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Episode 25 - My Golden Dog Girl"

(Inside Black circle of Destroyed Road to Witch Town)

Kiri: ...
Ayane: ...
Momoko: Kiri, I'll help you!
Kiri: Momo-chan, wait!
(The poron of Momoko doesn't shine)
Momoko: Ah, what?!
Kiri: You all used all the light power...
Doremi: Ah, I have not used it!
Kiri: Please, return to Castle!
Ayane: ...You all will see my power...
Kiri: GOLD BARRIER! (creates a golden barrier to the Ojamajo)
Doremi: KIRI-chan!
Kiri: (smiling) You will be safe
Hana: KIRI!
Momoko: (a tear shows into Momoko's eyes) NOOOO!

Momoko: (hands Kiri some sweets) As you look for that girl, would you like to eat?
Kiri: (smiling) Thank you!
Momoko: They are good?
Kiri: (eating) They are wonderful!
Momoko: (giggles)

(The poron of Momoko doesn't shine)
Doremi: Kiri, no! STOP!
Fluffy: (gets up) ...
Hana: Inumimi?
Momoko: ...Flu?

(Inside Black circle of Destroyed Road to Witch Town)

Ayane: ...Ridiculous...
Kiri: (smiles) I'll fight with you, I am the golden witch!
Ayane: ...Soon that smile will be erased forever...
Kiri: (Puts the Golden poron in the soil) GOLD-MUD!
Ayane: ...
(The Poron transfers golden magic to the soil and a small pond of golden mud appear)
Doremi: wow... sugoi!
Hazuki: she is wonderful
Aiko: She just modified the soil!
Onpu: Awesome!
Momoko: wonderful!
Fluffy: Go KIRI!
Hana: Ah MUD!
Ayane: ...what is this?
Kiri: (grabs a ball of mud) KIRI SPECIAL SHOT!
Ayane: ...!!!
(Kiri shoots the mud to Ayane but she evades it)
Ayane: was smart...but not like me!...
Kiri: Ah!
Ayane: ... DARK BAT!
(Ayane creates a Bat of pure dark)
Ayane: ...come and Strike me...
Aiko: AH! I understand! Since Kiri is great at sports, she is using baseball!
Doremi: yes!
Onpu: ...But, Ayane seem to be good too...
Hazuki: ...yes...
Momoko: ...GO KIRI, strike her!
Fluffy: hueeee
Hana: Go team!
Ayane: ...ha! (She hits the mud ball)
Kiri: (pant pant) ...oh no, she has been able to stop all my shots...
Ayane: ...tired already?
Kiri: (smiles) This is the last ball of golden mud...but I am sure this will hit you!
Ayane: ...shut up and shoot...
Kiri: (holds the ball and concentrates)
Momoko: She can do it!
Doremi: GO!
Aiko: Do it!
(She throws the mud at very high speed and hits Ayane face while ball destroys it emits golden sprinks)
Ojamajo: WOW!
Ayane: .......
Kiri: (pant pant) ... I, hit you...
Ayane: (her Bat dissapears and smiles gently) ... you hit me...
Aiko: Woah, she just smiled...
Doremi: I don't think if it is scary or cute...
Hana: Ayane is cute!
Fluffy: ...Kiri-chan...
Momoko: Good, Kiri!
Fluffy: No... she is so tired ... she used all her magical power...
Momoko: Flu-chan...
Hana: wa, Kiri!
Kiri: (pants and knees in the floor) required all my magical force...
Ayane: ...I think I was just too sweet with you...
Doremi: EH?
Hazuki: S-Sweet?
Kiri: I am tired...
(Suddenly, Kiri-chan golden witch suit dissapears)
Ojamajo: : AHHHH!
Ayane: it is time to make you depressed forever...
Kiri: (pant pant) sorry, girls...
Fluffy: ...K....K...
Momoko: AH! We must do something!!
Doremi: But the barrier!!
Onpu: Ah KIRI!
Hana: Waaa!
Aiko: (punching the barrier) KIRI!
Ayane: (points the poron to Kiri) ... say goodnight....
Kiri: (closes her eyes) ......
Fluffy: ...K...K...K...KIRI-CHAN!!!!!!!!
(Suddenly, Fluffy clothes change to golden and the tap emites rays and those destroys Kiri's barrier)
Ojamajo: : !?
Momoko: Ah...Ah...Ah!
Doremi: W-WHAT?!
Hazuki: Fluffy-chan witch clothes...
Aiko: ... turned golden!!
Onpu: What is happening here?!
Fluffy: (looking Ayane) Don't hurt Kiri!
Ayane: (looks Fluffy) ......?
Hana: Wai! Inumimi became a Golden witch too!
Momoko: Flu-chan you are amazing!
Fluffy: (gets her golden poron)
Ayane: ... you look different...
Fluffy: ...I don't want anybody to become depressed!
Ayane: ...she have wonderful magical power...she isn't an ordinary witch...
Doremi: Fluffy-chan! You can do it!
Hazuki: Go Fluffy-chan!
Aiko: Lets go!
Onpu: Bravo, Fluffy!
Hana: Hana-chan loves Inumimi!
Kiri: (looking fluffy wih one eye) ......
Momoko: Go! My golden dog girl!
Fluffy: (smiles) I'll vanish the dark clouds in our sunny day!
Ayane: (mad and silent) ...........

To be continued! ★☆

ああ、底 無し の 恐怖 を 引き連れ ... ああ、迫り 来る 邪悪 な タ・マ・シ・イ ...
負けられない 運命 の 分かれ 目 ... やるしかない 夜明け に 命 を かけて ... この 手 で!!
WOW WOW 必ず ... オレ は オレ を 越えて く ぜ ! ... WOW WOW 気 を 集めて ... 暗闇 を 飛ばせ!!

Preview of Episode 26

Finally... Finally Fluffy became the gold witch! Amazing!
She is so powerful! Go Fluffy, Save Ayane from her dark side!
We count on you! We love you!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Ayane, the Lonely Girl"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

○フラフィー世界 2004-2007●