so yes. i decided that i need somewhere to write stuff down. anything. jokes. thoughts. and damn the world like everywhere wants money from you. so i thought hey. i know how to do html. so i decided to make a webpage. but not really a webpage. just me writing about stuff. but i guess you all deserve to know a bit about me first. go ahead. ok now that thats out of the way. im not sure how im planning on setting this all up, since i know that i hate clicking on all these links to get to the real shiznit. so i guess i'll just put it all right here. peace.
oh...are you looking for journals from january? click here. or february?or perhaps march?
current music: all mews, 740 am. current date: 6.3.03 current time: 1050am. right so i need to put air in my tires right now and i cant get the stupid little thing off of my tire so i had to drive to campbell and now im at the restaurant waiting for my dad to help me. but hes helping some fire and saftey guy who is really fing hot and im like woah. anyways, i just answered the phone and i was all "campbell brewing company this is jenny" and it was weird. and i took all these notes and felt like a secretary. it was fun. ive always wanted to be a secretary. no...a receptionist. thats better. anyways, me and alex are going to the beach when she gets out of class and im very excited. although im not sure about how warm it is going to be. but such is life. i just want to get out of here. so i found out that imma be living in oasis next year, which will be fun. the house is big (6 bedrooms), the girls are nice...i have my own room...what more could i ask for? and its a block from school!
current music: nothing...roommate is asleep. current date: 5.7.04 current time: 1129am. i need to start doing this again, but since its been like a year it would be hard to catch up on everything. lets just say that life is changing right now, and has changed drastically and not exactly for the better in the past few months. thats all i have to say about the past. but school is almost over and i seriously cannot wait to get back home and go to work and all that jazz, no matter how much i complain. however, i must admit that i have made some amazing friends this year and it will be quite difficult to leave all of them yet again. and jayna is leaving forever, and i dont know how well i am going to be able to handle that situation. and....alex and melissa are both going to be abroad next quarter. ahhhh it gonna suck ass, but they will return. i have to leave for class in 4 minutes. i had class this morning and we had a presentation and in my opinion it went quite well. my allergies are horrid, and now i have this eww cough and such. and i have a cut on the bottom of my foot and it makes walking quite a task, let me tell you....but i think that im going to make it. ok its that time....more soon, i hope. work this afternoon...maybe tonight.
current music: my sister being a pervert. current date: 6.18.03 current time: 946pm. ok im finally getting some time and able to update this sucka. really though, not alot has been going on. everyone moved out of school, and it wasnt as sad as i thought it was going to be. im still not all the way unpacked though, i think i have like 2 smaller boxes in the garage. but they can wait. um ive been working. blah. starting tomorrow, i work all the way to monday. but, such is life. lets see....monday went to the beach. we are having blue tides or some shit. not really, but thats what it was like. there were these god damn blue jellyfish all over the beach, literally, and they were all up in the water as well. so at first i was like oh hell no, but then i got used to it. the water was nice, it was a wonderful day. my sister got super burned. i was like duh, what did i tell you? we were out there for like 6 hours and all she put on was spf 4, one time. and i kept saying dude, you need to wear at least 15. but she didnt listen. and now she regrets it. haha but she has this crazy farmers tan. her arm goes from red to white to tan. she has this random strip of white-ness, and it is hilarious. im gonna try to get a picture up in this heezy. i worked sunday and tuesday. no biggie. kinda friustrating at the end but its work. what do i expect. today i went to visit the grandparents in los altos hills. took them to the doctor. it was fun! and they got a good report back. my grandpa is doing so well, i am so happy. haha my grandma has been looking for my grandpas pants for like 2 days and they wanted me to look for them for a bit. i found them after 5 minutes in my grandmas closet. shes funny. and my grandpa has been craving spanish peanuts forever, so i went to get him some today. he was very happy. then i went over to stanford shopping center for a little trip to bloomies. there is alot of super cute juicy cotuure stuff out right now. but i didnt find anything i REALLY liked. but their shirts are blowin up right now. then i came back to town and paid a visit to the gym. then we went to look at a puppy. so cute! went grocery shopping, had dinner, and here i am, wasting time so i dont have to get in the shower. but i have to take a shower. i want to, but its late and my hair wont have sufficient time to dry before i go to sleep. oh well. but speaking of, i guess i should go see to that. more to come, i promise
