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Episode 10 - I miss you

(Inside MAHO-DOU)

Momoko: (making some sweets) ...
Doremi: Momo-chan, what are you doing?
Momoko: (smiling) I am making some sweets for Flu-chan
Doremi: Sugoi!
Momoko: Yes, She will get happy!
Doremi: Oujosama told me she would back tomorrow.
Momoko: I miss her
Doremi: Me too
Momoko: At first, I though she was a timid girl
Doremi: She is pretty much like you, Momo-chan
Momoko: EE- Really?
Doremi: (smiling) Yes, remember, your Japanese was not good
and you was timid too...just like Fluffy-chan
Momoko: (giggle) It is true!
Doremi: (making some cookies) un!
Momoko: Maybe that's why I love her so much
Doremi: Oh?
Momoko: She is like a sister I never had.
Doremi: Momo-chan
Onpu: It is true.
Momoko: Onpu-chan
Onpu: Fluffy-chan and Momo-chan are alike.
Doremi: They come overseas
Onpu: But Fluffy-chan is INUMIMI.
Momoko: Yes!
Onpu: I think Momo-chan and Fluffy-chan will become best friends.
Doremi: Yes!
Onpu: (grabs some sweets to deliver) She will come tomorrow
Doremi: Let's make a party!
Momoko: Nice Idea!
Doremi: Let's go!

(A couple of hours later. Outside MAHO-DO)

Momoko: (looking up) Fluffy...
Girl: Hey you...
Momoko: Oh?
Girl: You are Asuka Momoko?
Momoko: Yes I am...
Girl: My name is Matsumoto Kiri...
Momoko: Matsumoto Kiri?
Kiri: Come with me
Momoko: ...
(They go inside MAHO-DOU)
Kiri: ...
Momoko: Matsumoto Kiri...
Kiri: (smiling) Look...
Momoko: ...T-that is a...!!!
Kiri: (Showing a golden Tap) Yes!
Momoko: Then, you are a...
Kiri: A witchling?...(smiles)
Momoko: But...
(Kiri transforms)
Kiri: Golden Witch Kiri!
Momoko: (gasp) Golden witch suit?!
Kiri: yes!
Momoko: Fluffy also wears golden suit!
Kiri: Fluffy?
Momoko: Yes, she is my best friend
Kiri: ...Another golden witch?
Momoko: I saw her wearing a golden witch suit...
Kiri: I will tell you...
Momoko: Oh?
Kiri: Long time ago, Sen Sen Dai no Oujosama made a golden dress
with a golden thread...It was very pretty...she gave this dress to a
sweet old witch. She was so pleased, so she asked Sen Sen no Oujosama if she
could made her a golden witch suit...
She accepted, and it was made in three days. Sadly, when it was finished, the Witch died...
Sad,Sen Sen Dai no Oujosama made a Golden Tap...So a sweet pure-hearted girl
could use the golden Witch suit in memory to the sweet old witch...
Momoko: are that sweet pure-hearted witch?...
Kiri: Yes...Sen Sen Dai no Oujosama gave me the tap...
Momoko: !!!!!
Kiri: But...she told me...A girl in the MAHO-DOU...
Momoko: ...
Kiri: (tuns around) ...would be a sweet pure-hearted girl.
Momoko: Wonderful
Kiri: So, I came from MAJOKAI to verify this...
Momoko: (hands Kiri some sweets) As you look for that girl, would you like to eat?
Kiri: (smiling) Thank you!
Momoko: They are good?
Kiri: (eating) They are wonderful!
Momoko: (giggles)
Kiri: By the way...That Fluffy...
Momoko: ...
Kiri: You told me her suit became golden...
Momoko: Yes...
Kiri: I heard when the witch suit and the witch heart are sincronized
then it will become golden for a while.
Momoko: Amazing...
Kiri: It was a legend...I never though it was real...
Momoko: oh?
Kiri: because some Witch taps are different than other...
Momoko: Really?
Kiri: My tap is the Golden Tap. So I can use powerful Magic
Momoko: (eating a sweet) Then you are powerful!
Kiri: (getting up) I will come here someday!
Momoko: Oh. You are leaving?
Kiri: Yes, I need go back to MAJOKAI right now...
Momoko: I see...
Kiri: Thank you for everything...we'll see very soon (smiles)
Momoko: see you, Kiri-chan!
Kiri: See you, Momoko-chan
(Kiri leaves)
Momoko: Matsumoto Kiri...Golden Suit...

