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A Nightmare In Dreamland

Yeah, nightmares suck. Once I get them, I can't seem to get rid of them for a VERY long time. It's disturbing, VERY disturbing. Why is it something I fret about? Because it's been bothering me since I was about seven years old. That's not old enough to know how to deal with that sort of thing. I mean, come on! It's a nightmare, it's tough to deal with now, except I realize that they're not real and won't exactly hurt me.

Oh, and I have this one special talent. Whenever I remember one of my dreams, or nightmares, it happens the next day. Kind of psychic, and I swear, I'm not lying. But this is the truth. I had a dream that on my birthday, which was the next day, that I would get burnt and would start a fire. Next day, I burnt my house down and saved my dog at the price of a badly burnt hand…but hey, I saved my dog. That's what mattered to me then. Nothing went well after that.

Two years later, I saw my father's death before my eyes in a dream, and I woke up that day to hear my mom break the news that my father had been killed. I could've woken up at any time to tell my mom, or to phone my dad and try to warn him, but I didn't. I was too scared. I hoped I wouldn't remember it, so that it wouldn't happen. But I wasn't lucky enough to veer away from death. I've been with it all my fucking life, and it doesn't get easier to see it before your eyes. I stand here now, staring into death's eyes, and delight fills my body. I start to feel free. Then I realize I'm not dead yet, and I am filled again with sorrow, pain and agony, that has been my life.

Fuck Off. This is bullshit.

[It's dark. Everything is dark. I'm all, alone, I'm just wandering around in the dark. I can't see anything. Dammit, I stub my toe on the doorframe. At least, I think it was the doorframe. Shit, it could've been that one fucking box that I've never had time to unpack. It could be anything. At least it wasn't the dog. The damn fool would've barked or yelped like a retard. What am I doing? I'm walking somewhere in my house, but where? And why? What the hell was that? Must be a cat outside my window… or a bat or something. I'll kill the bat later…especially if the tennis ball gets in my house. Dammit, I can't see anything. WHAT WAS THAT FLASH?! Nothing…I can't see anything.]

< THUD >

[Damn, I fell back. My stomach hurts…Oh man does it hurt. Ahh, the light is blinding. What the hell is happening? Who the fuck is that staring down on me? Damn, are they talking? My head is killing me.]

Voice: Man, I'm about to blow your ass away if you don't give me the loot from your crib.

[Did he just say he wants to shoot some hoops with me while wearing a bib? This guy is psycho.]

Voice: I said where the fuck is your shit?

[He said where the puck is my stick? …Oh man my head hurts. I bet I'd understand him if I weren't so sore. Come on Jared, you can do this, get up, do it slowly, just get up.]


[Don't listen Jared. Just get up, and do is slowly. You'll get there eventually. Come on Jared, it isn't THAT hard to get up. You're on your hands and knees now. Raise up the left leg, come on, come on, that's right. There ya go, only one more foot to place on the wooden planks and then an upward thrust and you're set. There ya go Jared. Now face the guy who's been talking. Yeah, don't be afraid. Be calm under pressure.]


Jared- " Why the hell are you in my house?"

[You know why. He broke in. He's a robber, we've been shot. I'm bleeding all over my shirt and the floor. Man he has bad aim, missed my heart by a few inches. Heh, that guy needs target practice. Come on Jared, keep talking and thinking what nearby can…there, a metal garbage can. Too small to put around him, but it'll do to hit him in the head. He's got a nice gun too… too bad it's aimed at me. NOW!]

(Jared Lunges at the can and though he's hurting badly, he grabs it, spins and kicks it at the robber. The robber's gun hand is hit, and he swings it into the air and shoots, nailing the light bulb above. Back to complete darkness. Grunts are heard as there is a struggle. Another gunshot goes off, and the gun is dropped, someone falls into the wall, then face first onto the floor. Running down stairs is heard. Someone runs out the door and while shutting it flips on a light switch. Showing System-X, laying in his own blood, barely breathing.)

