
Multi-Rug Excitement

SPECIAL 1-tile RUG now available!

3x5 3x3 3x6 3x2 2x6 3x4 4x4 5x5 5x6 5x4 5x8 6x6

Rugs for your Tmogging pleasure (remember, the "T" is silent) - the little pictures tell you how may tiles by how many tiles, and consider that while the picture may make them appear all the same, each tile is its own four-rotationed self, independant of any other drawgroups. Much work went into making the Tmog folder titles and bitmap names as intuitive as possible for ease of use - so much so that *some* of the dgrp's aren't named correctly border/corner-wise, but maybe if anyone uses them I'll get inspired. It was also quite a hassle to ensure that these rugs behaved as rugs (or floor mosaics or what-have-you) should, as far as wall flags and what-not. However, obviously, they are hardly suitable as-is - these are more like templates, really. Read the enclosed text file for additional information. Smallish zips, very large *.iff's. Edit as you would other rugs, distribute freely, do not let the many tiles get you down. Make me something to download! And enjoy!

note: I'm still working on the 6x6, I have to add the dgrp's and fix some bugs - unless the game just doesn't like subindices above 1200... in which case...