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message reads: Welcome, Flash Mobbers /~ We salute you /~ Crawley Flash Mob is pleased to announce that your flash mobs are coming! ~/

When? : SOON!

First, e-mail:

(no subject, no message)

WHY? You will be put on the mailing list /~ Copy this web address and pass it on to as many other people you know who may want to join in, so they can sign up for the newsletter ~/

THEN WHAT? Three days before the flash mob event you will receive an email giving you your flash mob instructions /~ When you get your instructions, copy them, pass it onto as many people you know (with a copy of the e-mail and web address) so they can join in or sign up ~/

When you get your instructions follow them carefully!


Why are flash mobs fun? - from Flashmob - World-wide mob links/info

Londonmobs - Leedsmob - Manchester -

Birmingham - BristolPranksters - Hull -

Tunbridge - Belfast - Herts -

Dundee - Glasgow - Sheffield - Sussex -

Southampton - Portsmouth

want a link back to a new mob site? missed you out? email the board moberator at or for anything else.

Remember to be polite, courteous, no profanity, do not create panic or alarm /~ Smile at all times! /~ Flash Mobbing is for fun only! ~/

Enjoy! ~/ See you there! ~/

Crawley Flash Mob ~/ message ends.


If you are unsure what Flash Mobbing is all about or you are in any doubt simply use the links on this page to gain more information.

To unsubscribe from all the lists:



Flash Mobs are many persons forming as "one" in a short space of time. The members all simultaneously converge and then quickly disperse again at a given time, everyone departing in different directions.