[What the hell? I'm supposed to be a god damn wrestler and some punk waltzes in here and basically kills me? Oh no, that won't happen. I won't let it.]

Voices are heard, one man, frantically on the phone talking to someone. The man paces around the area, and then sirens are heard pulling into the overly large driveway. Noises are being made, and soon after, the siren vehicles speed off into the night, leaving the large house abandoned. We follow into the siren mobile, also known as an ambulance. Jason is sitting there beside his fallen friend. Meanwhile, Jared is being hooked up to IV and getting numerous needles in his arm. He has nose-breathing intensifiers, for his pleasure.)

[Urge to kill…rising…that fuck, I bet he planned this all. That scum fuck. He's worse than Lance Sterling. Fuck I hate them both. Derek is better than they are combined. I can't believe I am thinking this. What will happen to my match at Indecent Exposure? What the fuck? Will I be ok'ed to wrestle? I doubt it. I'll have to rely on Jason, to get my ass out of the hospital so I can fight. I've never missed a match before, and I won't start now.]

Nurse- " Excuse me. But you are going to have to wait in the waiting room, un-less you are family."

[Pulse rising. Whenever I hear his god damn name. He makes my blood boil. I swear, I'll kill him. I'll slaughter him, like no one has ever been slaughtered before.]

Nurse: He's going into Cardiac Arrest. We're losing him! Get the shock machine thing!

[What? I'm right here you fucking moron. I'm not going anywhere. See? There's no light, nothing, I'm not moving. I'm staying right here.]


Nurse: CLEAR!


Nurse: CLEAR!


Nurse: He's Stabilizing.

[Good work you dumb bitch. I knew I was still alive ya fucking cunt. Stop pissing me off and stop with the god damn shit already. I ain't dying. Take the fuckin' bullet out of my chest and stomach, and let me go home. Fuckin' inbred.]

(The nurse puts on the mandatory clean things for surgery. Jared is rushed to ER. The Nurse provides the surgeon with the tools he needs for the procedure and about 5 hours later, System-X is in recovery.)

Jason: Jared....

[Oh no…not him…just go the fuck away JD.]

(Jared all of a sudden flat-lines…and nurses rush the scene and it blurs out.)


Sitting up in his bed, sweat dropping from his forehead, breathing, catching his breathe. Looking around his room and throwing off the bed covers. Standing to his feet and touching his arm, seeing if he is still alive.

System-X rushes into the bath room. Turning the tap on, and throwing water all over his face. Looking into the mirror and touching himself. Making sure he is still alive. Then, taking the cloth and whipping off the water.

System-X taking in a deep breathe, then sitting back down on his bed. Bringing his face into his hands, and then looking back up into the camera.

System-X- " Was that a dream? That felt so real, every moment, every part about it. I could feel it all, but yet, I wake up to this world, still alive. It's simply amazing."

" A Dream? A Nightmare? I don't know. Maybe it was both of them combined, but my life flashed before me, Dream or not. Realizing, that this is my life. Wrestling is what I do best."

" Coming Saturday. Word has it I am taking place in a all out battle. 2 against me. Those include, The Red Meanie and Madness . I will not waste my time, I will show you all what the system is all about and what the system is made of."

{ System-X, calming himself down. Then looking back up into the camera.}

System-X- " I’ve been backed into a corner and I am once again on my toes. I seem to be losing it and not focusing. From the dreams here at home too inside the ring, I can’t focus. Two losses in a row now. Will it be three? Or will I finally go the distance and do what I really came here for. Well, it is time for a mood swing. A change of the scene because I am not liking the way my career looks right now. Because System-X is heading down hill and fast. I am gaining speed and I am about to hit rock bottom. It’s time I pull my shit together and go back to my day job, kicking ass.”

" Your Wounds may heal but your mind will be scarred forever, when the system runs wild on you."

" This Saturday, dreams meet reality, and The Nightmares begin."

( System-X holds his head in pain, as he lays back down in his bed..... falling a sleep into the dream world....)

[ End Scene ]