(Sunset. Outside MAHO-DO)

Momoko: (sigh) I am tired...
Onpu: Momochan...
Momoko: Onpuchan?
Onpu: (sits next Momoko) We prepared everything for Fluffy
Momoko: sugoi!
Onpu: She will get happy
Momoko: I hope she bring Majovee too!
Onpu: That would be good!
Momoko: Yes! I want meet Majovee
Onpu: Momochan, You and Fluffy will become best friends
Momoko: I hope so!
Onpu: (smiling and getting up) I am leaving
Momoko: Me too, See you tomorrow, Onpu-chan!
Onpu: (waving) Good-bye
Momoko: (looks up) Fluffy...
(Onpu and Momoko leave)

(Inside MAHO-DOU)
Hana: Majorika
Majorika: Yes?
Hana: Inumimi will stay here forever?
Majorika: I would like that...
RaRa: She is coming back tomorrow
Hana: (a little sad) I know...but
Majorika: Hana-chan, don't worry.
RaRa: Hana-chan, cheer up
Hana: Hana-chan misses Inumimi...
Majorika: I know...
RaRa: Since Fluffy-chan came to MAHO-DOU, Hana-chan seem to be happier
Majorika: Fluffy-chan is a clumsy witch...but her cooking abilities are excelent.
RaRa: She is a nice girl too.
Hana: Inumimi is great, and powerful
Majorika: It is time to sleep, Hana-chan
Hana: Tomorrow we will play with Inumimi!
Majorika: Yes yes...
RaRa: Oyasumi, Hana-chan
Hana: Oyasumi, RaRa, Majorika!
(Hana goes upstairs)
RaRa: Majorika, why you are so pensative?
Majorika: nnn...
RaRa: It is about Fluffy?
Majorika: Majovee...
RaRa: Majovee?...
Majorika: She will come tomorrow too...
RaRa: ...
Majorika: We'll see what happen tomorrow...Good night, RaRa...

(Morning. MAHO-DOU)

Momoko: Good morning, Hana-chan!
Hana: You came early to see Inumimi too?
Momoko: yes!
Hana: wai!
Momoko: She will come soon!
Hana: waku waku!
Fluffy: (comes from front door) I am here!
Momoko: Welcome!
Hana: (jumps and hugs Fluffy) FLUFFY!
Fluffy: Hueeee!
Momoko: (walks toward Fluffy) You came back!
Fluffy: I promised!
Momoko: (hugs Fluffy softly)
Fluffy: Momo-chan...
Momoko: I missed you
Fluffy: Momo-chan, I missed you too!
Momoko: I made a cake for you!
Fluffy: hueee!
Hana: Everybody missed you, Inumimi
Fluffy: (blushing) Huaaa...!
Hana: yes!
Momoko: (gives Fluffy some sweets) Let's eat them!
Fluffy: Thank you very much!
Momoko: (eating) You came alone?
Fluffy: (eating) nope! Majovee came with me!
Momoko: really?!
Fluffy: (smiling) Majovee, please come here!
Momoko: (doki doki) !!

Preview of Episode 11

Majovee is in MAHO-DO! A gaeru party. Fluffy and Hana are playing Trading Cards.
Wow, Fluffy won again! What is this? Kotake cama Maho-do?!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Love and Friendship"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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