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Episode 28 - My name is Midori Hayabusa!

(Morning, Misora City School, Classroom 5-2)

Nishizawa: Ah, Everyone, the class is about to begin ...
Onpu: (sitting on chair) Yeeees!
Aiko: Ah, Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan, I heard a new student will come ...
Hazuki: (glasses shine) Yes, I wonder if it will be boy or girl
Onpu: (smiling) I hope we become good friends with it ...
Nishizawa: Today we'll have a new student!
Shiori: oh!
Marina: A new student?
Kimura: Oh?
Sachiko: Thats good!
Amano: I hope it likes the Rangers!
Nishizawa: ehehe, okay, you can enter!
Everybody: (excitment) OH!!
Girl: Hehehe, Hello!
Onpu: Ah ...
Aiko: It is a Girl ...
Hazuki: ah, she looks cute!
Nishizawa: ah, present yourself to class, please!
Girl: (smiles) yeeeees!
(She starts writing in the chalkboard and doodling it)
Onpu: (sweatdrop) ...
Midori: My name is Midori Hayabusa!
My family moved to misora, I hope we can be friends!
(Midori does a charming smile and opens her beautiful eyes)
Everybody: AHH! KAWAII!!
Onpu: (little mad) ...
Hazuki: (blushing) Ah!!
Aiko: ah! She is so cute! isn't Onpu-chan!
Onpu: ...
Nishizawa: (blushing) hyaan! welcome, Hayabusa-san!
Midori: (smiling and closing her eyes again) ehehe!
Nishizawa: (looking the classroom) mmm, sit behind Segawa!
Onpu: ?!
Midori: Haaai!
Nishizawa: (blushing) hyaaaan, she is so cute!
(Midori walks and gets a new chair and sits behind Onpu)
Midori: Hello! I am Midori!
Aiko: (giggles) I am Aiko Senno! I hope we become friends, Midori-chan
Hazuki: I am Hazuki Fujiwara! hyaaa, your eyes are so pretty
Midori: (smiling) hehehe ... my eyes?
Aiko: Yeah! They are pretty as Onpu-chan's eyes
Onpu: (vein on forehead) ...
Midori: (looking Onpu) Oh? You are Onpu Segawa?
Onpu: (vain smile) yes, I am!
Midori: (smiles and shakes her hand) Nice to meet you!
Onpu: (sweatdrop) ... uh ...
Aiko: (whispering to Hazuki) Her reaction was so different than Fluffy-chan's!
Hazuki: (nods)
Nishizawa: Well, Class, we'll start reading!
Everybody: Haaaaai!
Midori: (unpacking her book and smiling) ♪
Onpu: (unpacking her book but kinda mad)
Nishizawa: lets see ... Hayabusa-san, lets see how you read!
Midori: (smiling) Okaaay!
Hazuki: Midori-chan, It is page 12, at first.
Midori: (gives a cute smile to Hazuki) Thank you, Hazuki-chan!
Hazuki: (blushes) Hyaaa! she is so cute!
Onpu: (vein on forehead)
Midori: (reading the book) The princess awaits for his prince in the
tall tower,which she is prision by the Evil Witch ...
Nishizawa: Oh! You read so good!
Midori: (dreaming) (blushes) Ah ... princess with her cuuute dress and the
handsome prince ... ah ... that will be so niceee
Nishizawa: (sweatdrop) uh? ... T-thanks Hayabusa-san
Midori: (cute smile) ehehe, You welcome!
Nishizawa: hyaaan!
Onpu: (big sweatdrop) ...uh ...
Aiko: (sweatdrop) This girl got a big imagination as Nobuko-chan!
Hazuki: (blushing) I think she is cute ...
Onpu: (mad) ...

(Afternoon, Outside Misora City School)

