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Episode 11 -Love and Friendship

(Morning MAHO-DOU)

Majovee: Hello...
Momoko: Ooh, It is a gaeru!
Fluffy: yes!
Majorika: ...Majovee
Majovee: ...Majorika
Fluffy: ooh! they are chatting!
Hana: GAERU chat!
RaRa: Oh! Here is the beer for you, Majorika!
Majovee: You never change, Majorika
Fluffy: So they already know themselves!
RaRa: Oh!, yes, Majovee was in the same class as Majorika
Majovee: fufufufu
Majorika: But she was always shy and timid
Fluffy: Hueeee
Majovee: But you always wanted defeat Majoruka, isn't?
Majorika: well, yes...
Fluffy: oooh, Majoruka?
Momoko: The old GAERU witch, teacher of Onpu-chan
Fluffy: SUGOI!!
Majorika: Majovee, let's drink beer and chat.
Majovee: fufufu, sounds fun
RaRa: Please continue with Fluffy's-chan party!
(RaRa, Majorika and Majovee leave)
Momoko: Okay!
Hana: Hana-chan wants celebrate!
Fluffy: Hueee!
Momoko: Let's eat the cake!
Hana: Hana-chan is hungry!
Fluffy: But...we need wait for Doremi-chan, Haduki-chan, Ai-chan and Onpu-chan!
Momoko: Oh! yes!
Hana: (Hana looks in her bag) As we wait for them...
Momoko: Oh?
Fluffy: Eee?
Hana: Let's play Trading Card Game!
Momoko: Trading Card Game?
Fluffy: Hueee, I don't know how to play!
Hana: Hana-chan will teach you, Inumimi
Momoko: It will be a good day!


Hana: HUAAA! Fluffy won again!
Fluffy: (blushing) I never thought I was good in this!
Momoko: Wow, Flu-chan is very good at this!
Hana: Inumimi, you never played Trading Cards before?
Fluffy: No. I've never played...
Momoko: Flu-chan is talented in Card games and cooking!
Fluffy: (blushing) Hueee-
Hana: BUT...With this card I will defeat you!
Fluffy: hueee!
Momoko: What? Onpu Love Love card?
Hana: Eheheheh!
(Door bell rings)
Doremi: I came back
Momoko: Okaeri!
Hana: Wa- I was going to defeat Inumimi with my card!
Doremi: card? What are you doing?
Momoko: They are playing trading card game
Doremi: Oh, It is becoming popular to play
Momoko: Yes, I saw SOS Trio playing with some of those...
Doremi: I should play too!
Hana: My card ONPU LOVE LOVE will defeat you in this last game!
Fluffy: hueee!
Doremi: Onpu-chan is in the card?
Onpu: I came back!
Doremi: Welcome!
Onpu: Oh? That's a card from that popular Trading card game?
Hana: Yes, Hana-chan likes to play!
Fluffy: But, it have Onpu-chan image on it
Onpu: Well, they released some cards with some images from my CD
Momoko: Oh! nice!
Onpu: But I think it is silly
Doremi: Why?
Onpu: (Sexy pose) They should took new body is sexier, I think
Doremi: (Sweat) O-Onpu-chan
Momoko: (Sweat) Y-yeah...
Hana: ...OK! I will destroy you, Inumimi!
Fluffy: HUEEEE!
Hana: ONPU LOVE-LOVE card, Go!
Fluffy: Errr-...Purple Armored Dragon...go!
Hana: H-Hana-chan loses again?!
Onpu: Oh...Fluffy-chan is very good.
Momoko: She is talented!
Doremi: As Taniyama-kun, he is very good at Shogi!
Onpu: He is?
Aiko: I came back
Hazuki: I came back
Onpu: Welcome, Haduki-chan, Ai-chan
Aiko: Oh! Trading Card Game!
Hazuki: I've been watching people playing it.
Doremi: In Misora city, it is becoming popular!
Hana: Fluffy beat Hana-chan!
Aiko: Cool!
Hazuki: I think Fluffy-chan have good talent!
Momoko: Everybody, Let's eat cake!
Ojamajo: Wai!
Fluffy: Cake!

(Few hours later)

Hana: Hana-chan loves party!
Aiko: The welcome party was good.
Hazuki: Yes, Momo-chan sweets are great
Doremi: Fluffy-chan and Momo-chan sweets are incredible
Onpu: And OY! Cola is very good!
Hana: Hana-chan Loves Inumimi-chan!
Momoko: I am glad you all liked it
Fluffy: hue...but...I just leaved for a day!
Momoko: But you are important for MAHO-DOU
Fluffy: (blushing) Hue...
Momoko: Majovee must be proud of you
Doremi: Majovee? She is here?
Momoko: Yes! She is with Majorika!
Onpu: Oh...
Aiko: Let me check...
(Aiko goes to the other room to check)
Aiko: H-huaaa!
Hazuki: Ai-chan, Are you OK?
Doremi: Ai-chan?
Fluffy: huee
Momoko: What happened?
Hana: uh?
Ojamajo: (shocked) ......
(Majorika BURABO music playing)
Majorika: Let's dance samba and drink beer all night, Majovee
Majovee: (dancing) You are right, Majorika!
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Hana: SAMBA!
Momoko: Majorika?!
Doremi: ...
Onpu: ...errr...
Hazuki: They dancing that funny dance again...
Aiko: Majorika Samba...
Momoko: (Sweat) Flu-chan...
Fluffy: But it is fun (giggle)
Momoko: (smiling) yes!
Hana: Ahaha!
Fluffy: (holds Momoko's and Hana's hand) come with me Momo-chan, Hana-chan!
Momoko: Oh!
Doremi: Fluffy-chan and Momo-chan seem to be happy
Onpu: It is called friendship
Doremi: (smiling)
Aiko: (watching Majorika and Majovee dancing) ...
Hazuki: (giggle)