current music: 3lw. current date: 6.11.03 current time: 747pm ok for reals this time its been a month plus since ive been up in here. see, i am actually going to school! the past month has been super busy. i got done with my last final today at like 3, and im all moved out so now i dont have a room. im still at school though, im watching jayna pack all her stuff in this HUGE bag that we just bought at the army surplus store. this is one that we hadnt been to before, and we hit the jackpot. this is the surplus store of all surplus stores. they have EVERYTHING one could ask for. we got her a bag, and also we got some new t shirts and a sweater. and they have sweatshirts and sweatpants in any color you could ever want. it was great. then we went to falafel drive in and wow it was really good. i am being forced to eat out because yesterday i had about 300 extra dollars on my food card for school and im leaving tonight and i had to get rid of it, so mom came and we went shopping in the little market and spent my money, so i have only 2 dollars left over. and that was great! until i woke up this morning and i went to buy a bagel and i was like shit i dont have any money! we didnt take into consideration that i was going to have to eat food today as well. but its ok. im living. lets see........nothing has happened lately, which is kinda a bummer. oh! adriana graduated from high school! and tomorrow my sister graduated into high school! this is great. and im done with my first year of college. its weird, it went by super fast. and i feel like i have grown alot, which is kinda cheesy but its the truth......i dont want to type anymore, im going to talk to jayna.
current music: snoop dogg.....ahhh it just changed to bob marley! current date: 5.22.03 current time: 1118pm. ok. its been a long time since ive typed, but it really doesnt seem like it. i dont type because everything here is same old same old. went camping last friday. worked all weekend. um....working all this weekend, including monday. im ok with that. i get payed tomorrow. it looks like part of my paycheck is going to the scu library. i went today and they were like uh, you owe us $71. and i was like oh man. but thats what i get for having 15 overdue books. im a big retard. they let you check them out for like a month and a half and i cant get them in on time. but hey what are you gonna do? speaking of the library, i just checked out a few books. the titles are as follows. slaughterhouse 5. deal with it. Twentieth century teen culture by the decade *this one looks GOOOOOOOD. the color of our future. and lastly, pretty in punk: girls gender resistance in a boys subculture. thats the lot of em. i gotta say i love the school library, we have the best stuff. um....i just finished reading "a hawaiian life" for my music class, and i gotta say that book is great. i red it outside on the grass today, listening to pepper, the first album thank you very mcuh. and i read it straight through. it was an amazing book. lots of emotion. ok um going to see expendables next thurday, with dub congress. good stuff. so i found out the july 9th pepper show is pepper and expendables. its going to be grand. and its in sf, which is never a bad thing. i havent told adriana yet. shes going to be excited. i was supposed to go wakeboarding tomnorrow, but dur to extenuating circumstances thats not going to happen. going to andys graduation saturday, then on a astro field trip saturday eve from 4-12. its going to be a long one. but fun. went to the beach on tuesday. that was wonderful as always, and i realized that i never want to move away from here. i love this place. even the bay area is something i hold very dear to my heart. maybe not santa clara exactly, but morgan hill, as much as i complain about it. um....went to a lecture at foothill last night with sabira and ritchie. then went to a little party. it was wednesday night, what else was i going to do? i actually had a superb time. except the beer was red hook. yucky. we played a few drinking games, my favorite being fuck the dealer. i got fizucked. it was like a conspiracy or something. today we got to choose our rooms for next year. we were hoping for something like 204 or 304, because they are bigger. however, the people RIGHT before us got it. its ok, we got the only other returning female room on second floor, so were happy. i couldnt have handled living on them third floor. and thats pretty much the story of my life. tomorrow is friday and i get to go home. im excited. and now im tired of typing. im sorry. im gonna try and stay awake until eric calls, but im not sure its gonna happen...we'll see.