Doremi: (sighs) Wa, Today we had a test ...
Fluffy: (comforting Doremi) hueee, you did your best Doremi-chan
Momoko: (pats Doremi back) Yes, Do your best next time!
Hana: (smiling) Hana-chan did good! ahaha!
Fluffy: (smiles and rubs Hana's head) We studied so much!
Hana: ahaha! (jumps on back of Fluffy) Ahaha, Inumimi!
Momoko: (smiling) Flu-chan, You are good with Hana-chan
Fluffy: (blushes) ehehehe ...
Doremi: Ah? (waving with her arm) Ai-chan, Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan!
Aiko: Ah, hello girls!
Hazuki: (smiling) How was your test, Doremi-chan?
Doremi: (sad) Waaaa, I got 40 points ... I am the unlukiest girl in the world!
Fluffy: hueeeee
Doremi: (looks Onpu) And how was your day, Onpu-chan?
Onpu: (looking mad to a side) ...uh ...
Doremi: ah? Onpu-chan?
Fluffy: Onpu-chan?
Momoko: What's Wrong Onpu-chan?
Aiko: (whispers to Doremi) She is mad, because a new girl appeared!
Doremi: A new girl?
Hazuki: oh! She comes!
Midori: (walking next to them) oh? Ai-chan, Hazuki-chan! Hello!
Doremi: (surprises) Is this girl?
Fluffy: (blushes a little) a-ah!
Momoko: She seems happy!
Hana: ahaha!
Midori: (looking them) uh? Who are them?
Aiko: (smiling) They are my friends! I will present them to you ...
Midori: (smiles) ...
Aiko: The girl with Odango hair is Doremi Harukaze!
Doremi: (puffing her cheeks) "ODANGO"?
Midori: oh! She seems cute ...
Aiko: The blonde girl is Momoko Asuka, she comes from New York, America!
Momoko: Hello!
Midori: (smiling) hehhe, I've read about New York!
Aiko: That dog girl is Fluffy Eevee, she comes from Mexico!
Fluffy: (blushing and doing a reverence) H-hello!
Midori: (giggles) she is a cute dog girl!
Aiko: And the girl on Fluffy-chan's back is Hana Makihatayama!
Hana: Chiissu!
Midori: Oh! her hair is pretty!
Hazuki: I hope you can be friends with them too!
Midori: (smiles and opens her eyes) My name is Midori Hayabusa ...
Nice to meet you all!
Doremi: (blushing) Waaa, her eyes ...
Momoko: (dreamy eyes) ... they are so pretty!
Fluffy: (blushing) ...
Hana: ahaha! Midori-chan is so cute!
Midori: (giggles) I am cute?
Onpu: (puffing her cheeks) ...
Midori: Oh, I have to leave! (waving) See you again!
Doremi: (waving) See you, Midori-chan!
Momoko: byebye!
Fluffy: (blushing) hueee ...
Aiko: (sweatdrop) Onpu-chan? ...
Onpu: (mad) ...
Hazuki: ah, Lets go to MAHO-DO ...

(Day, MAHO-DO)

Doremi: (making some cookies) Ah That girl is a little weird
Fluffy: (making cookies) Oh? You mean Midori-chan?
Doremi: Yes, she seems to be simple and happy ...
Fluffy: (giggles) I think she is weird too ...

(Onpu alone in Kitchen)
Onpu: (sighs) Who thinks she is? An Idol? ...
Aiko: (enters) Oh, Onpu-chan? Why are you alone?
Onpu: (fake smile) is nothing Ai-chan ...
Aiko: (looking Onpu) I know, you got mad about Midori-chan?
Onpu: (silent for a moments then nods slowly) ...
Aiko: (puts her hand on Onpu's shoulder) hehe, you don't have to be mad
Onpu: (looking sad) But ... It makes me angry! She acts like an Idol!
Aiko: (smiling to Onpu) Maybe, but you are our favorite Idol, Onpu Segawa!
Onpu: (smiles) Thank you Ai-chan ... you made me feel better
Aiko: Now! Lets cook some cookies or Majorika will be mad!
Onpu: (giggles) un!

(Day, On road to MAHO-DO)

Midori: (smiling) Ah, I got many friends today! ... But I wish ...
(Suddenly Midori walks near MAHO-DO)
Midori: uh? Where am I? ... (reading) Sweet House MAHO-DO? ...
(smiles to herself) ehehe, Let's see what's inside!
(Midori goes to MAHO-DO entrance)

(Day, MAHO-DO)

(the doorbell rings)
Hazuki: (behind counter) ah! Welcome...
Midori: (smiling) ah? Hazuki-chan? What are you doing here?
Hazuki: (sweatdrop) ah, Midori-chan, this is the MAHO-DO
Midori: Oh? you work here? that's so nice! and what you sell?
Hazuki: (smiles) We sell sweets to make people happier!
Midori: ah, that sounds great ... (dreaming) Making some chocolate for
the lovers and make them love themselves forever, ahhh ...
Hazuki: (sweatdrop) Eh ... ehehe, Midori-chan ...
Midori: (looking Hazuki at face) I think you love someone... so you work here!
Hazuki: (blushing) EH? a l-l-l-lover?!
Midori: (smiling) ehehehe
Doremi: Hazuki-chan, I heard we got some clients ... oh?
Midori: oh! it is the "Odango-hair" girl ... hello again!
Doremi: (mad) ODANGO-HAIR?!
Midori: (looking Doremi) You also work here?
Doremi: (calming down) Eh, yes... Welcome to MAHO-DO!
Midori: (looking Doremi to face) You also love someone?
Doremi: (blushes) W-w-what?!
Midori: (smiling) ehehe, I was walking and came here with no reason
Doremi: oh ... Then ... mm, Midori-chan, you have a kind of ... um "Wish"?
Midori: oh? yeah, that's it ... how you knew it Doremi-chan?
Doremi: (giggles) Oh, I just adivinated it! ahahaha
Midori: (smiling) eheheh
Hazuki: (thinking to herself) The magic from Shop works! ...
Doremi: (smiles) And what kind of wish it is?
Midori: (smiling) well, I want be Onpu-chan friend
Hazuki: Midori-chan ...
Aiko: Oh!
Onpu: ...
Midori: (smiling) yes, She was perturbed when we meet, so I want to give
her a present, and it is so good I found this shop ...
Doremi: Midori-chan
Aiko: See, she is not bad as you thought.
Onpu: ...yeah
Midori: (little smile) so, what kind of things do you sell?
Doremi: (showing them) Look, we sell, candy, cakes and sweets!
Midori: oh! they seem delicious ...
Doremi: ehehe! yes, they are!
Midori: ...but they lack in decoration
Hazuki: (glasses break)
Doremi: W-what?
Aiko: They lack in decoration?
Onpu: (sweatdrop)
Midori: (smiles gently) I think I will decorate the cake for Onpu-chan
Doremi: (surprised) You know to cook?
Midori: (nods) A little but, Yes!
Hazuki: Oh! Impressive!
Onpu: (looks the time) Oh ... I will go my house, my Manager wanted see me.
Aiko: ah, please come back, maybe you can get the Cake from Midori here ...
Onpu: ... I'll try ...

