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Episode 12 - We love Sunday!

(MAHO-DO. Night)

Majorika: Majovee, please come again soon!
Majovee: Right, Majorika!
Aiko: Where's Majovee going?
Majorika: She is going back to MAJOKAI, to GAERU village.
Majovee: Yes! after I feel better, Fluffy and I will go back to Mexico
Fluffy: hueee
Momoko: (gasp)
Doremi: ...
Onpu: But...
Majovee: It'll be alright!
Majorika: See you later, Majovee!
Hazuki: Majorika seems to be friends with Majovee...
Momoko: Flu-chan...
Fluffy: (sad look) I don't want to leave...
Momoko: It'll be alright! Right, Doremi-chan?
Doremi: (looking down and pensative) (trying to smile)...
Momoko: Doremi-chan, are you OK?
Onpu: Doremi-chan
Doremi: (leaves to the other room) I am okay!...don't worry.
Fluffy: ...Momo-chan, please wait for me.
Momoko: Flu-chan?
Fluffy: I need to tell Doremi-chan something
Aiko: mmm...
Hazuki: Doremi-chan...
Onpu: I think she already knows what happened
Momoko: ...


Doremi: (cutting some chocolate) Kotake... (sighs)

Kotake: .............
Doremi: Kotake?
Kotake: Well...thank you Fluffy-chan...for the present...
Fluffy: (smiling) Hai!
Kotake: (blush) See you, Fluffy-chan, Dojimi

Doremi: (thinking) Does he really like Fluffy-chan?
Doremi: What are my real feelings for Kotake?...I am confused
Fluffy: (entering) Doremi-chan?...
Doremi: (looks) Fluffy-chan?...
Fluffy: (gets close Doremi) About Kotake...
Doremi: (doki doki) yes?
Fluffy: (closing eyes and smiling) well, I just like him as a friend.
Doremi: Oh?
Fluffy: Yes, I don't know him well...and...Hana-chan told me you like Kotake
Doremi: EEEEEE?!
Fluffy: but, Kotake likes you too...I know it!
Doremi: ........
Fluffy: Doremi-chan?
Doremi: (cuts chocolate very fast) b-but...AHHHH...that can't be possible!!
Fluffy: (sweat) D-doremi-chan?!
Doremi: (cuts her finger) ...Ahhh...hurts hurts!...
Fluffy: (gasp) A-Are you OK?!

(Few minutes later...)

Fluffy: (putting a Band-aid on Doremi's finger) Here...
Doremi: Thank you Fluffy-chan...
Fluffy: (hugs Doremi) Doremi-chan...
Doremi: eee?
Fluffy: I want be your friend...not rival
Doremi: (puts hand on Fluffy's head) ...Fluffy-chan
Fluffy: (worried) Because you were the first person to let me stay in their house...
Doremi: (smiling) Yes!
Fluffy: (looking Doremi) Friends?
Doremi: (holds Fluffy hand) Friends Forever, Fluffy-chan
Fluffy: Ahaha!
Doremi: One last thing...
Fluffy: Ee?
Doremi: About Kotake...
Fluffy: Yes?
Doremi: (wink) I will tell you later!
Fluffy: hueee!


Fluffy: It is late
Doremi: Yes...
Momoko: I am glad you are friends again, Flu-chan, Doremi-chan
Doremi: We are a team, like sisters!
Fluffy: yes, we don't want break up our friendship for silly things!
Onpu: I am glad!...oh...
Aiko: Onpu-chan, daijoubu?
Onpu: Tomorrow, there is a contest being held in Misora's City Park...
Hazuki: Contest?
Doremi: What kind of contest?
Hana: (coming from upstairs) Trading card game contest?!
Onpu: (Looks in her pocket) says...
Momoko: oh
Onpu: (reading) "Misora's City Park KARAOKE and TRADING CARD Contest"
Doremi: Cool!!
Hana: Hana-chan wants to go!!
Onpu: "We are looking for the best singers in Misora City! Please try out!"
Momoko: Sounds interesting!
Hazuki: Onpu-chan can perform a great song!
Onpu: ...
Aiko: Yes, remember she is the great SEGAWA ONPU!
Onpu: but...
Fluffy: Karaoke? What is that?
Doremi: It is singing with a track of music!
Fluffy: oh! sounds complex!
Aiko: (sweat) ...Tomorrow we'll take you there Fluffy-chan
Hana: INUMIMI! please come with Hana-chan to win Trading Card contest!
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Doremi: It will be a great Sunday!!
Majorika: (yelling) BAKA!!!
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Aiko: what's wrong Majorika?
Majorika: You are forgetting you still have to work...
Doremi: B-but we want go to buy food at contest...
Majorika: (eye shine) ...fufufufufu...
Doremi: ...W-what?!
Majorika: RaRa, tomorrow we'll sell sweets at Misora's Park...get ready!
Hazuki: AAH
Onpu: Ooh, that's a good idea!
Aiko: Well, many people gather there!
Fluffy: hueee...Sell in sunday?
Majorika: fufufufu, we'll win lots of money!
Onpu: (sweat) uuuh...
Doremi: Huaaa...
Hana: Cool!!

