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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

(aka Noob help)

Brought to you by WildLilac Ranch

Hey, we were all noobs once.  Though most of us don't want to admit it! Here's a some questions that you noobs should not ask! Hopefully some noobs will read this and not ask such noob-like questions. Please message me if anyone has more I can add!

Q. Can I be your partner?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because 98% of partners will cause all kinds of trouble from stealing your money/horses/etc to getting you banned.  I like doing my own work and I don't want to risk losing everything I've done.

Q. Can I breed my unpure/overbred horse to your stallion?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because I have worked very hard on my stallions and the LAST thing I want is unpure/overbred foals, and the LAST thing Horseland needs is more useless, unpure/overbred horses floating around that no one wants!

Q. Can I have some of your money, or your account?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because I've worked my butt off for all this money, etc and I am sure NOT going to give it away! No one helped me, so you can go make your own money and get your own account.

Q. Will you buy my horses/dogs/guinea pigs/houseplant?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. I only buy horses.  And if I want one, I'll coming looking for it.  So don't bother me about buying your stuff  because I won't

Q. Will you train my horse to 20K in a week for $2000 dollars?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. 2 reasons.  One, I don't public train unless offered a LOT of money.  Two, its not worth my time or effort to train your horses for cheap.  I've got enough of my own horses to train.

Q. Can I buy your 10K store horse for $100? I will love it forever and never ever sell it, oh its so beautiful please let me have it!

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because its worth FAR more than that, and well, money wins.  Not begging, not pleading, not promises never to sell and always to love a fake horse!! Don't like it? Train your own!

Q. Will you make me a page or a pic?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because I can't make pics, and because I don't have time to make other people pages.

Q. I got hacked, please help me! What should I do?

A. Well no, I won't help you.  Two reasons.  One, you were likely dumb enough to let someone into your account or to buy 'secrets' or a 'premi' from someone, despite all the Horseland warnings not to do that!  Two, no one ever helped me, I just got over it and got off my butt and made more money.

Q. Will you buy me secrets/premi?

A. NO!

Q. Why?

A. Because only the talk secret works and I already have it so why waste my money on 64 pages of secrets that don't even work anymore??  And as for your 'premi' chances are pretty close to 100% that its a fake and you are trying to steal my money.  Nice try though.