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Episode 14 - Kiri's Game!


Hana: (Heartbeat)
EV: Are you ready?...
Hana: Hana-chan will defeat you!
EV: fufufufu
Announcer: After 1 hour of hard battle, EV loses the battle!
Hana: (happy) Hana-chan won!!!
EV: (smiling) You are a good player.
Hana: But Inumimi is better!
EV: Inumimi?
Nekomimi: I'm sorry, EV
EV: It's Ok, Nekomimi.
Fluffy: Hueee! You are that Nekomimi from USA!
Nekomimi: Yes, I am!
Doremi: Fluffy-chan, what's wrong?
Fluffy: This girl comes from New York, as Momo-chan!
Doremi: Oh!
Fluffy: And she seems to know this boy named EV
Doremi: I see!
Hana: Hana-chan won Hana-chan won!
Fluffy: (going toward Hana) Hana-chan!
Hana: Inumimi! I won!
EV: fufufufu, So, you are Harukaze Doremi...
Doremi: EEEE, Why you know my name?!
EV: I know many things about MAHO-DOU...
(EV leaving)
EV: Eventually, we'll encounter again sooon...right Nekomimi?
Nekomimi: hai! See you Doremi!
Doremi: That EV...
Kotake: Dojimi, who was that boy?
Doremi: Eee...It was EV...
Fluffy: (hugging Hana) Hana-chan, I am proud of you!
Hana: Inumimi, thank you!!
Kotake: (smiling) Makihatayama did her best, thanks to Inumimi
Doremi: Since when you call Fluffy-chan "Inumimi"?
Kotake: Eeee...Dojimi, shut up!
Doremi: (chasing Kotake) KOTAKEEEE
Kotake: AHHH...
Fluffy: hueee...

(Evening. Misora's City Park. MAHO-DO stand)

Hana: (looking her trophy) Hana-chan's is trophy is very cute!
Fluffy: (smiling) You did your best, Hana-chan
Hana: (huging Fluffy) Inumimi!
Fluffy: hueee!
Doremi: Huaaaa...I am tired
Hazuki: We sold many sweets today...
Aiko: Yes!
Momoko: (Yawning) I am so tired too...
Onpu: Tomorrow, we'll go to camp...
Doremi: Camp?
Onpu: (Showing the tickets to Doremi) un.
Doremi: OH! The famous MISORA's CAMP!!
Aiko: really?!
Hazuki: Oh! Wonderful!
Momoko: That sounds fun!
Fluffy: Onpu and I won those tickets singing!
Hana: Hana-chan wants to go too!
Doremi: Cool!
Fluffy: but...
Aiko: Uh?
Momoko: What's wrong Flu-chan?
Fluffy: We are going to invite Kotake...
Doremi: WHAT?!!!
Fluffy: (blushing) h-hai...
Hana: Oh! Kotake will come with us!
Doremi: (yelling) NOO, WE CAN'T BRING HIM!
Fluffy: hueeeee
Momoko: Doremi-chan...We can switch Poppu-chan for Kotake-kun...
Fluffy: oh, yes! Poppu-chan!
Onpu: Then, we'll see in MAHO-DO at morning to go CAMP HOUSE!
Ojamajo: Yes!!

(Doremi's House)

Poppu: It sounds great but I can't go...
Doremi: B-but...
Poppu: Remember I have to date all my boyfriends
Doremi: ...
Poppu: I think It will nice to bring Kotake-kun with you.
Doremi: But...But...
Poppu: Everything will be right!
Doremi: I hope so...

(Night. MAHO-DO)

Hana: (hugging Fluffy's tail) Inumimi tail is so good!
Fluffy: mmm, I wonder if it will be good idea to bring Kotake...
Hana: Inumimi, are you Ok?
Fluffy: Hana-chan, is time to sleep
Hana: But, Hana-chan wants play with Inumimi.
Fluffy: (smiling) Hana-chan, we need to rest
Hana: (jumping to her bed) Yes! Inumimi, Good night!
Fluffy: (Leaving) Good night, Hana-chan

(morning, MAHO-DO)
Hazuki: Good morning, Ai-chan
Aiko: Good morning, Haduki-chan!
Hazuki: Oh? You bring a Soccer ball?
Aiko: Yes, We are going to play soccer!
Hazuki: Then, Kotake is coming after all?
Aiko: I think so!
Momoko: Good morning!
Aiko: Oh, Momo-chan!
Hazuki: Good morning, Momo-chan
Momoko: Look is Doremi and Onpu!
Onpu: Good morning!
Doremi: ...Good morning
Momoko: Oh
Aiko: Is Kotake too!
Kotake: er...Good morning...
Doremi: I don't know why Fluffy-chan invited a guy like you!
Kotake: Shut up DOJIMI!
Hazuki: anone...
Aiko: Oh they fighting again
(MAHO-DO door opens)
Fluffy: O-ha-you!
Hana: Ohayo!
Doremi: Hana-chan, Fluffy-chan!
Kotake: Oh, Inumimi-chan...
Momoko: How we're going to the camp?
Onpu: My mother will bring us to there, she knows that place very well
Doremi: Cool!
Kotake: that's nice! It will not be bad after all
Fluffy: (giggle)
Hana: Hana-chan is excited!
(Onpu's mama car reaches)
Onpu: Well, let's go!
Fluffy: Let's have fun!
(Music: 涙のブロークンハート♪)

(Morning. Misora's Camp.)

