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Episode 19 - Hazuki's date!.

(Inside MAHO-DO)

Fluffy: Thanks for coming!
Doremi: Oh! you sold many sweets, Fluffy!
Fluffy: Thank you, Doremi!
Doremi: But, where is Hazuki? I haven't seen her lately...
Fluffy: Eeeee, it is true!
Doremi: I think she is in the Kitchen... let's see...
Fluffy: Ok....

(In the Kitchen, Doremi and Fluffy watch)

Hazuki: (sighs) Masaru-kun (Making some sweets in Heart shape)
Doremi: ...
Fluffy: ...Who is Masaru-kun?
Doremi: It is Hazuki-chan boyfriend...
Doremi: Shhh! don't scream like that!, They just like each other,
Today, Masaru-kun and Hazuki-chan will have a date or something...I heard it so!
Fluffy: I see...
Doremi: (goes back to Kitchen)
Fluffy: Hazuki-chan....

(MAHO-DO, inside)

Costumer: See you!
Aiko: Thanks for coming!
Fluffy: ...
Aiko: ...What's wrong Fluffy-chan?
Fluffy: Aiko-chan, What you think about Hazuki-chan?
Fluffy: yes, she is starting to date!
Aiko: ...oh, well, that's...natural!
Fluffy: ...hueee, I hope they got a good relationship
Aiko: (rubbing Fluffy-chan head) Don't worry, they will be OK
Fluffy: Thank you, Aiko-chan!
Doremi: We finish today!
Hazuki: ...
Aiko: I will help my father to cook dinner!
Fluffy: hai... I will, help Hana-chan with her homework
Doremi: ...Hazuki-chan?
Hazuki: Ah! I-I have to go!
Doremi: ...See you...Hazuki...chan
Aiko: (smiling) She have something to do
Doremi: Eh?
Aiko: See you Doremi-chan!
Doremi: ...

(Inside Hana's room)

Fluffy: ...
Hana: Inumimi! lets play!
Fluffy: Hana-chan, I need you help me in something
Hana: eh? What it is?
Fluffy: Let's help Hazuki-chan date!
Hana: AH!! Hazuki have a date! (dancing)
Fluffy: Hueeeeeee!
Hana: OK INUMIMI! We will be...
Fluffy: Hana-chan!
Fluffy: ... (sweat)
Hana: (uses her compact) Ehe! Let's go INUMIMI!
Fluffy: ...Why I had to tell Hana-chan!

(Outside Maho-do, hiding in a bush)

Hana: There is Hazuki-chan!
Fluffy: Shhh, Hana-chan, don't speak so loud!
Hana: Ah! Sorry INUMIMI!
Fluffy: Let's see...
Hazuki: (walking away MAHO-DO)
Fluffy: AH! She is moving!
Hana: Let's move INUMIMI
(Moving bush follows Hazuki)
Hana: Let's follow Hazuki!
Fluffy: ok...

(Waiting in a bench in the Park)

Hazuki: Masaru-kun...
Fluffy: ...
Hana: Hana-chan is Sleepy
Fluffy: Ah Hana-chan look!!
Hazuki: ...Masaru-kun
Masaru: Ah, Fujiwara...
Fluffy: ...he is Masaru?
Hana: yes!
Fluffy: Oh... let's follow them!
Hana: Hana-chan will help INUMIMI too with Kotake!
Fluffy: (blushing) WHAT?!!! HUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Hazuki: Oh? What was that sound?
Masaru: ...I think it came from that bush
Fluffy: (doki doki doki)
Hana: Waa! Masaru is coming!
Hazuki: Masaru-kun, forget it and let's go...
Masaru: ... nnnn... all right
Fluffy: (sighs) huaaaa~ what a relief
Hana: INUMIMI! don't scream like that!
Fluffy: (blushing) Then, don't say things like that!!
Hana: ahaha! INUMIMI is in love!
Fluffy: (blushing) EEEEE?!
Hana: Ahahahahahahahaha!

(In the streets of Misora City, Hazuki and Masaru, walking...)

