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Hi! Welcome to my webpage!! Well, stop reading this and check out the rest of the page!!

Here are some shout outs to my friends!!

~*STaCY*~ HEY! YAY IT'S FINALLY SUMMER! We finally got that day for us too! GOODNESS IT'S ABOUT TIME! That was SO MUCH FUN! Of all days for those ladies to follow us around asking us is that ok for you? AHH! They must've thought we were complete IDIOTS! lol!!!! That was a good movie too! I FEEL PRETTY...OH SO PRETTY....Stupid song always gets stuck in my head now!!! Thanks for always being there for me! Especially this year!!! GOODNESS! lol! I would've gone CRAZY (literally) if I didn't have you to talk to! You're my best friend ever! hehe! Good luck with Cory!!

~*aDRieNNe*~ WHY HELLO THERE! HAHAHAHAHA! Alright enough of that....Oh my goodness Adrienne....Look at these letters....not evenly spaced at all...How are you going to fix this? HAHAHA... You're gonna come kill me one day I just know it. But hey, what're friends for.

*~ToNDa*~ TONDA! You are "the love of my life" HAHAHA! BUT ANYWAY! Aren't ya just SO happy Timmy isn't moving!!!! YAY! I can't believe you're going off to Florida without me...Guess Spring Break just wasn't good enough...GOSH! Wellllll, I hope ya have a GREAT time. Oh and watch out for those snakes on the beach lol!

~*BRiTTNY*~ HEY HEY HEY! Not much to say except SENTIO ALIGUOS TOGATOS CONTRAME CONSPIRARE!!!!! AHHHHH!!! I hope you remember what I told you that means lol...or the point I'm trying to make....just isn't there...oh well

~*KaRLa*~ KARLA! MY LOVE OF ONE TIME BUT NOT AT THE MOMENT CAUSE I FOUND SOMEONE ELSE BUT MAYBE LATER! haha...I still have yet to get Brian back for that "thing" at the park...but you tell just wait lol...I'll get him...I'm allllways

~*CaSSY*~ GOODNESS! I can't believe we've known each other for 3 years and it took us this long to really start to talk to each other! WHAT'S OUR PROBLEMS! Well, I'm glad we've become better friends this year and I hope it stays that way!

~*LiNDSeY*~ Hey there!!! This has been a fun year huh! Especially all those times we've gotten to go and play laser tag! Even though last time those guys were JERKS! But hey, it was still fun! We kicked their butts on that last game!! Well, I hope I get to see ya some over the summer!

~*LauRen*~ What a CRAZY year huh? But it's been fun! I hope I'll get to c ya some at the pool over the summer!

~*TiFFaNY*~ It's FINALLY summer! WOO HOO!!! AT LEAST NOW WE'RE NOT BUSY ALLLLLL THE TIME! I'm glad we got to play some basketball together the other day! It was fun! lol!

~*aMaRa*~ MY WOMAN! LOL! Shhhh no one can know! It's been FUN this year!!! And definitely CRAZY! lol!

~*JeNNiFeR*~ WATCH OUT FOR LACEY! SHE'S JUST AFTER YOUR BOOTY! lol! That was HILARIOUS! Megan too! You've gotta watch out for her...She's a bit shady!! lol!

~*aSHLeY*~ HEY!! I'm glad we've become friends this year! It's been fun in Coach Mobley's class! My goodness he is outta his mind!!! But he's hilarious! I hope we get some classes together next year too!

~*KaTie*~ Well, by golly! They didn't give us any classes together this year either! Welllllllllll...I hope I'll get to cya at the pool this summer! And I'll cya at the ballpark!

~*aMBeR*~ BAM BAM!! Remember that? HAHA! I hope your leg feels better! I guess I didn't help too much when I hit it in church! WITH THE BIBLE OF ALL THINGS! I'M SORRY! LOL! It was an accident! That scared me though! I was like OH NO I KILLED AMBER! lol! I'm glad it's gettin better now though!

~*HeNRY*~ HENRYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! etc..... lol! I can't believe it! It took us TWO years to talk to each other outside of symphony! AND BY GOLLY! YOU'RE LEAVING ME! I'm gonna miss you SOOO much!!!! You'd better come see me when you come back and visit!!! It was fun at the mall Monday and that Saturday! You're the best air hockey player I know!! lol!

~*JuSTiN*~ JUSTIN!!!! FIDEL!!!!!! YOU!!!! WHAT A YEAR HUH? We've known each other SO LONG! This year has definitely been the best though! Maybe we'll end up in Spanish together this year. I'm SURE Mrs. Faulkner just can't wait to get us 2 back! HAHA! But never EVER forget the evil crickets and the flying gorrilas..They're the trademark of our GATE class. Watch out for the government though...I think they're onto us...Oh well...

~*JaMeS*~ Where do I begin...This has been quite a year...I'm really glad we're still friends though. I miss you a lot. I'm glad that you still get to come and visit though.

~*MiCHeaL F.*~ MICHEAL......I miss you!!! You'd better come visit sometime! I'll hafta hunt you down!

~*MaRK*~ Hidy hoo!! I'm glad I've gotten to talk to you this year! You're a pretty nice guy! lol! You're pretty crazy too! But hey, aren't we all...

~*TiMMY*~ TIMMMAAAAAY! lol! GUESS WHAT!? You're my BUDDY too!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!! I can't wait to see you and Mark dance together! AND THE TIMMY DANCE! It's gonna be fun! lol!

~*RoBeRT*~ Hey!!!! It's been great talking to you lately! You're a really great guy! It's gonna be great when ya get to come over! I hope I get to cya sometime soon!