Daves Site of Miscellaneous Crap

Hey people, this site is for nothing in particular so if you came searching for something it probably wont be here...sorry. I'm just a regular guy, living in Australia trying to get through life and have fun doing it. Maybe a bit about me....i'm gay, i'm an atheist, Lord of the Rings is a lifestyle choice for me, i have the best friends and family i could ask for, i love doing anything pretty much, i work at the athletes foot (which is so stimulating i assure you). Well i think that will do for now. This place is just for me to rant about stuff and post irrelevant crap so enjoy whats here, whether to think about it or just laugh about it. ENJOY

What this place has

My views on things
My various interests
A bit more about me

Email: Carneseregion@hotmail.com