Hazuki: Masaru-kun... what did you wanted to say me?
Masaru: (looking to the left) ...Fujiwara...
Hazuki: (looking down) ...
Masaru: (puts his hand in his pocket and gives Hazuki something)
Hazuki: ...Ah!

(Fluffy and Hana, Hiding behind, with a big newspaper)

Fluffy: eee! He gives her something to Hazuki!
Hana: what! What! Hana-chan can't see!
Fluffy: Ah!
(Fluffy and Hana fall)
Hazuki: uh?
Masaru: eh?
Hazuki: Oh, somebody falled down...
Masaru: ...oh...
Hazuki: Let's help him!
(Rapidly, Hana and Fluffy hide inside a shop)
Hazuki: ...
Masaru: ...That was strange...
Hazuki: ...then. let's go!
Masaru: you like....

(Inside the shop)

Hana: Eee, INUMIMI, that was close!
Fluffy: The newspaper idea was silly!
Hana: ahaha! yes! now it is time to use Magic!
Fluffy: hueee!
Shopkeeper: Oh! what we have her!, Two lovely girls!
Hana: Chiissu!!
Fluffy: Ah...h-hello!
Shopkeeper: Since you two are the cutest girls I've seen,
I will give you some candy
Fluffy: but...but...
Hana: candy, candy, candy...!
Fluffy: (thinking) We will lose their track!

(Leaving the shop, Outside the shop in the street)

Shopkeeper: Thanks for coming!
Hana: (eating candy) baibai!!!
Fluffy: Hana-chan! now we lost them!
Hana: eee, is true! ahaha!
Hana: Don't worry INUMIMI!
Fluffy: Hue?
Hana: We will use magic!
Fluffy: It is a good idea!
Hana: OK! Let's go!

(In an alley, behind the shop)

Hana: (uses her compact)
Fluffy: (Uses her tap)
Fluffy/Hana: Witch transformation!
Hana: Pretty Witch Hana-chan!
Fluffy: Pretty Witch Fluffy!
Fluffy: Oh my god!
Hana: aha! Let's become two dogs!
♪ MAHOU de CHOICHOI music plays ♪
Hana: Hana-chan-dog appears again!
Fluffy: ...Again?
Hana: Lets go! INUMIMI!
Fluffy: ...Why me!
(Hana and Fluffy run to the park)

Hana: INUMIMI, they are in that bench!
Fluffy: Ok...let's go!
(In the Misora's Park, In a bench)

Hazuki: This park is always pretty...
Masaru: It is nice here...
Hazuki: Let's sit over there...
Masaru: ...As you like...
Hazuki: Masaru-kun, I am glad we are here
Masaru: ...Fujiwara...

(Near Hazuki and Masaru bench)

Fluffy: hueee...
Hana: (scratching head) Hana-chan got fleas!
Fluffy: Hana-chan, try to act normal!
Hana: Eh? Like a Dog?
Fluffy: ...Well, yes (sweat)
Hana: (scratches as a dog)
Fluffy: ...
Hazuki: The weather is good...
Masaru: ...Yes...
(Masaru gets close to Hazuki, then a kid with some Icecream goes near
Hazuki: ...Masaru...
(Then the kid is about to fall next Hazuki)
Hana: AH!!
Fluffy: hueeeee! I don't want see! (covers head with her paws)
Hana: Pororin Pyuarin hana Hana pi!
Fluffy: eeeeh?
Hana: Stop time!!!
Fluffy: Eh! Good Idea Hana!
(As dog, Hana gets near and to jumps to catch the ice-cream
Hana: Waaaa- Hana-chan can't reach!
Fluffy: HANA-CHAN! The time is about to...
(The time returns, and the ice cream falls in hana-chan head!)
Hazuki: Ah!
Masaru: ...what?!
Hana: ..Waaaaaa...
Fluffy: Waaaaa!!
Hazuki: Oh! where did you come doggy!
Hana: wan wan!
Hazuki: (cleans Hana-chan-dog face) There...
(She jumps and hide in the bushes)
Hazuki: (giggle) She is cute!
Masaru: ... That was so weird...

