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Broken Ties by Sue

"Aw need to learn some new jokes!" California Highway Patrol Officer Jon Baker laughed as he and his partner, Frank Poncherello sat by the side of the Harbor Freeway, soaking up the summer sun.

"I'm sorry..too hard for you to understand?" Ponch teased.

"Now that's funny!" Jon replied with a grin.

"Seriously, how do you do it?" Ponch asked.

Jon grinned. "Do what? Put up with you?"

"Oh, you're just the comedian today, aren't you?"

Jon laughed. "I'm sorry."

"What I was gonna say is how did you make it three years without an accident? I heard about the citation you got the other day." Ponch smiled.

Jon grinned. "The Kid's just lucky I guess."

"Kid huh? How old are you again?" Ponch teased.

Jon reached for his helmet. "Young at heart, Ponch. Young at heart."


"Attention Harbor units, LAPD requests assistance in apprehending 2-11 suspect last seen traveling eastbound on the Harbor freeway near Groverton. Suspect is in blue late model sedan license plate Adam 2-8-5 Nora Ida. Units responding identify."

"L.A. 7-Mary 3&4 responding!" Jon shouted into the radio.

He gunned the engine and sped off, his partner close behind. as they approached the next on ramp, a dark blue sedan barreled down it and screeched across three lanes of traffic. Horns blared and brakes squealed.

"There he is!" Ponch shouted.

Jon grabbed the radio. "L.A. 7-Mary 3&4 in pursuit of 2-11 suspect, eastbound Harbor Freeway near the Harbor overpass. Request backup!"

As the hot June sun beat down on them, the two officers raced after the suspect, taking little notice as two CHP cruisers fell in behind them. Jon's gripped his handlebars so tightly his hands hurt. Beside him, Ponch hunched over his motor, jaw set, teeth clenched. Slowly but surely they caught up to him.

"Pull it over!" Jon yelled, coming up alongside the sedan.

The man inside glared at him, then jerked the wheel to left, causing Jon to swerve wildly. Then he sped off. Jon took off after him, Ponch right behind him. Up ahead at the next on ramp, an 18 wheeler slowly lumbered on to the freeway.

"That guy doesn't care who he hurts!" Ponch shouted.

"Tell me about it! We've got to get him off the road!" Jon replied.

As they pulled up alongside the sedan for the second time, the driver suddenly gunned the engine and hurtled across the freeway toward the on ramp, cutting off the 18 wheeler in the process. Ponch watched in horror as the rig went out of control and then jacknifed right in front of Jon. Jon frantically tried to steer his motor out of the path of the skidding rig, but he was too late. He slammed into the trailer as his motor skidded underneath it with a shower of sparks. As he lay dazed on the freeway, the fishtailing back end of the rig hit him, the tires striking him with a sick thump.

"Jon! Oh God no!" Ponch yelled.

Ponch slammed his brakes on, still in shock over what he'd just witnessed. As Jon lay motionless on the pavement, Ponch cursed as his kickstand stuck . Finally he rushed over. The truck driver was knelt over Jon, yelling.

"Oh my God! I couldn't stop! I couldn't stop! I swear-"

"We know that sir. It's not your fault. Now step aside please." Ponch interrupted him.

Jon lay crumpled on his stomach, blood spilling from a gash above his right eye. His arms were bruised and scraped. The smashed remains of his sunglasses were scattered over his chest.

"Jon? Oh god..Jon talk to me's Ponch..."

Jed Turner ran up. "Ponch how-" his deep voice trailed off as he looked at Jon.

"Call an ambulance and a rescue unit!" Ponch snapped.

"On the way Ponch."

Suddenly Jon began to choke. Blood dribbled from the left side of his mouth. Ponch gingerly turned him on his side with Jed's help. Jon vomited some blood, then was still. Ponch touched the side of his neck.

"Damn it! He's not breathing! Help me Jed!"

The two men began CPR. Jed's brown eyes were filled with fear.

"No way Partner," Ponch yelled as he pumped Jon's way you're gonna die on way!"


Joe Getraer grumbled as he looked at his inbox. Paperwork. A never ending supply of paperwork. Sometimes he envied his officers. At least they got to go outside once in a while.

"L.A. S-4.....7-David reports an officer down, eastbound Harbor Freeway near the overpass. Rescue units enroute."

A chill ran down Getraer's spine as a knot formed in his stomach. He grabbed the radio.

"S-4 to you copy?"

Silence. Joe slammed his fist on his desk, knocking a pile of reports onto the floor. Suddenly the radio came to live.

"7-Adam here Sarge. Jed can't answer you right now."

"Bear, what the hell is going on?"

"It's Jon, Sarge. There's been an accident. It looks bad..real bad."

Joe ran a hand across his face. "Okay..I'll meet you at the hospital."

"10-4 Sarge."

Joe dropped the radio, grabbed his helmet, and ran for his motor.

"Hey Sarge, did you-" Grossie began as Joe passed him in the hall.

"Not now, Grossie. NOT now!" Joe snapped, disappearing out the door.


Ponch watched helplessly as the paramedics worked on Jon. At least he was breathing again. There were things he should be doing right now...traffic control..taking statements...but all he could do was stand there, numb and afraid. He watched the paramedics load Jon into the ambulance.

"I'll escort." he said, climbing on his motor.

"Hey Ponch, Getraer said he'll meet us at the hospital."

Ponch just nodded, then took off after the ambulance.


Getraer paced back and forth in the Emergency room at Valley General. Where the hell were they? he thought. Damn it, he's just got to be fine. Suddenly the doors slammed open and the ER was suddenly filled with activity. Yells and shouts filled the air, metal clanked on metal. Joe watched as a bloodied, battered figure was wisked by him, it's form nearly hidden by the tubes and machines hooked up to it. His legs gave out from under him and he dropped into a chair as he suddenly realized it was Jon.

"Joe.." Ponch's agonized voice broke in.

"Poncherello!" Joe stood up, "Frank...what happened?"

Ponch told him, reliving it as he did.

"Good God.." Joe began.

Suddenly a doctor appeared. "Are you the sargent?"

"What? Oh, yes, that's me. Joe Getraer.

"How's my partner?" Ponch asked anxiously.

"Officer Baker is in very critical condition. We've taken him into emergency surgery."