Onpu: Well, I am leaving
Hazuki: Me too, is late
Doremi: I will bring Poppu too...
Momoko: See you tomorrow, Flu-chan!
Majorika: See you tomorrow, Ojamajo
(Ojamajo Leave)
Majorika: fufufufufu...
Hana: (dancing) Hana-chan cards will beat people! WAI WAI!...
Fluffy: (sweats) It will be a long sunday...

(Midnight. MAHO-DO, Hana-chan room)

Hana: (arranging her cards) nnn...
Fluffy: (laying on Bed) ...
Hana: Hana-chan cards are pretty and strong!
Fluffy: Hana-chan...
Hana: What?
Fluffy: Do you think something good will happen tomorrow?
Hana: Yes! Hana-chan thinks so!
Fluffy: I hope we sell many sweets tomorrow!
Hana: (taking off her clothes and putting pajamas) YE-S!
Fluffy: and try the Karaoke thing!
Hana: (looking Fluffy) Inumimi, do you wear pajama?
Fluffy: (blushing) Eeee...well, nope!
Hana: Hana-chan will lend you one!
Fluffy: HUEEEE!
Hana: (takes off Fluffy's clothes) Shirt, Skirt off!!
Fluffy: (blush) HUEEE!!
Hana: (dresses Fluffy) There!
Fluffy: (blushing) Hueeee...t-thanks Hana-chan...
Hana: Yes!!
Fluffy: (lays down again) ...
Hana: Inumimi wears spats!
Fluffy: (blushing) well...hai...
Hana: Hana-chan can lend you her underwear!
Fluffy: (runs away) HUEEEEEEEEEE!
Hana: (chasing Fluffy) Ahahaha! come here Inumimi!

(Sunday. MAHO-DO)

Hana: (using phone) Hai! We'll see you there, bye!
Fluffy: (blushing) ...
Hana: (looks Fluffy) Ah! CHIISSU!!! Good morning, Inumimi
Fluffy: H-Hana-chan...
Hana: Inumimi looks very cute!
Fluffy: I...
(Fluffy is wearing Hana-chan clothes)
Hana: You are also wearing Hana-chan's underwear!
Fluffy: (blushing) I can't go like this!
Hana: Ahaha! Let's go! We are the HANA-TWINS!
Fluffy: HUEEEEEE!!!
Majorika: Hana-chan, did you called Doremi?
Hana: Hai! We are going to see in the Park!
Majorika: good...(looks Fluffy)
Fluffy: AH..G-Good morning
Majorika: (sweats) Two Hana's?!
Fluffy: Hueeee!
Hana: We are HANA-TWINS today!
RaRa: Oh! Fluffy-chan looks very good!
Fluffy: Hueee!
Hana: Let's go Inumimi!
Fluffy: (blushing) H-hana-chaaaaan...
Majorika: It will be a good day!

(Morning. Misora's City Park)

Fluffy: (hiding behind Hana) ...This is the park?
Hana: Hai! It is the pretty Park!
Fluffy: huee...there are many people...
Boy 1: Oh look, two girls with same clothes!
Girl 1: They are so cute!
Boy 2: A Dog girl!
Student 1: Oh, They wear same clothes, are they sisters?
Student 2: I want clothes like that!
Fluffy: (blushing) Hueeeeee...
Hana: (pointing Trading Card Game stand) Inumimi! look!
Fluffy: oh! What it says?
Hana: It says "Trading Card Contest entries here!"
Fluffy: COOL!
Hana: Hana-chan wants play first!
Fluffy: Ok!
(Fluffy and Hana go to the stand)
Man: sign up here for Karaoke Contest and Trading Card Game contest!
Hana: (writing) Ahaha! There, Your turn Inumimi!
Fluffy: (looks paper sheet) huee...I can't read...
Hana: What's wrong Fluffy?
Fluffy: (writing) N-nothing!
Man: (curious) You two are twins? You are wearing the same clothes!
Fluffy: (blushing) HUEEEEEE!
Hana: No! We are the HANA-TWIN-TEAM!
Man: (sweats) w-well...Contest will begin in 2 hours, so get ready!
Hana: OKAY! Thank you!
Fluffy: (blushing) Huee...embarrasing...

