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How You Can Help!
Scenes from Vietnam

To ensure our places on the trip we have pledged to raise a minimum of £2500 each for the Children Nationwide charity. With your support we can reach this amount and raise much, much more!

Click to offer sponsorship!


  • Sponsoring us (click on the link... and remember every little bit helps!)
  • Clicking on our banners - we are currently featuring several quality websites (and we change our links regularly) and when you click on the link, research a product or even buy something directly from our link the site concerned will donate a little more to our cause. We've only chosen the coolest sites so please check them out!
  • Supporting our events - we plan to organise several fund raising events, so check back regularly or email us for more details!
  • Link our website to your website - we are trying to obtain the maximum amount of traffic in a hope to gain maximum exposure for our cause
  • Tell your friends about us! Ask them to sponsor us or put a link to our site on theirs!


    If just 500 of you send just £1 that's 10% of our sponsorship raised... that could pay a researchers wages for over a week.

Where does the money go and what does it do?

By clicking on our banners you can help us to raise sponsorship by merely lifting a finger!

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