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To be a member of the Union of the PKK you must be combat lvl 80+ or 70+ with 70+ mage or range. This will give you an entry lvl position with nowhere to go but up! To become a leader, you must be the highest ranked player,in our clan, in a certain skill. If you have lvl 60 crafting, and nobody else,in our clan, has a higher crafting lvl then you get promoted to "leader". The leaders will vote on important dates and other descisions for the clan. The more leader positions you hold the greater your power as one. Positions include every stat, qp, combat lvl, and total lvls. If ever there is a tie amongst the leaders,in a vote, then it will go to the elites, consisting of the founding memebrs of the clan, myself(retro15),Cade Immure, and Gillchan. The clan will also randomly hold auctions, raffles, and other events,such as training sessions, pking trips, and kbd, kalphite trips! so stay active! If you have any suggestions/comments/questions you can email me and our friendly staff will try to help you as best we can. ----retro15----

Things to know about the Union of the PKK

Upcoming Events
Members (continued)