Kotake: Oh! Wonderful
Onpu: Yes, it is!
Fluffy/Hana: Cool!!
Aiko: Let's eat!
Hazuki: Good idea, Aichan!
Momoko: (Pointing pretty area) Let's go that place
Doremi: Let's go!
Kiri: Hello!
Momoko: AHH!
Doremi: Momo-chan, what's wrong?
Fluffy: Ooh
Hana: Oh, a girl!
Kiri: (smiling) I am Kiri, Kiri Matsumoto!
Kotake: Eh?
Onpu: Kiri Matsumoto?
Doremi: Momo-chan, you know this girl?
Momoko: I will tell you later, Doremi-chan
Kotake: I've never seen you before, you know those weird girls?
Doremi: (vein on her forehead) Who are you calling weird?!
Kotake: Dojimi, Stop!
Doremi: ........
Fluffy: Anoneeee...
Hana: (looking Kiri) ...OH! You are that famous girl from MAJOKAI!
Hazuki: (glasses broke) !!!!
Kotake: ...MAJOKAI?
Doremi: !!!!!! NO NO NO! She SAID SHANGAI!...YES YES!
Onpu: Hana-chan!
Fluffy: HUEEEE
Aiko: Yes, Kotake...why, don't go to play Soccer?!
Momoko: Oh my god!
Hana: Cool!
Kiri: (big sweat on her head) ...
Kotake: but...but...
Doremi: Hana-chan, Fluffy-chan, know what to do...
Onpu: Kotake, please show us your soccer abilities!
Aiko: Yes! I can be your rival!
Hazuki: Please Kotake!
Kotake: This is weird...
(Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, Onpu and Kotake leave)
Kiri: ...yes, I am that person, Hana-chan
Hana: I see!
Momoko: ...
Fluffy: Huee...I don't understand what's happening...
Momoko: Fluffy-chan...she is the most powerful witch from MAJOKAI
Fluffy: HUEEEEEE!!!! Honto?!
Momoko: Yes, she told me she wears the Golden witch suit...
Hana: Kiri-chan is like a star in MAJOKAI!
Kiri: (blushing)...
Hana: Hana-chan heard she won all contest in MAJOKAI event! Even sports one!
Momoko: AMAZING!
Kiri: Well, yes!
Momoko: She seem to be a special girl...but, why you are here?
Kiri: I want meet Fluffy...I suppose is that INUMIMI
Fluffy: hueee..
Momoko: Yes, she is.
Kiri: Let's have a contest here!
Momoko: Oh? Contest?
Kiri: Yes! Let's see which witch is better, Fluffy or I!
Fluffy: Hueeeee..!
Kiri: First we'll play soccer with that boy named Kotake.
Momoko: Oh!
Hana: Hana-chan wants to play too!
Kiri: Second, we'll go to river to catch some fishes!
Fluffy: hueee!
Momoko: Cool!
Hana: FISH!!
Kiri: And Fluffy-chan will give us the third test!
Fluffy: anone...We...we are going to cook a cake for...Kotake...
Momoko: Oh! Cooking test!
Kiri: (shock) ..........
Hana: Hana-chan wants eat cake!!
Momoko: OK! Let's do it!
Kiri: OK!!

(Soccer camp)

Kotake: (playing with Soccer ball) ...
Doremi: Where is Momo-chan and the other?...
Hazuki: Matsumoto Kiri...
Onpu: That girl comes from Majokai?
Aiko: ...
Momoko: Everybody!
Doremi: Momo-chan!
Hana: Hana-chan will play soccer too!
Fluffy: ...
Kiri: (giggle)
(Kiri explains everybody her plan and they get ready!)

Kotake: want me to be Rival?
Kiri: yes, When somebody takes the ball from you, that team wins!
Kotake: AHAHAHA, then I'll be the winner!
Doremi: We'll see...
Kotake: You will never defeat me, Dojimi!
Doremi: (evil look) Kotakeeeee...
Kotake: (evil look) Dojimi.....
Momoko: ...they are fighting again!
Hazuki: I will be the referee!
Kiri: Then, let's start!
(MAHO de choi choi music!)
Aiko: I am first!!
Kotake: Senoo, you will not able to win!
Aiko: (tries to take Kotake's ball) AAH!!
Kotake: (moves) Good try!
Aiko: Hua- He is fast!
Kiri: (giggles) It will be good!
Fluffy: ...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 15

We are having fun in the park and we accept the Kiri-chan challenge!
We need to get as many fish! It is time to use magic? It is dangerous!
Eh? Kotake and Doremi are alone? What will happen?

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Love and Fish"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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