(Hana-dog and Fluffy-dog in the bushes.)

Hana: Hana-chan likes ice cream!
Fluffy: Hana-chan, be more careful!
Hana: ahaha!
Fluffy: Why your magic failed...That's weird...
Hana: INUMIMI, I don't know how to stop time correctly!
Fluffy: ...It explains all!
Hana: Hana-chan does her best next time!
Fluffy: Hueeeee...
Hana: INUMIMI, let's watch again!!
Fluffy: OK, let's see a little bit more

(Hazuki and Masaru talk about 1 hour then, they get up and walk away)
Hana: Hana-chan is sleepy...
Fluffy: AH! Hana-chan! They moving again!
Hana: INUMIMI, Hana-chan is sleepy...
Fluffy: Ah, don't give up Hana!
(Hana and Fluffy go back to normal and they follow Hazuki and Masaru)
Hazuki: Masaru-kun, it is almost sunset, did you wanted say me anything?
Masaru: Fujiwara, I just have to tell you...
(An old woman was throwing water to street then it is about to hit Masaru)
Fluffy: HUEEEEEE!!
Hana: INUMIMI, help them!
Fluffy: Huee! What I do?!
Hana: ahaha! go go!
(Hana pushes Fluffy, she runs and she can't stop so the old woman
throws the water to Fluffy instead Masaru.

Hazuki: ah!
Masaru: E-Eevee-san?!
Fluffy: h-Hueeeee!
Hana: Ahaha! (runs toward Fluffy)
Fluffy: hueee, my favorite clothes!
Hazuki: Hana-chan?
Masaru: ...Makihatayama-san too?
Hana: Ah! Chii-ssu!
Fluffy: hueeee...
Hana: INUMIMI, Are you OK?
Fluffy: yes...I think so...
Hazuki: What are you doing here?
Fluffy: Ah...Ah..well
Hana: Ahaha, Hana-chan was playing with INUMIMI!
Hazuki: Playing?...
Masaru: ...That's all?
Fluffy: Y-y-yes!!
Hana: Let's go, INUMIMI!
(Hana holds Fluffy's hand and run away)
Fluffy: Ha-Hazuki-chan! ......
Hazuki: ...
Masaru: ...they are weird...
Hazuki: Hana-chan...Fluffy-chan...

(MAHO-DO, Sunset, Inside Hana's room)

Fluffy: clothes are wet...
Hana: INUMIMI, sorry, but Hana-chan had no choice!
Fluffy: hueeee........
(MAHO-DO bell rings)
Hana: Ah?
Fluffy: Eh?
(Hana and Fluffy go downstairs and check who it is)
Hazuki: Masaru-kun, thank you for everything today...
Masaru: It is nothing, Fujiwara...
Hazuki: (smiling)
Masaru: (looking to the left and blushing) ... now you can open the gift I gave you...
Hazuki: Ah! Is true!
(Upstairs, Hana and Fluffy watching)
Hana: Ah! What will be!
Fluffy: ...(doki doki doki)
Hana: Maybe will be a cute doll! or even a neckleace!
Fluffy: hueee..
(Downstairs, in the MAHO-DO, Door)
Hazuki: (open the present)
Masaru: ...
Hazuki: Oh! It is a nice notepad!
(Upstairs, Hana and Fluffy watching)
Hana: WHAT?!!
Fluffy: We were worried for a Notepad?!
Hana: Waaaa...Hana-chan wanted see the cute doll...
(Downstairs, in the MAHO-DO, Door)
Masaru: you told me you wanted one for I bought it to you...
Hazuki: Thank you, Masaru!
Masaru: See you...Fujiwara....
Hazuki: See you...Masaru-kun!
(Upstairs, Hana and Fluffy watching)
Fluffy: H-hueeee...I am surely, the most unlucky girl in the world...
Hana: Ahaha, INUMIMI it is like Doremi!
Fluffy: Eeeeh?
Hana: Cause you love Kotake too! ahahahaha!

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 20

We are going to have a sports contest in the school! Let's do our best!
Aiko-chan, please help, Fluffy-chan with the sports class!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Let's play sports"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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