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Episode 24 - A battle for a brighter world!"

(Road to Witch Town)

Ayane: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ... Eight girls...
Fluffy: Hueeee
Kiri: You...
Momoko: (protecting Fluffy and Hana) ...
Doremi: You are the girl from today
Ayane: ...You are that pathetic girl...
Onpu: Don't Insult Doremi-chan like that
Hazuki: Ah... her eyes...are very dark...
Aiko: We must be strong!
Ayane: (looking them) ... It will be over soon ...
Hana: Hana-chan is scared!
Momoko: Flu-chan...this is dangerous, take Hana-chan with you and go to the castle!
Fluffy: Momo-chan...
Hana: But...
Momoko: Please go!
Ayane: ...Do you think I will let you escape?
(Rapidily, Ayane uses her dark poron to make a big circle)
Doremi: AH!
Hazuki: What is this!
Aiko: A...Circle?
Onpu: Careful, everyone!
Momoko: OH NO!
Hana/Fluffy: Hueeeeeee!
Ayane: ...
Kiri: ...
Ayane: (Holds her poron) Let's start...

(Majokai Queen's Castle)

Queen: ...
Majorin: Your majesty, what's the matter?
Queen: ...I feel guilty, for sending those inocent girls to fight...
Majorin: Your Majesty....
Queen: But I know they will be OK...
Majorin: I hope the musical magic will be useful againt that monster...
Queen: ...

(Road to Witch town)

Ayane: (holds her Poron) DARK SHOT!
Kiri: (holds her poron and draws a circle) GOLD BARRIER!
Doremi: AH, Kiri's shield would not resist much!
Momoko: Oh No!
Onpu: Doremi... we must use light attacks so she can get tired
Hazuki: Eh? Attacks?
Aiko: ...right! I'll start!
Ayane: ...
(Some missiles with takoyaki form are launch from Poron and goes to Ayane)
Ayane: ...Fool...(shoots the missiles and they explode with Kiri's shield)
Kiri: Wow! Careful Aiko-chan!
Aiko: Hehe~, sorry!
Onpu: Oh... what is that smell?
Hazuki: Smells like...
Aiko: Ooh! It smells like Takoyaki!
Doremi: (sniffs) OH! YES!
Momoko: Delicious!
Fluffy: Eh? What is Takoyaki?
Aiko: AH, I will cook Takoyaki for you, Fluffy-chan...
Onpu: Ah! Ai-chan!
Aiko: What?
(Takoyaki-Smoke vanishes when Ayane blows her Poron)
Ayane: (mad) ... stop dull stuff...
Doremi: Ah! she looks mad!
Hana: Hana-chan wants Takoyaki!
Fluffy: hueee
Momoko: OKEY! My turn!
Ayane: (hold her poron) ...
Doremi: !!!!
Hazuki: Ah!
Aiko: It must be...!
Onpu: AH!
Hana: Wa!!
Fluffy: Hueeeeee!
Momoko: I am SUPER-MOMOKO!
(Momoko body shines and she have an shiny Super Momoko clothes)
Ayane: ...Ridiculous...
Momoko: (jumps to Ayane) Here we go!
Ayane: ...!
(Momoko starts tickling Ayane body as she was so surprised to having Momoko near)
Ayane: ... s-stop ....
Momoko: Super tickle attack!!
Ayane: (smirks) ...s-stop........
Kiri: ...She...she smiled?!
Doremi: Go Momoko!!
Hazuki: It works!
Ayane: (giggles) ...m-made it stop...
Momoko: Give up!
Fluffy: Go Momo-chan!
Hana: Ayane is cute when she smiles!
Ayane: (snaps from laugh and then she pushes Momoko and uses her poron to create wind)
Momoko: (Pushed by wind) Ahhhh!
Doremi: Momo-chan! Are you OK?
Fluffy: Momo!
Hana: Ah! Hana-chan wanted see Ayane-chan laugh
Ayane: (super mad) ..........FOOLS
Kiri: (thinking) Maybe I was using my magic wrong...
Onpu: All right, My turn!
Ayane: (creates a barrier) DARK BARRIER ....
Fluffy: Ah! look!
Doremi: It is...
Momoko: Wonderful!
Kiri: It can be...
Onpu: (holding a shining microphone) Tada!
Ayane: ...useless...
Onpu: This goes for you, Dark girl!
(Onpu starts to sing Lullaby and Ayane reacts)
Ayane: ...ugh...s-stop...
Doremi: (closing her eyes) Her melody soothes me...
Fluffy: Onpu voice is so sweet
Hana: (yawns) Hana-chan is sleepy...
Hazuki: It is Onpu lullaby
Ayane: (knees down and closing her eyes) s-stop...
Momoko: Ah! Go Onpu!
Ayane: s-stop! STOP!!!!!!! (Barrier explodes and created a High pitched sound)
All: AHHH!
Hana: Ah! Hana-chan ears hurt!
Fluffy: H-Hueeeeee my poor ears!
Onpu: (covering here ears) Scary!
Ayane: (pant pant) ......
Hazuki: My turn!
Ayane: (holds her poron) I will not let you...
Doremi: eh?
Aiko: Dodonpa?
Momoko: What is that?
Fluffy: I think I've seen that in TV somewhere...
(she is refering to Dragon Ball series hahaha)
Ayane: ...ridiculous...
(Ayane evades the light ray and then she uses her Bubbles)
Ayane: ... DARK BUBBLES ...
(she blows in her poron and the mystic dark bubbles surround her)
Doremi: AH!
Kiri: AH!!! Everybody, COVER!!
Ayane: Attack!
Fluffy: eh? what?
Momoko: (pushes Fluffy and her hat falls) Flu!
(As they cover in a safe place the bubbles fall into the ground)
Ayane: ...about time...
Kiri: ...That was so dangerous
Doremi: AH! The flowers, the floor is... cover with a Black colour!
Hana: Ah, Ayane! don't do bad things!
Fluffy: Thank you Momo-chan!
Momoko: ...Flu-chan...your hat is covered with black!
Fluffy: hueeeee!
Ayane: ...dissapear...
(As Ayane moves the poron down, all black covered stuff dissapears)
Aiko: Wua- How scary...
Kiri: ... It is time to me for fight...
Momoko: Kiri-chan, wait!
Doremi: No Kiri!
Onpu: Kiri-chan
Kiri: (smiles to them) I will not lose, trust me!
Fluffy: ... Kiri-chan...

(Inside Black circle of Destroyed Road to Witch Town)

Kiri: ...
Ayane: ...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 25

Ah, Ayane power is big and scary, but with the light magic on our side
we'll fight to restore the shine of our hearts!
Kiri-chan, don't go! It is dangerous! Stop, Ayane-chan! Please!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "My Golden Dog Girl"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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