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Career Web Project

Cindy Hampton - Teaching

I first thought about wanting to be a teacher when I was in the Fifth grade, when I had a wonderful teacher named Mrs. DeJesus. She taught me a lot, about life and schoolwork. When she taught, she made it fun. When I left her class at the end of the year, I was very upset. I want to be a teacher because I love kids and I love working with them. I have a lot of patience with children and I’m good at dealing with them. The occupation does guarantee steady employment so that when I do have a family, my job will be reliable enough to take care of them. I like the fact that I would have the same days off as my children so that I could spend more time with them, and I would get off work and be home at the same time as them. I also like that I would get to spend spring and summer vacation with my family. Although the salary is not very good, it would be worth it because I would be doing something that I really would enjoy. I believe that my partner and I would be able to raise a family together with my salary and his and be financially stable. I’ll be happy as long as we could care for our children and give them what they want and need. Right after college I should be able to seek employment right away, which is another good aspect of this career choice. I would like to be a Kindergarten or First grade teacher, because I would like to be the first educational influence in their lives. It would feel great to make that impact on them. Also, I don’t think I could teach at a high school or middle school and deal with those teenagers! Another aspect of this career that I like is that if I decided that I wanted to change grades or teach a certain subject, I can. All I have to do is go back to school while I’m teaching, and I could move to whatever area I would like to. I could even turn out to be the Principal one day! I would also like to be a coach for some of the sports teams of the elementary school that I work at. Maybe softball, soccer or basketball. Overall, I think that teaching is the perfect career for me. I love everything about it and I am excited to start my new career!!