"What for?"

"He's experiencing massive internal hemmoraging. In effect he's bleeding to death."

Ponch swallowed hard. "What are his chances doc?"

The doctor didn't mince words. "Not good. He's also got a hairline fracture of the skull. That alone could kill him."

"Damn you!" Ponch exploded, "Don't you let my partner hear me?Don't you dare let him die!"

"Frank-" Getraer put a hand on his shoulder. Ponch jerked away.

"Officer Poncherello, we're doing all we can. I do suggest that his family be notified as soon as possible." the doctor's voice was icy calm.

"I'll do it." Ponch's voice was quiet.

"No Frank, that's my job. Barry, you stay here with Frank. I'm going to borrow your cruiser and go get Caroline."

"Okay Sarge."

"Dr. White, paging Dr. White."

The young doctor eyed Ponch and Baricza. "Excuse me."

Barry turned to Ponch after he left. "Some bedside manner, huh?"

Ponch was silent.

The doctor returned. "I'm afraid the surgery on your friend isn't going well. They're giving him last rites now." the doctor walked away.

"No damn it! No!"

Barry turned away, tears in his eyes.

"Code Blue...OR 5...Code Blue....OR 5"

Joe sighed as he swung the cruiser out of its parking space and headed for the exit. Damn. How was he going to break the news to Caroline? He'd only met her a few times. This was the worst part of the job, having to tell someone awful news. He suddenly had an overwhelming urge to drive home and hug Betty. He squelched it as he approached a small neat office. "United Reality" read the sign in front. He pulled into the lot and parked, taking a deep breath before heading inside.

"Good morning Sargent! How can we help you?" the receptionist asked cheerfully.

"Ah..I need to talk to Caroline Stevens please."

"I'm sorry, she's in a meeting right now."

Joe cleared his throat. "I'm afraid this is an emergency."

The receptionists face clouded. "Well okay, this way please."

She led him to a small, neat office. Sunlight streamed through a corner window onto an oak desk .Papers and folders spilled across it. A calendar hung on the wall, and Joe couldn't help but look at the neat writing on today's date: "DINNER WITH JON-7pm!" He closed his eyes for a moment and looked away. When he opened them, they fell on a african violet plant sitting on the desk. Next to it was a picture of Jon on Ole Gray.

"Damn it!" he said softly, blinking fast.

"Sargent Getraer?" asked a soft voice behind him.

He turned around. Caroline was standing there. She was definitely a Baker. Dark blonde hair, soft blue eyes, slim but solid. As she saw his face, her expression turned from puzzlement to fear. She slammed the door and walked to her desk.

"It's Jon...Isn't it?"

Joe ran a hand over his face. "I'm afraid so..he's had an accident..a bad one."

Caroline gripped the edge of her desk. "How bad?"

"I...I don't know..he's in emergency surgery. They..they said he was bleeding inside."

Caroline's face went white as she began to sway. As Joe went toward her, she suddenly straightened up. "Let's go."

Joe followed her , matching her strong quick strides.

"Cancel all my appointments." she said to the receptionist as she passed.

"Caroline, what-"

"Just do it, damn it!" Caroline snapped.

She sagged when she got into the car. They were silent on the way to the hospital. As soon as he pulled into a space, she flew out of the car and inside.

Ponch and Barry were talking to the doctor as Caroline walked up.

" is he?"

Dr. White looked at her over his glasses. "And you are?"

"Caroline Stevens. I'm his sister."

"Well Ms.Stevens, the good news is your brother is out of surgery. However his condition is extremely grave. He's suffered severe internal trauma, and he also has a fractured skull. He's in ICU now. I'm afraid he's gone into a coma."

"Oh my...oh my..." she stuttered, "what...what are his chances?"

"That's very difficult to say, Miss Stevens. He is strong and in excellent shape. That can only help him."

Caroline turned to Ponch. "What happened? What in hell happened?"

Ponch looked away, tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Finally Barry told her, his voice quiet and low. When he was finished, tears were streaming down her face.

"I've got to call Uncle Pete. Excuse me." she hurried over to the desk.

Ponch finally found his voice. "Doc..please..can we see him?"

"I'm sorry, but only family is allowed to visit patients in ICU."

"I am family....damn it, I'm family!" Ponch replied, his voice rising in anger.

"Frank..." Getraer started, "I know how you feel.."

"How do you know how I feel? Is that your partner lying up there? Is it your best friend? Did you watch him crash? You don't know anything! And now this jerk is going to tell me I'm not Jon's family?" Ponch shouted, his eyes ablaze.

"Officer Poncherello! I don't want to have to ask you to leave, but I will if I have to."

Ponch clenched his fists, his knuckles white. "Go to hell." he said quietly,then spun around and left.

Meg Locke walked into Central with a sigh. God how she hated court! For the fifth straight time the defense had gotten a continuance, and she'd wasted half the day sitting in a stuffy courtroom. As she glanced at her mail, she noticed the station was unusually quiet. The door squeaked, announcing Artie Grossman's arrival. He wore a somber expression.

"Hey Grossie." Meg said, looking up from the memo she was reading.

"Hi Meg, " he replied, standing in the open doorway, "can you-whoa!" he said, interrupting himself.

"What is it?" she asked, walking to the doorway and following his shocked gaze.

Meg gasped. A trailer was parked in front of the garage. On it was a tangle of twisted metal and broken glass. Horrified, she realized it was the remains of a CHP motor.

"Oh my God! Whose-"

"Terrible, isn't it?" Harlan said, walking from behind it.

"Harlan what-"

"A fine machine like that," Harlan went on, ignoring her, "just look at the abuse it was forced to take!"

"What about the man who was on it??" Meg broke in, irritated.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'm as worried about Jon as the rest of you. I didn't mean to-" Harlan began

"Jon? That's Jon's motor? Dear God!" Meg said, a cold chill running through her. She spun around and headed for her cruiser.

"Didn't you know?" Grossie called after her.

Meg slammed the door of the car in reply.


Pete Baker sighed as the ringing of the phone called to him from the back porch. A guy can't rest for 2 minutes around here, he grumbled, setting down his lemonade and walking inside.


"Uncle Pete? Oh God,Pete!"

"Caroline? That you? What's wrong?" Pete replied, alarmed at the tone of his niece's voice.