haha dude i just looked at my guestbook. jeezus. thanks for the backup melanie! sometimes i wonder about people. im sorry for freaking talking to your boyfriend ABOUT HIS MUSIC. shit. thats not directed at you melanie. its at ty's girlfriend. wow. you are really insecure, seeing as i live in california and all. and the kicker is what i wrote in his guestbook. i was like hey, sorry i havent written awhile but i cant find your address. and thats it. man some people are crazy. and she didnt even leave me a name or email address. i kinda wanted to write her a little note back. if i called people pussys, i would call her one. but i dont. but i almost would for this situation. she just has issues. anyways, im kinda upset at that, sorry i needed to let out some steam.
current music: manu chao. current date: 5.9.03 current time: 1208pm. today was swell. went to class. it was alright. went out to coffee with my astronomy teacher. he is a funny funny guy and showed us all this cool stuff in his office. after that....oh right. i went to go see my advisor to get the stupid hold taken off of my registration. so i got all my papers prepared and went over there to talk to her and she was like are you here for drop in advising and i was like yeah. and she was like do you have any questions? and i was like no. and she was like ok, thats it. and that was it. it wasnt even advising. im not complaining, i didnt need to be advised, but it was pointless. they should never have put a hold on all of our registrations if thats all theyre going to do. anyways, then i went over to the music department and was like hey, i want to be a music minor. and they were like alright! so that was fun! what ah....current time is now 1242.....just had a discussion about technology and how its impacted our lives (cell phones, more specifically) *brees making her web page about that*, and derivated some inverse trig functions. but im back, but not back on track. music has changed. now its a moon records (best ska label) compilation, and its really good! moving on....i dont know what else i did today during the day. this eve i went to borders and got 3 new cds for only 30 dollars! and i used a gift card, so it was even better! then went to starbucks ( i know i know, please dont give me shit. gift cards...) and ordered a chai. i found out they put water in their hot chais normally. how cheap is that. so i ordered a no water grande chai. haha now i know the secret of why chais are never strong at starbucks. then i came back to school, watched er......oh man how fuggin good was it this eve? and next week, season finale, is going to be even better! then we uh..moved my car. i took a shower. and now here i am. ok im tired. one more story for the road. yesterday i got all ready for music class and walked, maybe 6/7 of the way there, and for some reason looked down at my shoes. and i was like shit. im wearing 2 different shoes. and i wasnt going to walk back to my room, lest i miss some casino rueda. so this is my problem. 5 pairs of reefs+no lights in my closet=me wearing 2 different shoes. too many pairs of reefs has never ever EVER been a bad thing until yesterday. and they arent even the same color, and one was waaaaay more worn than the other. it was almost uncomfortable. and i was wearing a skirt that is on the shorter side so it wasnt like i could hide my shoes. and we were dancing, so people are looking at your feet. boys were laughing. story of my life. ok. oh! and today i fell down some stairs in my astronomy class. oh man it was sooooo freakin funny. and dr bill was all maybe you should wear different shoes. and i was like look whos talking. he wears birks every day, i wear reefs every day. fair enough. im just a real big fan of the flip flops. maybe ill wear my birks on tuesday to spite him. hahaha. ok seriously. im gonna go read for a bit, until my hair dries......oh man its gonna be a long noight......then sleepy time. score!