(Day, MAHO-DO Kitchen)

Fluffy: Midori-chan, you know to cook?
Midori: Well, a little ... I like decoration
Fluffy: Then let me make the cake and you decorate it!
Momoko: let's Go Flu-chan!
Fluffy: Momo-chan, please help me!
Momoko: Of course Fluffy
Midori: (smiling) You are best friends, no?
Fluffy: (blushing) yes ...
Momoko: (breaking a egg and then smiles) ...
Midori: (opens her eyes and smile ) The sweets in this shop really work!
Fluffy: (confused) hueee?
Momoko: (weird look) uh? ... ah, Flu-chan, lets make the cake!
Fluffy: (snaps from confusion) yes!
(after a while, the cake is made)
Midori: (eyes open) Wow ...
Fluffy: ehehe, tastes so good!
Momoko: We make th best cakes Flu-chan ...
Midori: (smiling) hehehe, now it is my turn ...
Momoko: Oh, Midori-chan, you want an apron?
Midori: ehehe, it is not need, Momoko-chan ...
Fluffy: hueee?
Midori: (grabs some decoration items) Lets start ...
(after decorating the cake)
Fluffy/Momoko: WOW!!!
Midori: hehehe, it is done!
Fluffy: The cake looks gorgeous!!
Momoko: OH MY GOD!
Midori: (cute smile) It is a simple decoration
Momoko: Simple? You even drew Onpu's face on cake!
Fluffy: hueeeeee!
Midori: (blushes gently) ehehe ...
Doremi: (entering the kitchen) Girl, why are so much noise
Hazuki: (pointing the cake) ah! Doremi-chan, look!
Doremi: WOW! Momo-chan, Fluffy-chan, you did an awesome decoration!
Fluffy: (blushing) no, Doremi-chan
Momoko: It was Midori-chan!
Midori: (arrows point Midori) hehehe, hello again!
Doremi: (impressed look) Really? I can't believe it!
Hazuki: I think her imagination works on her decoration work ...
Midori: Now, lets give this cake to Onpu-chan
Doremi/Hazuki/Momoko/Fluffy: YES!

(Sunset, Outside MAHO-DO)

Onpu: (worried look) oh no, I promised Ai-chan to not be late ... I hope
Midori-chan is still in MAHO-DO ....

(Onpu enters to MAHO-DO)
Onpu: S-sorry, I am late! ... oh?
Midori: (smiles when sees Onpu reach) Hello, Onpu-chan!
Onpu: ...
Doremi: ah, Onpu, Midori-chan wants give you something!
Onpu: oh?
Midori: (blushing slighty) ehehe, here ... (gives Onpu the cake she decorated)
Onpu: (starts to smile) it is decorated so well... who did this? Fluffy-chan?
Fluffy: no, Midori-chan did it.
Momoko: yes! She did it for you, Onpu!
Onpu: (smiling and taking the cake from Midori's hands) Thank you
Midori: Onpu-chan, let's be friends.
Onpu: (closing eyes kinda sad) I am sorry Midori ... I thought you was a selfish
and bad girl... But I was wrong ...
Midori: (hugs Onpu suddenly) hehehe, it is Okay ...
Onpu: (2 tears rolls from her eyes) ...
Doremi: (smiling)
Fluffy: I love happy endings
Momoko: (smiles at Fluffy comment) yes!
Hazuki: (smiling) fufufu
Aiko: (smirks) I am glad they are friends

(Sunset, Outside MAHO-DO)

Midori: (Waving) hehehe, I'll see you at school tomorrow, girls ...
Onpu: (smiling) Midori-chan, I'll become cuter than you!
Midori: (cute smile) ehehe, okay, Onpu-chan
(Midori leaves Maho-do and goes to her home)
Doremi: Ah, she is a nice girl ...
Hazuki: Yes! and cute too!
Momoko: And decorates cakes so good!
Majorika: (coming out from the main door) She is a gold mine!
Fluffy: hueeeee!
RaRa: (sweatdrop) Majorika ...
Majorika: (evil grin) I want that girl working here ...
Doremi: (scares a little) uh oh! That evil grin on her face means ...
Hazuki: ...Majorika have a plan!
Fluffy: hueeeee
Onpu: (smiling) ...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 29

Happy endings are the best! Onpu and Midori are friends now!,
But Majorika has an idea? What it should be? Oh no! Midori-chan
don't look! We are witches! ah! But... uh? What is this?

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy : "I became a Happy Witch!"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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