The Black Hand, or simply the Hand, are the assassins of the Sabbat. They comprise a special sub-division of the Sabbat, a sect within a sect. They are an elite group of vampires recognized as separate from all other members of the Sabbat. The Black Hand is not truly a separate body, however, since all its members are loyal to the Sabbat over all else.

The Black Hand is composed primarily of Assamite Antitribu, as well as many of the more militant vampires from other clans. The members of the Hand do not exist in packs of their own. Rather, they are members of normal Sabbat packs. While most Black Hand vampires are tough, their irate packmates quickly put them in their place if they overstep themselves.

The Black Hand is a special militia which the leaders of the Sabbat can muster in times of need. All Hand members are quite skilled in the ways of war. The members of the Black Hand themselves select the Sabbat vampires who are to be offered a chance to join the Hand. The Black Hand puts all candidates through a rigorous series of trials which test cunning, will power, physical prowess and martial skills. Those who pass the trials are inducted into the Black Hand. The new member receives detailed instruction in the order's ways, and he must come when the Hand calls him to action.

All Hand members are immune to the Vincullum when it pertains to the direct orders given to them by their leaders, the Seraphim. The members of the Hand answer only to the Seraphim when conducting Hand business, other then that they are bound by the Vincullum and Sabbat Justice codes like all the rest. The Leaders of the Sabbat don't like it either, for the Hand could easily wipe out the entire lot of then in a night. The Hand is rarely called together as a group - it's members are usually given solo assignments directly from the Seraphim or her messengers.

A council of four powerful Kindred rule the Black Hand. These four, known as the Seraphim, act as generals for the order, serving the Regent directly. "The Cardinal of War" will at all times serve as the highest ranking member of the Seraphim, with three others of his choosing to serve as his advisors and fellow Seraphim.

Saulot’s Words

Know that you are made to be unmade. You are the white lamb, the gentle sacrifice. You are the greatest part of the bounty of Caine and on your shoulders shall fall the greatest of sins. For alone amongst the children of Caine I have sought the answers to the greatest of riddles. For alone amongst the children of Caine I have walked the breadth of the entire cosmos. For alone amongst the children of Caine I have asked The One Above for forgiveness. For alone amongst the children of Caine. I have confronted The worst of the One Below’s minions. Those snakes which bit me whilst I slept, those foul wyrms that drank my blood, they learned the horrible truth by this greatest of sins. I learned to cleanse the blackness from the blood, the wounds of the flesh, the mind, and the soul. And though I may live no longer I pray that certain of my childer live on. Open thine eyes, my brood, and see the world truly and know what thou must live on to heal another generation, live on to guard the world in her final days.

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