"It's Jon, Uncle Pete..he's hurt bad..he had an accident on his motor." Caroline explained in trembling voice.

Pete swore silently as he gripped the phone.

"Okay now shortcake...just calm down now...what did the doctors say?"

"It's not good, Pete. They can't tell me if he'll make it or not. He's in a coma, Uncle Pete!"

Pete swallowed the lump in his throat. "Okay, I'm going to call the airport now and get the next flight to LAX. You just relax...we Bakers' are fighters, remember that, now...Jonny's gonna be okay!"

He hung up the phone and wiped tears from his eyes. God, not Jon. Images of the nephew he loved more than a son began to float through his mind.

"Hey, you okay Uncle Pete?" asked a voice behind him.

"Yeah boy, I'm fine."

"Who was on the phone?" asked the young man who sat down opposite him. He was tall, slim, blue eyed, with familiar dark blond hair features.


"Is she okay?"

"She's fine...Jon's had an accident. I gotta go to LA."

The young man bristled. "Serves him right for joining that CHP outfit!"

Pete slammed his fist on the table. "Now listen here boy- whatever your feelings for Jonny- and I don't really give a damn what they are right now- he deserves prayers, not criticism! The doctors say he might not make it."

With that he got up and went to his room to pack, leaving the younger man sitting in silence.
Meg hurried into the hospital. Within minutes she had found Joe and the others.

"Caroline!" she said, spotting the older woman brushing away tears.

The two women hugged.

"You two know each other?" Baricza asked.

"Yeah," Meg said quietly, "she sold me my house..we just kind of hit it off from is he?"

"No change as of yet. He's still comatose." Joe replied softly.

"Have you seen him?" she asked Caroline.

"Not yet..I just got off the phone with Uncle Pete. He's flying in today.

"Good." Meg said, "What..what happened?"

Baricza told her. Meg fought back tears as she listened.

"Where's Ponch?" she asked finally.

"I don't know..when he left here he was pretty upset." Caroline replied.

"One of us ought to go find him...see if he's okay." Barry said.

"No Barry..let him be...I think he needs to be alone right now." Meg replied softly.

Ponch sat back on the hard bench and sighed. He was in the hospital chapel. He considered himself a God-fearing man, but it had been years since he'd been to church. He always blamed his hectic work schedule.

"Hey," he said aloud, his voice echoing, "why Jon? I've always heard you have a reason for everything, so tell me. Why is my best friend lying in a hospital bed more dead than alive?"

The chapel was silent. Ponch gave the altar a rueful look. "And I thought you had all the answers."

He closed his eyes and thought about Jon. He was closer to Jon than to his own two brothers. Thinking back over the 7 years they'd spent together as partners, he has to smile. Was there anything he hadn't put Jon through? And yet Jon was always there, like a rock.

"I guess its my turn to be there now." he said softly.

Standing up, he gave the altar one last look before walking out, his boots clicking on the polished floor.


"Doctor, please can I see him?"

"Yes, but only for a few minutes. Please be aware it won't be very pleasant."

Caroline started for the door, then turned around.

"Someone come with me."

"Ah, Ms. Stevens, only family-" Dr.White began.

"These people are his family. I'll take responsibilty." Caroline interrupted.

"Very well." Dr. White replied, resignation in his voice.

"Meg, Sargent Getraer?" Caroline said quietly.

They looked at each other, then stood up and joined Caroline.

"Officer Baker is in Room 271." the doctor called as they headed into the ICU unit.

The antiseptic smell hit them at once. The air was filled with the sounds of monitors and machines beeping, clicking and whirring. Caroline hesitated outside the door to 271. Joe put his arm around her shoulder.

"It'll be okay." he said gently.

Meg swallowed hard and followed them in. When she saw Jon, tears began rolling down her cheeks.

He was lying very still. Tubes came from his nose, mouth and chest. A heart monitor beeped rythmically. Dried blood was caked in his hair above the thick white bandages over his right temple. His face was puffy and swollen, his arms badly scraped. His right eye was bandaged shut, and his left ankle was in a cast. Caroline turned away, great sobs wracking her body. Meg grabbed the bed rail tightly, fighting her own tears. Getraer had his arms around Caroline, whispering soothing words, his own blue eyes red and watery. Meg wanted to reach out and touch him, but she was afraid to.

"Hang in there Jon..hang in there." she said softly.

She looked up as the door opened and Ponch walked in. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Jon.

"Hey Ponch."

Ponch put an arm around her shoulder and looked down at Jon.

"Hey're in good hands..I...wanted to tell ya...I....." his voice trailed off.

"He knows, Ponch. He knows." Meg said gently. "We all love him."


Bonnie arrived in the waiting room with Pete Baker, just as the group returned from Jon's room. Caroline rushed to her uncle.

"How is he?" Bonnie asked anxiously.

Joe just shook his head. He looked up as Pete Baker approached him. My God, Joe as if I'm looking at a picture of Jon 30 years from now.

"Sargent Getraer? I'm Pete Baker. Jon's told me a lot about you."

Joe shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Jon's one of my best officers. We're lucky to have him."

Pete smiled briefly and turned to Ponch. "And you must be Ponch. Jonny's stories about you have entertained us for years! I'm glad my nephew has such a good friend."

Ponch smiled. "With all due respect, Mr. Baker, I'm lucky to have him for a friend, and a partner."

"You keep Jonny on his toes. He needs that."

Ponch looked down, then smiled again. "I do try."

Finally he turned to Meg. "And you've got to be Meg. I've heard a lot about you too."

Meg looked surprised. "Me?"

"Oh yes." Pete smiled.

The elevator door opened. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I suggest you all go home and get a good nights sleep. The hospital will call you if there is any change." Dr. White said, stepping out.

Before any of them could answer, another doctor came running from the ICU.

"Dr. White, we've just taken Baker back to surgery. He's hemorraging again. He needs a transfusion, fast!"

Pete's face drained white.

"I'll give all I can." Ponch said, stepping forward, "I'm a universal donor."

"Me too." Getraer said," Jon and I have the same blood type."

"This way gentlemen." Dr. White ushered them into the elevator, leaving the others to wait and wonder.

