Where Wild Donkeys Run Free Mr_yuk rated this site a one, because he only has one head to put as his rating. mr_yuk would also like to warn everyone to be careful when typing www.Angelfire.com because if you switch the e and the l, then bad things happen, well, they used to, latest reports state that they don't really happen, and angelfie stopped being bad in that way, and after many repors of it's chage, i checked it out, and it was a pro nuke site, encouraging people to rally for the U.S>'s use of nukes. practice caution however as this site canges often, from bible sales, to disney videos that are out of production, to nukes, and other things, so be ware. *Hey, check out the tank room, see how it's coming along*
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Where wild Donkeys Run Free

____Flying Donkey_____
heee-haaa(<-click it)

World Wildlife Fund
"I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear people saying things. More I cannot say" - The Man Who Rules The Universe, or so it might seem to me, yet apparentally by Douglas Noel Adams 1952-2001.

Tremblot Skaan, the Goblin king,
The last who's soldiers crys would ring,
On the fields of Cralmord, in Lor Mardan.
The Dwarf men, came, fought, and they ran.
The king be the victor, reclaimed his land,
Though lost his hier in the last stand.
Now Lor Mardan lies without a king,
And of this day the Dwarf folk sing.
Soon armies came to Goblin lands,
They burned the forests and stained the sands.
But Dwarven rule is weak at best,
And crumbeled when came about unrest.
The land in chaos, the dwarf folk scared,
The Elves ventured, and wealth they shared,
Lor Mardan well, the Goblins returned,
Rest was felt and peace was learned.
The Centaurs came, crost the sea,
They spoke of truth, and setting free.
Most creatures came from all the land,
So became the empire of Lor Mardan.

Why I don't have straight hair, methinks...

Why I should be green, methinks...

See Which Member Of Weezer You Are Here!
GASP! where oh where could the menu have gone?

Actually, it's being replaced by the
Tank Room
(Professional Sites)
and the

Train Station
(Friends Sites)

LuwaKulubaluka: HI! Cixelsyd28: hey LuwaKulubaluka: NO! LuwaKulubaluka: HI! LuwaKulubaluka: NOW! LuwaKulubaluka: DO IT@! Cixelsyd28: wha? LuwaKulubaluka: HI! LuwaKulubaluka: NOW! LuwaKulubaluka: FOOL! LuwaKulubaluka: HI! LuwaKulubaluka: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LuwaKulubaluka: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Cixelsyd28: hey buddy LuwaKulubaluka: YOUR TOO LATE! LuwaKulubaluka: AH! Cixelsyd28: oh LuwaKulubaluka: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Cixelsyd28: ok then LuwaKulubaluka: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! Cixelsyd28: :-) LuwaKulubaluka: NOW!>:o LuwaKulubaluka: HI!>:o Cixelsyd28: hey buddy LuwaKulubaluka: HI! Cixelsyd28: :-) LuwaKulubaluka: only in dreams, you see what it means, reach out our hands, hold onto yours Cixelsyd28: ok LuwaKulubaluka: YES! LuwaKulubaluka: IT IS OK! LuwaKulubaluka: HAHAHA! Cixelsyd28: :-) LuwaKulubaluka: thanx for your cooperation. I feel better now Cixelsyd28: ok

LuwaKulubaluka: HI!!! Soccerchyc23: hey there LuwaKulubaluka: HI! Soccerchyc23: sup LuwaKulubaluka: NOTHING! Soccerchyc23: okie dokie Soccerchyc23: u hyper? LuwaKulubaluka: NO! LuwaKulubaluka: DO IT! LuwaKulubaluka: NOW! LuwaKulubaluka: >:o Soccerchyc23: ummm yeah LuwaKulubaluka: only in dreams, you see what it means, reach out our hands, hold onto yours Soccerchyc23: mmmkk LuwaKulubaluka: BAH! LuwaKulubaluka: SAY IT! LuwaKulubaluka: NOW! LuwaKulubaluka: SAY IT! LuwaKulubaluka: >:o Soccerchyc23: it LuwaKulubaluka: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Soccerchyc23: haahahha LuwaKulubaluka: HURRY! Soccerchyc23: im not even gonna ask LuwaKulubaluka: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! LuwaKulubaluka: IT's TOO LATE! Soccerchyc23: o wellz!! LuwaKulubaluka: NO! LuwaKulubaluka: NOW! LuwaKulubaluka: HI! LuwaKulubaluka: ARG! Soccerchyc23: what the hell r u smokin? LuwaKulubaluka: BAH! Soccerchyc23: jus what i was thinkin LuwaKulubaluka: BAH! Soccerchyc23: ok and your done LuwaKulubaluka: NOT YET! Soccerchyc23 signed off at 1:51:46 PM.

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Email: Sparrowsoul@hotmail.com
The World Wildlife Fund is an organisation that works to preserve endangered species. China's Giant Panda is one such species, as well as the organization's symbol, so clearly the organization has a vested intrest in keeping this animal around. I have been a long time supporter of the WWF, starting in early elementary school when I would sell shirts, mousepads, coffee cups, etc. for their fund raisers. If Pandas were to go extinct, the WWF would be viewed as a failing effort and would likely loose a lot of support that it has, which would mean they couldn't fund their efforts to save other species and the fight would be lost. In this way the Giant Panda is the most important species that the WWF has to protect. The WWF is primarily concerned, in relation to pandas, with raising money to finance wildlife reservations, research, and breeding programs. Their goal through this is to bring Pandas off the endangered species list. The problems facing the WWF in reaching this goal are the difficulty of breeding pandas, the low ammounts of funding, the poaching of wild pandas, and the pandas dwindeling natural habitat. Panda poachers are one of the groups who are most effected by pandas being an endangered species. If Pandas come off the endangered species list they will clearly have more pandas to kill, and the punishment if they get caught would be less severe. However highly effected they are, Poachers are not a very large group to be concerned about. It goes without saying how Pandas would be effected. Zoos who have pandas make more money that zoos who don't. If they die out, the zoos who could be benefiting from their presence suffer. The Chinese government also needs pandas. Pandas are a major draw tho the country for tourism and attention in general. Pandas outside of China are generally on lease from China for large amounts of money, and in the past pandas have been given to other countries to improve relations. Pandas are featured on clothing, television shows, in toys and plushes, and in many other faccets of pop culture and merchandise. The image of the panda controlls a lot of buying power, and all of these areas would feel the loss. The Panda is a symbol of endangered life on Earth, and as such if pandas were to die out completly, they would become a martyr in a way. It would be harder for any public official to ignore environmental issues, because the public would be more concerned. Regulations on pollution and other environmental issues woud become more harsh, and many bussnisses would suffer from this as well.