) ...

(Day, MAHO-DO backyard)

Midori: (sitting down in a chair) ehehe, this place is good, I never thought
you had a backyard!
Doremi: (a bit nervous) Eh ... y-yes
Majorika: (clears troat) Wel, Girls, I called you to say something important ...
Hazuki: (shivering) ...
Aiko: (nods but nervous)
Onpu: (nervous too) ... H-hai
Momoko: w-waaaa ...
Midori: oh? The doll can talk? Sugoi! (smiles)
Majorika: Congratulate the new girl who is going to help! here!
(A Party ball is threw and a big banner with the Congratulations word)
Midori: (smiling) eh, me?
Doremi: ...w-what?
Hazuki: That means ...
Aiko: Midori-chan ...
Onpu: Will become ...
Momoko: A ...
Majorika: (to Midori) Erm, Midori is your name? well, Midori-chan,
put your hand here and grab that flying thing in ...
Midori: (happy) Hai Ms. Green Toy!
Majorika: (a bit mad) eh, just do it ...
(Then Midori gets a Apprentice tap from the magic box)
Midori: Oh, whats this? Is pretty!
Doremi: Uh ...
Hazuki: T-This seems familiar ...
Aiko: (nods and gulps) ...
Onpu: Ooh ...
Momoko: (curious) ooh, what color it will be?
Midori: (playing the notes) ooh, It sounds and it have a cute note in front!
Majorika: yes ... press it now!
Midori: (smiling) okay!
(Midori presses the button and a Green Witch suit comes out)
Majorika: Now, dress with that!
Midori: oh! (dreamy eyes) P-pretty! (dresses with it)
Majorika: (grins) nyehehehe ... This is the Born of a new Ojamajo! (heroic Pose)
Ojamajo: ... W-WHAT?!
Midori: hehehe, "Ojamajo"?

(Day, Main room, Inside MAHO-DO)

Majorika: Yes, I am a witch from the Witch World, my name is Makihatayama Rika,
but in this world my name is "Majorika"
Midori: "Majorika"? Thats a funny name for a toy!
Majorika: (mad) I TOLD YOU I AM NOT A TOY!
Doremi: (a bit worried for Midori) Erm ... Midori-chan ... thats a witch ...
well, a Gaeru Witch ... and now you are a Witch apprentice ...
Midori: (smiles) oh ... it sounds fun!
Doremi: (sweatdrop) uh ...
Majorika: (whispers to LaLa) Good this girl is silly, that
protected the girls from becoming Gaeru, fufufu
RaRa: (sweatdrop) Majorika ...
Midori: (silent for a while as looking Majorika) Oh, so you are a witch ...
Majorika: (nods) You have great powers of decorating, so
I choose you to work with the girls
Midori: oh, With Onpu and the others?
Majorika: Right ... do you want to do it?
Midori: (dreamy eyes) Hyaaaan, I'll decorate your cakeees?
Hazuki: (nods and blushing) Well ... Yes
Midori: (very happy) WAI! I accept!
Majorika: (relief) Ah ... good! ahaha! We have a new Ojamajo,
I'll celebrate with beer!
Midori: ehehe, what's an "Ojamajo"?
Onpu: ah, Midori-chan, we'll explain you ...
RaRa: Ah, Majorika , don't drink in front of girls!

(Sunset, Room 1, Inside MAHO-DO)

Midori: (a bit amazed) Ah, so you too are witches?
Doremi: (blushes and nods)
Hazuki: We are sorry Majorika forced you to become a witch ...
Aiko: ah ... Majorika is mean
Onpu: Midori-chan ...
Midori: (smiles) hehehe, silly girls, I am fine, I love
decorating, also helping
Doremi: (dreamy eyes) Midori-chan ...
Hazuki: (smiles) Midori-chan ...
Aiko: Thats the spirit Midori-chan!
Onpu: I hope we do our best!
Midori: (smiling) I am happy!
Momoko: We'll teach you how to use your magic and sweet poron!
Midori: oh ... seems fun!
Doremi: er ... but you need pass some terrible Magic tests ...
Midori: oh, I love tests!
Onpu: (giggles) Midori-chan, you like everything, no?
Midori: well, I think so! ehehe
Doremi: Girls, let's give the welcome to Midori-chan!
Ojamajo: Welcome to MAHO-DO, Midori-chan!
Midori: oh my ... (blushes and opens her eyes) Thank you ...

(Sunset, Outside MAHO-DO)

Midori: ah, I'll tell my parents i'll help you in here,
I can learn many things!
Momoko: Oh nice idea!
Onpu: (smiles) Midori-chan, let's do our best tomorrow!
Fluffy: oh, Midori-chan, I heard you'll work with us!
Hana: Ah! sugoi!
Midori: hai, But I might come few times ... ehehe sorry
Fluffy: hueeee, is sad ...
Hana: But play with Hana-chan when you come!
Midori: That will be fun ... well, I need return my home!
Doremi: Me too!
Onpu: Midori-chan (blushing hands a cake for her) I decorated by
myself ... I am not good as you but ...
Midori: (happy) Oh! Onpu-chan, thank you very much! (reverence)
Momoko: Onpu-chan ...
Hana: cake, cake, cake!
Onpu: (smiles) please take care
Midori: (waves to girls) I will (leaves)
Fluffy: Is good having new friends!
Hana: Hana-chan will do her best too!
Momoko: We'll do our best too Flu-chan, no?
Fluffy: yes Momo-chan!
(The Ojamajo laugh and fade out)

(MAJOKAI, Dark World, Ayane's lair)

Ayane: (grabing her new dark poron) ... be prepared ... Gold witch ...
(Ayane goes out her lair)
Ayane: ... I'll destroy your happy smile and your world ... then this one ...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 30

Midori became an Ojamajo, it so good!
But she seems to be non-affected, its a relief ...
But, what's Ayane planning? A new Battle? Waaa ...

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy : "Ayane's Second Strike"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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