Pete paced back and forth in the small waiting room. Caroline and Meg sat together, talking softly. When the elevator opened, all three heads shot up. When they saw the man step out of the elevator, Caroline and Pete's eyes widened in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Pete asked.

Daniel Baker coughed. "He's my brother isn't he?"

"As if that has ever mattered before?" Pete snapped.

Caroline walked in between the two men. "Hey enough. Daniel, I'm glad you came."

Daniel hugged his sister. "I had he really that bad?"

Caroline didn't reply.

Meg stood up. "Hello Daniel...It's nice to meet you. Jon has told me a lot about you."

Three sets of eyes widened as Daniel shook her hand.

"And you are?" he asked.

"Meg. Meg Locke."

Daniel nodded and sat down. "He's told you about me, huh? I'm sure he painted a really rosy picture."

"Yes and no. He's upset that you two haven't been able to get along, but he still looks up to you." Meg replied.

Daniel looked surprised. "He said that?"

Before Meg could answer, Ponch and Getraer returned.

"Any word?" Ponch asked.

"Nothing." Caroline replied.

"Who are you?" Ponch asked, turning to Daniel.

"Names Daniel. Daniel Baker. I'm Jon's older brother."

Ponch's eyes widened in shock. "I never knew he-" he stopped.

"Yeah I know. I didn't expect he'd be bragging about me."

A sudden memory came back to Ponch.

"Keep the tach in the black, baby." he said softly.

"Where did you hear that?" Daniel said, startled.

"Jon. He said it to me after I'd gotten myself into a ah..sticky situation," a grin tugged at Ponch's lips, "it's one of his pet sayings."

"Mine too." Daniel turned away.

"I know." Ponch said, "How come Jon never talks about you?"

Daniel sighed. "That's a long story."

Joe looked around. "I'd say we have plenty of time."

Daniel looked at Caroline and Pete, then began to speak.

"My brother and I were always close growing up..hell, we were inseperable, even though we're nearly 5 years apart. Even when he got sent to Nam, we were close. We wrote to each other everyday. And-", he glanced at his uncle and sister," dispite what others may believe, I love him."

"You just want him to live his life the way YOU see fit!" Pete responded angrily.

Caroline sighed and gave the others an apologetic look. "They've been doing this for years. I'm tried to talk some sense into them."

"Um, Daniel.." Ponch ran a hand through his hair,"just what is it about Jon's life you don't agree with?"

Daniel took a deep breath. "No offense, but..well I don't think Jon should have become a cop, okay?"

"Why not?" Getraer asked, "he happens to be a damn good one."

"Sargent Getraer. we've been trying to get the answer to that one for years." Pete replied.

"I think Jon's place is back home on the ranch. What does he need with this city life? Why wasn't Wyoming good enough for him?"

"Who said it wasn't?" Caroline said patiently, "Dan, I think you're problem is with what he does, not where he does it."

"Well maybe it is!" Daniel spat, "what the hell is he trying to prove?"

"What?" Ponch said in disbelief. "Man, can't you see Jon loves what he does?"

They were interrupted by Dr. White.

"You'll be happy to know that Officer Baker is out of danger."

"But is he awake?" Ponch asked.

The doctor shook his head. "He's still comatose."

"Doctor.." Pete said haltingly, "when he wakes up will he know...right in the head?"

The doctor stared at him with steely eyes. "If you are asking about the possibilty of brain damage, it is possible. But we just won't know until he comes out of the coma."

"If..if he does have damage...what might it be?" Getraer asked.

"Well Sargent, with his type of injury, it could be anything from impaired motor skills to long term memory loss, to the loss of basic language skills. Of course it is also possible he'll have little or no damage at all. We just can't tell right now."

The group was silent.

"I...I just can't imagine Jon not being out there with me everyday." Ponch said softly.

"Now c' heard what the doctor said..let's try and stay optimistic..for our sake and Jon's." Caroline replied.

Daniel turned to Meg, who had been silent.

"You the one who's from Colorado?"

Meg looked surprised. "That's me."

"Why?" he asked simply.

"Why what?"

"Why would you give up that life for this..this rotten city?"

Meg folded her arms across her chest. "I used to ask myself that very question when I first got here. Actually, my assignment with the CHP was supposed to be temporary, but some special people- your brother included-came into my life and changed my mind." A smile tugged at her lips.

"You mean you actually like it here?"

"Well...let's just say I've grown used to it. I don't actually live in the city, so that helps."

"I just don't understand why anyone would give up fresh mountain air and wide open skies for this!" He threw his hands up.

"Daniel, as long as Jon is happy here, why does it really matter?" Meg replied quietly.

"Happy? Oh I'm sure Jon is just thrilled right now. Tell me this, just what did your great CHP do for Jon this time, huh? Just look where it got him! Just try and justify that! Just try and tell my why my brother is nearly DEAD!!" Daniel exploded.

"That's enough!" Pete thundered, startling everyone. The nurses at the nurses station, cast a wary eye in his direction, then went back to their work.

"Uncle Pete-" Daniel started.

"You heard me boy! There is no need to go insulting these fine people or the work they do. God knows-"

"It's okay Pete," Joe Getraer interrupted, his voice quiet and low, "no offense taken."

"You know," Ponch said, "if you want to blame someone for what happened, blame the jerk who caused the accident!"

"As if you'll ever catch him?" Daniel sneered.

"We're going to do our best." Joe replied, growing irritated despite himself.

"Yeah, well I'll believe it when I see it."

The next morning, Daniel swallowed hard as he stood outside Jon's room. It had taken him all night to talk himself into going in. Pete was still asleep in the waiting room, refusing Caroline's pleas that he come back to her place and rest. Everyone else had left.

He pushed the door open and walked in. He took a sharp breath at the sight of his little brother lying pale and still, tubes and machines everywhere. Oh Jonny, he thought, oh God. The man lying there still reminded him of the little boy who followed him everywhere, his baby blue eyes pleading to be included in whatever he happened to be doing.

"I'll leave you alone." said a soft voice.

Daniel jumped. He hadn't noticed Meg sitting there.

"That's okay I-"

"No, really, I have to be getting to work anyway." Meg interrupted. She reached over the bars to brush a kiss against Jon's forehead, then hurried out.

Daniel sighed and took the seat she'd vacated.

"Well little brother...some reunion. I'll bet I'm the last person you expected to see."