(Morning. Misora's City Park Core)

Hana: (sitting) Contest will start shortly!
Fluffy: (sitting very close Hana) I want change clothes....
Hana: But you look so cute!
Fluffy: (blushing) Hueee...I feel weird...
Hana: Ahaha!
Doremi: Oh! Hana-chan!
Hana: Doremi!!
Fluffy: D-Doremi-chan!
Doremi: Fluffy-chan! Good morning...oh?
Fluffy: huee
Doremi: Why are you wearing Hana-chan clothes?
Hana: Because we are HANA-TWIN-TEAM!
Doremi: (sweat) right...
Fluffy: I look not good...
Doremi: I think you look very good Fluffy...
Fluffy: (blushing) Huee...
Momoko: Hello!
Hana: MOMO!
Fluffy: Momo-chaan
Momoko: Fluffy?! Why you are wearing Hana-chan clothes?
Hana: Ahahahaha!
Doremi: Sundays like this are interesting....

(Morning. Misora's City Park. MAHO-DOU stand)

Momoko: Thank you for coming!
Doremi: We are selling many sweets!
Fluffy: (giggle) My PATISSIE clothes are better
Hana: Hana-chan wants Inumimi to wear Hana-chan clothes again...
Fluffy: (sweats)
Aiko: Two, Three, It will be Four candy boxes!
Hazuki: Let me check the price of that box!
Doremi: Where is Onpu-chan?
Aiko: Ah...she is getting ready for Karaoke Contest...
Doremi: So she will participate in it?
Onpu: (running) D-doremi!...
Doremi: Onpu-chan?
Onpu: Please...tell Fluffy-chan to get ready!
Doremi: Eh? Why?
Onpu: She is in the KARAOKE CONTEST!
Aiko: EEEE?!!
Hazuki: W-What?
Hana: B...but...
Momoko: Aaa!
Onpu: Yes, she is the number 133 from the list....
Momoko: What number are you, Onpu-chan?
Onpu: I am the 72
Aiko: Then, it will take many time to Fluffy-chan's turn...
Onpu: No...In the contest, more than 2 persons can sing at the same time...
Doremi: That means...
Fluffy: H-hueee
Momoko: Flu-chan got few time to get ready!
Onpu: I have an idea!
Hana: (Sad look) But...Hana-chan wanted Inumimi-chan to play cards...
Momoko: Hana-chan...
Doremi: What is the plan Onpu-chan?
Onpu: Eheheh!

(Afternoon. Misora's City Park. Karaoke Contest)

Announcer: So! This contest is hot!
Now, our next participants are TAMAKI REIKA and TAMAKI ERIKA!
Reika: Fufufufu...
Erika: We'll win...
(Erika and Reika performs)
Onpu: are you ready Fluffy-chan?
Fluffy: Ah...but...Why I have to wear Hana-chan clothes?
Onpu: Forget that...we are next Tamaki-san
Fluffy: huee...
Onpu: Everthing is going to be OK!
Fluffy: I hope so...
(Erika and Reika perform ends)
Announcer: Wow! They are two cute girls! A nice perform by team TAMAKI!
Reika: We are going to win the cup! Fufufufu
Erika: That's right
Announcer: Coming up next ...WHAT?! Wait...It cannot be!!
Onpu: Is our turn
Fluffy: (doki doki doki doki)
Onpu: Let's do our best Fluffy-chan!
Fluffy: (holds Onpu's hand) Onpu-chan...
Onpu: (smiling) Let's make this contest the best!
Announcer: It is...SEGAWA ONPU TEAM!?
Onpu: Hello!
Fluffy: (doki doki doki doki)
Announcer: It is Onpu Segawa and...oh, Fluffy Eevee!
Erika: WHAT?!
Reika: Segawa-san?!
Announcer: What they will sing to us?!
Onpu: (grins)
Fluffy: hueee...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 13

The karaoke contests is about to start! Let's sing with our hearts!
Hana-chan, you are alone in the card game contest? Don't worry!
We're cheering for you, who is this guy? Is the friend of Nekomimi?

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Never alone"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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