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Episode 20 - Let's play sports!

(Misora School. Classroom 5-A)

Seki Sensei: Well, now we'll have sports today!
Fluffy: Hueee...Sports today...
Momoko: Oh? What's wrong, Flu?
Fluffy: Eh...It is nothing, Momo
Momoko: mmmm...
Doremi: Eeeh, all be Ok, Fluffy-chan
Fluffy: Thank you! I will do my best!

(Misora School. Outside)

Seki Sensei: OK! First, we'll make a running contest
Nishizawa Sensei: Oh! Sempai!
Seki Sensei: Nishizawa! This is good, we'll see which classroom is better!
Aiko: Ah! What?
Onpu: Ah... a contest...
Hana: Hana-chan love contest!
Hazuki: I try to do my best
Momoko: Flu?
Doremi: Fluffy-chan, what's wrong?
Fluffy: (shivering) Er...N-nothing...
Seki Sensei: OK! Let's Start!

(Contest almost finish...)

Seki Sensei: Well, it is your turn, Eevee.
Nishizawa Sensei: Senoo? It is your turn.
Aiko: ...
Fluffy: ...huee...
Seki Sensei: START!
(They start running, but in the middle of track, Fluffy-chan falls)
Aiko: Ah!
Momoko: (runs to Fluffy-chan) Flu!!
Fluffy: (holding her knee) Ahhh... It hurts...
Momoko: Are you Ok?
Seki Sensei: ...Eevee-san...

(Misora School, Nursery)

Yuki Sensei: (Cleaning Fluffy-chan knee blood) Oh, you must
be more careful, Fluffy-chan.
Aiko: Fluffy-chan...
Momoko: Flu, you did your best...
Yuki Sensei: (smiling) You need some training Fluffy-chan, don't worry!
Aiko: ...
Momoko: Yes, you should told Seki Sensei
Fluffy: ...yes... I know...
Aiko: Yuki Sensei, Momo-chan...may I be alone with Fluffy-chan?
Momoko: Ai-chan?
Yuki Sensei: Asuka-san, let's leave them alone.
Momoko: Yes, sensei...(looks Fluffy) Flu...
Fluffy: Aiko-chan...
Aiko: Fluffy-chan, I was worried, you don't like sports so much, eh?
Fluffy: ...yes...I am not good in Sports...
Aiko: (smiling) Don't worry, I will help you to be better!
Fluffy: hueee! really?!
Aiko: Yes, so you will be better in this class!
Fluffy: Thank you, Aiko-chan!
Aiko: yes, we'll start tomorrow!
Fluffy: thing more, Aiko-chan?
Aiko: Eh? What it is?
Fluffy: (Blushing) I don't like wearing Buruma!
Aiko: Ah!!

(Inside MAHO-DO, Noon)

Doremi: Ah, so you will help Fluffy-chan?
Aiko: Yes, yes
Fluffy: hueeeee...
Doremi: Do your best!
Aiko: Please tell Majorika we'll be out
Doremi: Ok, Ai-chan!
Aiko: We are going to be at Misora Park
Fluffy: Ah, let's go!

(Misora's Park, Noon)

Aiko: (doing some excercise) One..Two...One...Two...
Fluffy: Hueee, I really have to wear buruma, Ai-chan?
Aiko: Yes, your body gets lighter...mmmm (looking Fluffy's ears)
Fluffy: eee? What's wrong?
Aiko: (Puts a bandanna in Fluffy's head) Here, take this, with this,
your ears will not be a problem when you run!
Fluffy: Ah! Thank you Ai-chan!
Aiko: Now... we need some stuff to make some good training
(Aiko takes her tap and transforms into a witch)
Aiko: Pretty Witch Aiko!
Fluffy: hueeeee...
Aiko: We need the best for training!
(Points a space in the park with the poron and some tools appear)
Fluffy: Oh! thats was so good Aiko!
Aiko: OK! Let's train, Fluffy-chan!
Fluffy: Ok!

(Misora's Park, Sunset)

Aiko: Han Han Ha-...
Fluffy: han Han... it is hard, Ai-chan...I am so tired
Aiko: But you did it so good Fluffy
Fluffy: Thank you.
Aiko: Let's do it one more time!
Fluffy: OK, I'll try!
Aiko: (Holds Fluffy Hand and grins) Let's go!
(They start running and Fluffy not fails and she becomes as good as Aiko)
Fluffy: Ah! I did it!
Aiko: Oh! Fluffy, you learn so fast!
Fluffy: Ahaha, but all thanks to you, Ai-chan
Aiko: (sits) Yes! Tomorrow you'll do it fine.
Fluffy: Ai-chan, Thank you
Aiko: (holds her harmonica) Yes.
Fluffy: Oh! an will play it?
Aiko: yes, when I want to relax, I play it, it is good.
(Aiko plays the harmonica and Fluffy listens it)

Fluffy: (smiles and thinks) Today was a great day, Aiko is very good at sports
and I learn so much from her. I am so happy about that...Ai-chan, I will
do my best tomorrow in School!

Fluffy: (gets up) I will do my best!
Aiko: That's the spirit!
Fluffy: Ai-chan, let0s go back MAHO-DO!
Aiko: Yeah, we need go back or Majorika will be mad at us.
Fluffy: Let's see which one gets first at Maho-do
Aiko: (grins) Oh! You want challenge?
Fluffy: (runs) Ahaha! Go Aiko!
Aiko: (grins) Fluffy-chan...

(Misora School. Outside)

Seki Sensei: OK! We'll make the second running contest
Reika: HoHoHo, Eevee-san will be able to do it?
Fluffy: ...
Aiko: (grins) You'll see Tamaki!
Seki Sensei: OK, next is Fluffy Eevee!
Fluffy: (dokidokidoki) I can do it... I can do it...
Reika: HoHoHo, what's wrong, Eevee?
Fluffy: (looks Aiko) ...Ai-chan...
Aiko: You can do it, Fluffy!
Momoko: Ganbare, Flu!
Doremi: You can do it!
Hazuki: Go Fluffy!
Kotake: Inumimi, go!
Fluffy: (dokidokidoki) Everyone is cheering me...I can't fail!
Seki Sensei: Ok, GO!
(♪ Doki Doki Mahou Music starts ♪)
Fluffy: (runs very fast) Ha!!!
Reika: WHAT?!!
Aiko: That's it!
Seki Sensei: Wow, Fantastic
Fluffy: (reachs the goal) Ha-Ha-... I... I...
Aiko: (runs to Fluffy) yes! You did it Fluffy!
Reika: WHAT?! That's impossible!!
Fluffy: (falls to ground) I did it Ai-chan
Aiko: (holding Fluffy) Yes, you are very good, Fluffy
Fluffy: (smiles) Thank you Ai-chan...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 21

What?! this girl saw Doremi with her witch clothes? Oh! she is going to TV Station?
Onpu-chan, this girl is going to be a superstar too! What? She can do magic tricks?

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "The life of a superstar"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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