(Outside MAHO-DO)

Momoko: Flu-chan...
Fluffy: first of all...I want thank to you...
Hana: Inumimi...
Fluffy: you and Hana-chan has been very good with me!
Hana: Hana-chan loves when Inumimi is happy
Momoko: (sits) well..Flu-chan, Onpu-chan told me you and me are so similar
Fluffy: oh?
Momoko: we come from overseas and we also were shy at first...
Fluffy: Oh, I think that is why we become best friends soon...
Momoko: right!
Hana: Hana-chan thinks Momo and Inumimi are alike!
Fluffy: Yes!
Hana: But Inumimi loves Kotake and Momo not!...(sweat)
Fluffy: (blushing) H-HUEEEEEEEEEE!
Momoko: T-thats true...Flu-chan?!
Fluffy: (blushing) W-well...yes...
Momoko: (smiling) I think you are much like me and Doremi-chan!
Fluffy: (Heartbeating) Really?
Momoko: (giggle) Yes!, Doremi-chan and you are a clumsy girl too!
Fluffy: HUEE!
Hana: (hugs Fluffy) But that's why we love Doremi-chan and you!
Fluffy: Oh, Thank you!
Momoko: I will keep your secret too, Flu-chan!
Fluffy: (blushing) T-thank you, Momo-chan!

(Outside MAHO-DO, Kotake comes)

Kotake: Asuka-san?
Momoko: Oh, Hello, Kotake-kun!
Fluffy: (blush) ...hueee!
Hana: Ahaha, KOTAKE!
Kotake: What are you doing here?
Momoko: Flu-chan just came from Mexico, so we're celebrating!
Fluffy: (blushing)(nods)
Kotake: So, she came back from Mexico?
Momoko: That's right!
Kotake: (looking Fluffy) is possible go Japan and Mexico in 1 day?
Momoko: HUEE!
Hana: I will explain you Kotake!
Momoko: Hana-chan...Wait...
Hana: Fluffy used an UFO and aliens helped Fluffy to go Mexico very fast!
Kotake: ...
Momoko: ...
Fluffy: hueee! Aliens?!
Kotake: are crazy!
Hana: Hana-chan isn't crazy!
Kotake: Yes, you are!
Fluffy: (blushing) Kotake-kun...well, I've just used a fast airplane to go Mexico...
Kotake: Eevee-san, what you did in Mexico?
Fluffy: (Heartbeating) ...
Kotake: Eevee-san, Daijoubu? are hidding something?
Fluffy: (Heartbeating) ...Kotake...
Kotake: oh?...what?
Fluffy: (looks Kotake and smiles) It is a secret!
Kotake: ...
(Fluffy runs inside MAHO-DOU)
Momoko: (giggle)
Hana: (Goes after Fluffy) But aliens aren't secret!
Kotake: Asuka-san, you can tell me what is happening?
Momoko: Kotake-kun, if you want to know come inside with us!
(Momoko goes inside Maho-DOU)
Kotake: (Heartbeating) Waaa...those girls are crazy!
(Kotake goes inside MAHO-DOU)

(MAHO-DOU. Inside)

Kotake: Eevee-san! Where are you?
Doremi: Kotake?!
Kotake: Dojimi, where is Eevee-san?
Doremi: Eevee-san? Fluffy-chan?
Kotake: yes, Fluffy-chan...
Fluffy: Kotake come here!
Doremi: (Haertbeating)
Kotake: Eevee-san, you are hidding something!
Fluffy: Yes, look! (gives Kotake a Mexican sombrero)
Kotake: W...what is this?
Fluffy: It is a sombrero...put it on your head
Kotake: (Puts the sombrero on head) Like this?
Aiko: ...What is that?
Hazuki: Cool!
Onpu: Oh, Mexico!
Doremi: (laughs) AHAHAHA
Kotake: (vein on forehead) DOOOJIIIMIIIIII!!!!!
Doremi: (laughs) You look very weird! Ahahaha!
Kotake: (chases Doremi) DOJIMI!!!!
Doremi: (Doremi runs) Ahahaha!
Fluffy: ...I think he looks cute
Hazuki: He does?
Onpu: yes he does!
Doremi: Eeeeh?!
Kotake: .............
Doremi: Kotake?
Kotake: Well...thank you Fluffy-chan...for the present...
Fluffy: (smiling) Hai!
Kotake: (blush) See you, Fluffy-chan, Dojimi
(Kotake leaves)
Onpu: (smiles) Well done Fluffy-chan
Fluffy: Hueee...
Doremi: (confused) Kotake...
Momoko: Doremi-chan, are you OK?
Doremi: I don't know...
Onpu: Doremi-chan?...
Fluffy: (worried look) Doremi-chan...

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 12

Doremi feelings aren't right, but Fluffy explains everything...
A new event in Misora's town, The trading card and Karaoke contest!.
Hana and Fluffy want entry and show her cards ability! Uh? What is this?
I have to sing in the Karaoke?!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "We love Sunday!"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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