Jon lay unresponsive, eyes closed, breathing shallow.

"Aw Jonny, what's happened to us? Okay, stupid question maybe. But I can't see why you would want to tool around this rotten city on that motorcycle of yours, choking on smog. Don't you remember what we used to dream about in that old tree house by the creek? Running the ranch and being cowboys forever? When did you stop dreaming Jon?"

He looked at his brother, then looked away. "Damn it look at me. You're not even conscious and I'm picking a fight- look, I may not agree with your chosen career, but- aw hell..just get better...please..."

Brushing away tears he hurried out.


The days quickly passed as they all kept vigil at the hospital. At the beginning of the second week, Meg, Caroline, Daniel, Joe and Ponch were gathered at Jon's bedside, waiting as Doctor White examined him.

"Well Doc?" Daniel asked.

"Well, the swelling in his brain has begun to subside, and his vitals are strong. We've taken him off the respirator during the day and he's been holding his own. At this point I'm hopeful."

"I just wish he'd wake up." Meg said softly.

After the doctor left, they surrounded Jon's bed, each lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly, something caught Ponch's eye and he began to grin.

"Look! Look!"

Jon's right leg was moving..just barely, but it was moving..then his unbandaged eye began to flutter.


Jon stared for a minute, then tried to speak.


"Jon, it's okay..we're here." Caroline said soothingly.

There was a faint flicker of recognition in his eye as he stared at her. Slowly his eyes fell on Joe and Ponch.


Ponch's smile faded, his face falling. Getraer sighed and ran a hand over his face. Jon looked at Meg with questioning eyes.

" wife?"

Meg couldn't resist a smile. "I'm afraid not. I'm just a friend."

Jon closed his eyes.

"We'd better let him rest." Caroline said softly as Grossman walked in.

"How is he?"

"He doesn't remember us." Ponch said flatly.

"Well Ponch, that's not uncommon in head injury cases. There's always some chance of full or partial memory loss. The New England Journal Of Med-" Grossie started.

"Grossman..spare us!" Joe snapped.

As the group filed into the hall, Dr. White hurried up to them.

"Am I to understand Officer Baker has come out of his coma?"

"Yes Doctor, " Pete said, "but he doesn't remember his friends. Only us."

"That's not unusual in head injury cases. There's always a chance of full or partial memory loss. It can be long term but usually isn't permanent. Excuse me." he hurried into Jon's room.

"Well he's come this far," Meg said, "I think he can only improve from here."

"Let's hope so." Daniel said softly.

* * * *

"And then he asked Meg if she was his wife. You should have seen her face." Joe said to his wife Betty as they were getting ready for bed that night.

"I can imagine," Betty replied, pulling back the covers on the bed," but thank God he's awake."

"I know," Joe said, sliding into bed, "but it's just so- I mean he had no clue who I was! 10 years of working together just gone. And poor Ponch- I'm worried about him Betty- he's taking it all so hard."

"Ponch and Jon are like pieces in a puzzle. When one piece is missing, the puzzle just isn't right. I'm sure he's just as relieved as the rest of you."

Joe sighed as he leaned against his pillow. "The doctor said the memory loss might not be permanent. God Betty, I just can't imagine Central without Jon Baker."

Betty reached over and stroked her husband's hair. "Joe, he'll be okay. He's a fighter. The best thing you can do is to think positive."

Joe caught her hand and kissed it.

"Do you remember a few years back, when you had that heart attack?"

"How could I forget?" he replied softly.

"Jon came to see me the day after it happened. He told me about how he felt standing their helplessly-then he cried. The poor man was so embarrassed, but I told him it was okay to cry. And Joe, it is."

His eyes stinging, Joe buried his face against Betty's neck and began to sob. Betty rocked him in her arms until he was quiet.

"I love you, you know that?" he said, wiping his eyes.

"Oh Joe, always." she said softly.

* * * * *

"You're...cops?" Jon asked horsely. It was the next morning and Ponch and Meg were there.

"That's right."

"And I'm-" he was interrupted by Daniel.

"Morning little brother. How ya feeling?"

"Hi Danny."

"Hey, we've got to get to work. We'll be back later." Ponch said.

Jon looked at Meg. "Promise?" he asked shyly.

"Of course!"Meg replied. Ponch grinned.

"Take care partner!"

After they left, Daniel took a seat next to his brother's bed.

"Danny, why did he call me partner? Am I a cop too?"

Daniel looked at his brother, then took a deep breath.

"No Jonny, no you're not."

Daniel stayed with Jon until he fell asleep. Watching his brother sleep, Daniel said a silent prayer. Forgive me Jonny, but I think its for the best. I can't watch you go through this again.

Suddenly a hand clamped down on his arm. Unable to resist its iron grip, Daniel found himself dragged out into the hall.

Frank Poncherello's blazing eyes met his. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"


"I heard what you told him. I heard him ask as I was walking out and I wanted to know what you'd say. Where do you get off playing God with his life?"

"He's my brother damn it! Butt out!" Daniel snapped back.

"Jon will get his memory back. Then what will you do?"

The look on Daniel's face shocked Ponch.

"My don't want him to get his memory back, do you?"

"Don't you understand? It's like a clean slate! Jonny and I can start over!"

Ponch felt a sudden twinge of sympathy for the older man. "Daniel, can't you understand, Jon loved...loves what he does. He loves being a highway patrolman. He's happy. He's proud of what he does...why can't you be proud of him?"

"Doesn't it bother you? Doesn't it kill you to see him lying there barely knowing where or who he is? How can you just accept it?"

Ponch sagged, suddenly feeling very tired. "Look, I don't like what happened to him. But it's part of the job we gotta accept. Fear would get us killed faster than anything else out there." He looked around the hospital corridor.

"God, Jon and I have spent more nights in this place than we care to remember. But we didn't-and we won't-let it stop us from climbing back on that motor and getting back on the beat. It's not what we do, Daniel. It's what we ARE."

Daniel walked down the hall to the waiting area and sat down, Ponch following.

"I dunno Ponch....when Jon got shipped off to Nam it was the worst day of my life. Being the eldest son, I got exempted. I felt so guilty! I was so relieved the day he got sent home-but then he decided to stay in L.A. and become a cop! A cop! As if he hadn't dodged enough bullets already. Jon could never understand why I hated his job so much."