current music: romy dee. current date: 5.6.03 current time: 548pm i have nothing to do tonight. no homework, nothing. ive already slept for 4 hours. so i was like hey, i might as well do my page. there is nothing good for dinner in benson tonight, nothing. i had a sourdough roll with a piece of cheese on it and a cherry coke. im no big fan of dinner on tuesday. they really should do something about it. ok well i have some stuff to talk about. im music class we are learning how to salsa, casino rueda style, to be exact. and it is so so so fun. im sad, tomorrow is our last day of dancing then we go back to learning about music. but hey, it was fun while it lasted. um...kaylan and i saw pepper and ss last thursday. the show lasted for like 4 hours. it was a great time. pepper even played tongues, one of their greatest songs. and ss played lots of stuff from their new album, including mr. officer. also, they played down to tha last roach by easy e, a staple of any show that they play, and it makes me very very happy when they do. however, no one else really knew the words, and it takes crowd participation to make it work. we hung out with the pepper boys for a bit, which is always a fun experience. warped tour sf, july 12. pepper. the line. a match made in heaven. what else....oh right. so stoopid (my hermit crab, thanks melissa!) got stepped on. by a boy. i was in my room getting nail polish and jayna and some other peeps were sitting in the hall with stoopid, supposed to be watching him. and a boy stepped on him and i heard a crack. it was scary. he had shell shock (haha) but he recovered fully. im not sure where the cracking came from, seeing as his shell isnt cracked. but hes doing well. well he was, until yesterday. yesterday he kinda got lost in my room. apparently, i took him out of his crabarium and put him in a bowl of water on the floor. and i was going to clean his home. i dont remember any of this, jayna had to tell me. so i guess i forgot i took him out, and he got loose and got lost in our room. so i was like ahhhhh where is stoopid? so then i cleaned out the room, and cleaned under my bed, a big feat. and i still couldnt find him. i was like noooooooooo! so i called jayna and told her i lost him. so she was with kaylan, and kaylan got really grossed out that he was lost in our room. but they came back and helped me look for him. and kaylan found him behind her bed under a shirt of hers. but she refused to pick him up. so jayna picked him up, but apparently there was a spider on him. and it was funny. so then we washed him and took him outside to dry. but, it was cold and he was a bit disheveled due to the days events. so we brought him back inside, and i put him in his home and he came out of his shell and everything is peachy. ive had trouble going to sleep lately. its really bad, i dont like it. thats why i took a nap today, i didnt get to bed until 4 sunday and like 3 last night. i dont like it at all. it is absolutely not fun at all. ok so i think thats all the good stuff for now.
current music: sphere of hip hop. current date: 5.1.03 current time: 1253pm wow its been almost a month. so much has happened, exactly why i havent been typing much. its weird, i have only 3 classes this quarter but i have so much stuff to do. its weird how that works out. lucky im only taking 3 classes! anyways...the past month...i turned 19, mom turned 50, but doesnt look and katie went to france. i had the house to myself and didnt take advantage of the situation, but thats ok. i had fun anyways. adriana is now an adult. proud of you sweetie! haha. had lots and lots of projects for classes, started to work! yes, you heard it here folks. i am a working woman again, at least on the weekends. its nice being back, the kids are nice, people are happy for the most part, we now have custom plush, including bonfante gardens little soft stuffed bear magnets that only cost 2 dollars. wow. i know. oh! i got a new cell phone finally! man did i need it. um.....been using ebay alot lately. i love ebay. its just great. astronomy class is really hard, but its fun. going to see pepper/slightly stoopid yet again this eve with kaylan. its gonna be great! we havent hung out much so its going to be a good time. its in sf, not really sure where the place is at, but im working on finding some directions and pointers on where to park. thats pretty much all that i have to say right now, ive been busy, but its not like its anything that is really important enough to write up in this heezy. but i will do much more this month, i promise. amen.
current music: equalizer band. current date: 4.2.03 current time: 1153am so. this is it. spring break was real nice. was home for a bit, then went down to...did i already write about this? let me check....ok i didnt. so we went down south for a bit. we went to hollywood, santa monica, beverly hills...hung out with jayna for a day or so, went to the museum of contemporary art in downtown la. it was a wonderful trip. we got home friday at about 9 in the am, making great time. so then i went to manresa on friday, and decided what i want to do for my birthday. im excited. ok. so the rest of the weekend was just that, a rest. went swimming at dads house. ok so i jumped in the pool and it was like just on the brink of literally freezing, like turning into ice. i had no idea how cold it was. but thats ok. and then i came back to school. went on a little excursion saturday eve. sunday kaylan and i went to goodwill and such looking for a table for our new tv. we also went to the flea market. didnt find anything, except icees and corn on the cob. but it was a nice day out, even though it was hot as a mother. and you know how hot they are. oh man. so sunday evening went for a run with amy and melissa. it was pretty improv, which was fun. we went through the gardens, and then ran around the cross a few times, for fun. monday...classes. math is my first class, and its grand. my teacher is weird funny. ok so i was just summoned for lunch, but more later.
journals from: january. february. march.
aim screenname: stealablanket

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