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Hello, and welcome to my HTML Help page! Some HTML codes will not work on Neopets for some reason, so I
made a page with codes that do work, so you can use this for your shop, user lookup, or pet's page! My Neopets
name is angel_faerie06, so if you find that one of my codes does not work, or you just feel like chatting,
feel free to Neomail me at anytime! :)

First of all, let's get a prettyful background for your page. Just copy the code below and put it where
you want it. Just change the #000000 (black) to whatever other color you want, if you don't want black.

If you don't want a boring solid color background, use this code for an image background. You'll have to
put in the image file's address where it says "PICTURE URL" first though.

Next, you'll need to edit the text, unless you want to keep it the same, or just have a blank page :P. Just change
the color FF0000 (red) to whatever color you want, and the font (arial) to whatever other font you want.

Don't forget the link colors! Just change the colors; CC66FF (purple) and the 00CCFF (sky blue) to whatever
you want. The hover color is the color of the link when your mouse is over it, just incase you didn't know. :)

If you want to do something to everything on the page, you can invert the colors by copying this code:
If you change invert to gray, it will make everything black and white. If you change it to blur, it will make
everything look blurry. FlipH makes everything flip over horizontally, FlipV makes everything flip over vertically,
and wave will make everything wavy! I don't really like wavy, it just looks... weird. If you use it,
you'll see what I mean.
Been wondering how to make the sidebar colorful like mine? Well, here's how you do it. The colors on the code
right now will make the exact same sidebar that I have. You can change the colors to whatever you want, but it
might take a few times of changing them to figure out exactly what you want.

Ok, well that's pretty much about it. If you need any other HTML codes, just Neomail me, and I'll try to
get it on this page as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting my Mystica's HTML Help page!

Having trouble finding a website with lots of backgrounds? Well, here's some links! I Hope you find that
perfect background that you've been looking for forever! :)

Click The Image Above For Jazz's Webpage!