"Maybe if you tell him, he'd understand. Daniel, if there's one thing I know about Jon, its that family means more to him then anything in the world. If the two of you would talk to each other, instead of at each other, it might make a world of difference. But you've got to accept that Jon's doing what he loves."

Daniel sighed. "He wasn't kidding about you guys."

Ponch smiled. "What do you mean."

"He once told me that you guys were like a second family to him. I can see why."

Ponch grinned. "Yep, and we drive each other just as crazy as you all probably do."

Daniel had to laugh. "Oh, you have no idea."

"Oh, trust me I think I do. Have you met Grossman yet?"

Jon's body slowly recovered but his memory remained the same. He remembered everything up to becoming a CHP officer. That's where the wall slammed down. No more mention of his occupation was made, and although he seemed puzzled by the amount of CHP officers who were his friends, he welcomed them warmly.

He was sitting in a chair, watching the nurses put fresh sheets on his bed when Joe, Ponch, Meg and Caroline stopped by. Daniel and Pete were busy taking care of Jon's mail and other affairs.

"Hi Sis...Hi guys." Jon greeted them cheerily.

"How ya feeling little brother?" Caroline asked.

"I wanna go home. I wanna ride Ole Gray."

"Soon, Jon. Soon." Caroline smiled.

As Meg crossed in front of him to glance out the window, his eyes fell on Meg's badge. He turned and looked at Joe and Ponch just as on of the nurses switched the TV on.

"....And in other news..a California Highway Patrol officer was involved in an altercation with a speeding motorist on a freeway just outside San Diego earlier today......"

Jon closed his eyes as he listened. Suddenly he grabbed his head.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" Ponch asked, worried.

Jon didn't answer...he just sat there holding his head.

"Too fast." he said suddenly, "Too fast!"

"I'm getting the doctor." Caroline said, rushing out the door.

Joe looked at the nurses. "What's happening to him?" he demanded.

The two nurses aides looked at each other and hurried out. "We'll get Ms. Young. the head nurse!" one of them said.

A few minutes later the nurse arrived and began taking Jon's vitals.

"His BP is up. Something's upsetting him."

"Jon, ole buddy, relax. Everything's okay."

Jon began to rock in his chair. "No...wait....slow down...too fast!"

Dr. White strode into the room, Caroline at his heels.

"Get him back into bed," he told the nurse, then turned around. "everybody out!"

"I will not leave until I know what is happening to him!" Caroline replied angrily.

"As soon as we know what is happening, we will tell you. Now out!" the doctor snapped.

Outside, Caroline hurried to the phone to call Pete and Daniel. Joe and Ponch exchanged concerned looks while Meg just worried quietly. They looked up as Bonnie and Barry Baricza joined them.

"Hey guys. How's Jon doing today?" Bonnie asked.

"We don't know." Joe described the incident they'd just witnessed.

"Sounds like Jon's got a classic case of-" said a voice behind them.

Ponch rolled his eyes.

"Grossman, would you please remind yourself that you are a CHP officer, not a doctor?" Joe said in reply.

"Geez..can't a guy be helpful anymore?"

"Grossie, you're about as helpful as a oil slick on a freeway." Ponch replied. trying to hide a grin. He looked up as Dr. White emerged from Jon's room.

The doctor held up his hand as they all began to talk.

"Mr. Baker is okay. Something happened that triggered some of his memory. It's often a traumatic experience because the memories tend to return in a gush, like a dam opening."

"Are you saying Jon's got his memory back?" Joe asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure how much of it has returned, but yes, it appears so."

They hurried into the room. Jon lay in bed, his eyes closed.

"Jon, are you all right?" Caroline asked.

Jon opened his eyes. "Yeah."

"Hey partner." Ponch said softly.

Jon's eyes widened. "Sarge!" he exclaimed, looking at Joe.

"That's me." Joe said, his eyes shining with relief.

Daniel and Pete rushed in. "Is he alright? What happened?" Pete asked.

"Jon's gotten his memory back." Meg said quietly.

Jon was still staring at Joe, his blue eyes wide.

"Sarge!" he exclaimed again, "Sarge, where's Gary? Is he alright?"

"Oh God." Joe ran a hand over his face.

"Who's Gary?" Daniel asked.

"Gary's my partner!" Jon replied, his gaze falling on Daniel. "Danny? What are you doing here? Where's Gary?"

Joe turned and headed for the door. "I'll be right back..I'm....I'm going to check on Gary."

The others followed him out.

"Wait a minute, I though Ponch was Jonny's partner?"

"Daniel, Gary was Jon's partner before Ponch. He was killed by a speeding motorist 12 years ago." Joe explained.

"So he hasn't regained all his memory yet." Meg said softly.

"Doesn't look like it." Pete replied, "so what do we do? Do we tell him?"

"I don't know...I don't know." Getraer answered.

They walked back into Jon's room.

"Sarge," Jon said, his eyes filling with tears, "Sarge, Gary didn't make it, did he?"

Joe sighed heavily. "No Jon...he didn't make it."

Jon lowered his head and began to cry quietly. Ponch felt a wave of sympathy and anger towards his partner. I hate that you're having to grieve for Gary all over again, but when are you gonna remember me? What about the past 10 years? he thought.

Jon looked up suddenly. "I hate motors!" he exclaimed angrily,"I never want to ride one again!"

Ponch was shocked. What was happening to him? He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, turned and left the room.

"Ponch wait!" Meg's voice called. He stopped and turned around.


"Ponch, don't be angry. You know the state Jon is in."

"I know that. But I can't help the way I feel."

He turned and hurried away. Meg sighed as she watched him disappear into the elevator.

The afternoon sun spilled across Jon's bed. He was propped up on a pile of pillows, a thick photo album lying on the table in front of him. Slowly he turned through the pages. They were filled with pictures of him with people he didn't know...Bonnie, Barry, Harlan, and Ponch, who kept insisting he was his partner. Jon shook his head as he turned the pages. Was this someone's idea of a sick joke? The photo album had been waiting for him when he awoke from his after lunch nap. Jon slammed the album shut as his head began to pound. I wish I was back home, he thought, riding Ole Gray down by the creek. I hate this city and this damn hospital.


"We can't push him." Caroline said over dinner that night.

"I know, but there must be something we can do." Ponch replied, refilling his glass.

"Well maybe that photo album will help." Caroline sighed, "To be honest, I'm just glad he's going to be okay. "

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad too, but still...."

Caroline put down her fork. "Ponch, I can't imagine what it must feel like, all those years you've spent together-"

She was interrupted by a knock on the door. Ponch pushed his plate away, suddenly not hungry. He looked up as Pete and Daniel joined them.

"We just left the hospital. Doctor said Jon might be able to go home soon." Daniel said cheerfully.

"Did you talk to Jon?" Caroline asked.

"He was sleepin, so we let him be." Pete replied.

"Wait til he finds out he's going back to the ranch. He'll be thrilled." Daniel added.

Ponch pushed his chair back and stood up. "I gotta go."

"Ponch wait-" Caroline started. The slam of the door interrupted her.

She sighed and sat down. "That was just great Dan."

"What? What did i do?"

"Don't you ever think about anyone elses feelings but your own? Do you think Ponch needed to hear that Jon might be going back to the ranch?"

"Might be? He's-"

"Now Daniel, don't you think Jon should have some say in where he goes?" Pete said quietly.

"Uncle Pete, -"

"That's enough boy. We'll discuss it with Jon when he's up to it."

Jon lay in the darkness, staring out the window. Gary's gone. What a waste. Closing his eyes he could see every detail of the accident.....
"You ready for the game?" Gary shouted over the roar of their motors.
"Ready? Rams-Cowboys is the game of the year! I still wanna know how you got those tickets."
Gary laughed, his green eyes twinkling behind his sunglasses. "Connections, my boy, connections."
"Hey,who ya callin boy?"
"Oh I'm sorry, maybe I should have said boySCOUT?" Gary grinned as they sped down the freeway.
"Very funny. Your sense of humor ought to be illegal!"
"Whatever you say babyface."
Jon laughed. "Hey I might look young now, but just wait til we're fifty. You'll be jealous then!"
"Fifty? I'm never-"
"Gary look out!"
A red sedan was barreling at them from behind. Jon swerved over to the left and out of the way. Gary started over towards him when the driver of the sedan suddenly gunned his engine. As he careened past them, he clipped Gary's motor from behind. Jon watched in horror as his partner and best friend was thrown from the bike and landed in the breakdown lane, his motor skidding by him.
"Gary!" he screamed, racing over.
He was lying motionless, his face covered with blood. Jon fell to his knees beside him.
"Gary! Gary, can you hear me?"
"Jon...don't think.....I can...make"
"To hell with the game! Just hold on..please hold on!"
"Always.....remember.....babyface..." Gary suddenly went limp.
"NO! Damn it Gary, no!"

.....Jon reached up and wiped the tears from his face. Such a damn waste. I'll catch that son of a...if its the last thing I do. As his eyes fell on the photo album sitting on the the nightstand, a sudden anger surged through him. Why don't I remember those people? Who are they?

"Jon? Are you awake?" said a soft voice.

He looked up to see Meg standing there.

"I'm sorry to come so late, but I just got off duty. Here." she handed him a white paper bag. He opened it to find two fresh blueberry muffins.

"Hey, my favorite, how did you-"

"You'd be surprised how much I know about you. We've had a lot of long talks over iced tea and John Wayne westerns." she laughed.

Jon looked frustrated. "Why can't I remember? I want to remember!"

Meg's smile faded. "Jon, relax...don't push so hard."

"Just how much have I lost?"

"I don't know. But however much it is, you'll never lose your friends, got that?" she squeezed his hand gently.

Jon didn't reply.

"Hey why don't you get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Night."

After Meg left, Jon went back to staring out the window. If I have to start all over again, where the hell do I begin? he thought. He turned over angrily, ignoring the pain it caused and knocking the photo album to the floor.

Ponch paced around his apartment. This whole thing was becoming too much to bear. The accident had been horrible enough...but Jon waking up not knowing him...not remembering their nearly 10 years as partners, and now the thought that he was going to be sent back to Wyoming....

He blinked back tears. It was ironic actually. Jon couldn't remember a damn thing, and he couldn't stop remembering. Memories flooded his mind, some bittersweet, some funny, some heart wrenching. Oh how far they'd come,. the smart-assed kid on the dirtbike and the softhearted cruiser jockey. He'd never forget that day, the day they first met, when he'd tried to show off, to tease the CHP cop who'd responded to someone's complaint about a dirtbiker in the hills. Of course he'd ended up flat on his face. He remembered the fear he'd felt when Jon came and stood over him...he'd flinched, only to find Jon simply holding a hand out to him.

That wasn't the first time. Whenever he'd gotten on Getraer's bad side, Jon was there, smoothing things over, getting him break after break. When he'd been depressed over spending his first Christmas away from his folks, Jon brought Mom all the way from Chicago as a Christmas surprise. When he'd gotten accused of brutality, Jon was right there fighting it with him. When he'd had the accident, Jon was the first person he'd seen when he woke up. When he'd crashed through the window of a beauty salon and found himself trapped under a jagged glass display case, it had been Jon's silent faith in him that had gotten him back on his motor when he'd wanted to quit.

Jon. In his own quiet, softspoken way, he was always there. Hell, he'd even helped him buy that old Firebird of his. How many paint jobs had it gone through? He'd lost count. And how many partners could say they'd been in jail together?

Was it all gone now? He didn't want a new partner. Bobby had been a nightmare and Bruce had been a babysitting job. His mother always said everything happens for a reason, but he couldn't find one for this. Was it some sort of test?

Ponch sighed, shaking his head. If this was the way things were to be, he was going to have to accept it, one way or the other. He just wished he knew how.
Jon laid in bed, looking out the window. He'd given up on sleep. Awkwardly he opened the drawer in the side table, looking for a tissue. He found a small envelope inside and pulled it out. Opening it, he slid the contents into his hand.

It was a CHP badge, number 8712. The gold glistened in the moonlight. Jon stared at it for a long time. 8712.....8712.....he closed his eyes. .......
"Officer is my pleasure to welcome you to the California Highway Patrol. You are officially off probation and are granted all the privileges and responsibilties that postion holds. Congratulations and good luck. "
Joe Getraer shook his hand. Gary grinned and clapped him on the back.

"Ya done good Babyface!"

. "I dunno Sarge, it's weird. You never seem em coming..and once they're there. you can't stop em!"
"What do you want us to do, hire an exorcist?"

"Me? You want me to go out there? You go!"
"C'mon Ponch, you can do it, besides, I've got more experience flyin this thing.
"All right, just this once!" Ponch began to climb down the ladder to the other plane.
"Besides, I'd never forgive myself if I let you kill me!"

. "And thats a promise from ole Ponch to his best buddy Jon!"

"You have got to find out what's in those Ding Dongs you eat!"

"Okay Farmer Jon, do tell, how do we catch these chickens?"

"Neither rain..nor snow....nor death huh?"

"A doctor serves his patients! I serve the public! The president of the largest corporation in the country serves his stock holders! And that old man in there serves you!"

Jon shook his head as the memories flooded it, tears glistening in his eyes. Oh my god, he thought...oh my god.....

Jon fell into a restless sleep. When he awoke, the badge was lying on the table next to him, shining in the morning sunlight. He reached for it and held it gingerly in his palm. He stared at it silently, ignoring the nurse when she walked in and set his breakfast tray in front of him. Suddenly he jerked, the badge falling to the floor with a tinny clank. He buried his face in his hands.......

"Jon, watch out!" Ponch;s voice screamed. The truck suddenly loomed in front of him, spinning helplessly out of control. Gotta get out of the way, he thought, gunning the engine of his motor..suddenly there was a crash....he hit the pavement, watching the back end of the rig heading straight for him. He tried to move but his body wouldn't cooperate. "No!" he screamed silently...Oh God....NO!!! NO!!!"

"Hey partner, what is it? Jon, talk to me!"

Jon looked up, drenched in sweat. Ponch was standing there, a frightened, concerned look on his face.

"Jon you okay? Jon? I'm gettin the doc-"

"No Ponch, I'm fine." Jon said weakly, sitting back.

Ponch's face lit up. "Ponch. You called me Ponch! You know who I am!"

Jon gave him a puzzled, slightly irritated look. "Of course I know who you are. We've only ridden together 40 plus hours a week for nearly 10 years!"

Tears filled Ponch's eyes. "Welcome back, old buddy."

"Ponch...the hit me didn't it?" Jon asked quietly.

"Yeah, " Ponch replied softly. "But you're gonna be just fine, partner."

Jon managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I know."

He looked past Ponch as the door opened and Daniel walked in.

"Daniel? What are you doing here?" Jon demanded.

"He remembers, Daniel. He's back." Ponch said quietly.

A look of relief passed over Daniel's face. He sighed and walked over to the bed.

"Hey little brother. I didn't think you'd be glad to see me."

"Um, I gotta get to work. I'll be back later partner!" Ponch said quickly.

"Later Ponch." Jon replied.

After Ponch left, he turned to Daniel. "You came all this way just to tell me what? That I got what I deserved? To lecture me? What? Daniel, I'm tired of fighting." he closed his eyes. "Hell, I'm just tired."

"Well don't let me bother you!" Daniel snapped. He turned on his heel and walked out.

Jon watched him go, too tired and too sick to care.

Daniel sighed as he walked out of the hospital, blinking in the bright morning sun...damn that brother of mine, he thought. Are we ever going to get it right?

"Hey-buy you a cup of coffee?" Ponch's voice called.

Daniel looked over. Ponch was astride his motor, polishing his sunglasses.

"Thanks, but I've had enough lectures."

"Hey, who said I was going to give a lecture?"

Daniel reached up and scratched his head. "Why else would you want to buy me a cup of coffee?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because I want to help."

Daniel snorted.

"Hear me out, okay?" Ponch continued," Listen man, I know Jon better than anyone-even you. Maybe I can help you get to know him."

Daniel tried to contain his anger. "Excuse me? He's my brother, not some stranger-I already know him!"

Ponch was silent for a minute. "Do you Daniel? You know your little brother, but do you really know Officer Jon Baker?"

Daniel ran a hand through his hair before resting his hands on his hips. Embarrassed, he looked down for a moment, then straight at Ponch.

"Maybe you're right. Where can you get a decent cup of coffee around here?"

"Meet me back at the station, okay?"

Daniel nodded and headed for his car. As Ponch watched him, he shook his head. God, he's so much like Jon...and he doesn't even realize it.


Back at Central, things were quiet. Most of the officers were on their beats, and Joe was at a meeting in Sacramento. Ponch and Daniel settled in the break room, holding steaming cups of coffee.

"Hey, I've got brothers of my own. They weren't too thrilled with my career choice either-but they came to realize I'm doing what I was meant to do. So is Jon. He's a hell of a should be proud of him."

Daniel sighed. "I am..I always have been..I just never understood why Jon never came back home after..well you know."

"Vietnam." Ponch said softly.


"I can't answer that either Daniel. Jon hardly ever talks about it, and I don't pry. But I can tell you that just because he choose not to go back to Wyoming doesn't mean he turned his back on all of you."

"I know that. But still...we always had plans for that hell."

Ponch began to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I was just remembering back when I was a rookie. Jon was my training officer- oh what I put him through!" Ponch laughed as he shared some of his rookie escapades with Daniel.

The older man grinned. "So Jon finally got a taste of what its like to have a younger brother, huh?"

Ponch grinned. "I never thought of it like that, but yeah, I guess he did."

Daniel suddenly grew serious. "Tell me about my little brother, Ponch. What did he grow up to be?"


Ponch smiled. "He's my best friend Daniel. No wait-he's more than that. He's more like a brother."

Daniel looked sad. "He used to be my best friend too."

"Hey man, he still is. But you have to let him live the life he wants, not the life you wish he had."

Daniel looked around the empty lunch room. "I guess he's pretty popular around here, huh?"

"Oh yeah. I don't think your brother has an enemy in this world," Bobby's face flashed in his mind, "well maybe one."

Daniel grinned. "That sounds like my brother all right."

"Did Jon ever tell you how we met?" Ponch asked.

"Not directly. But Pete did. Was he really gonna bust you?"

Ponch's eyes twinkled as he remembered. "I sure thought so."

He took a sip of coffee and began to tell Daniel about the brother he'd pushed away. The Jon he hadn't let himself get to know. His eyes widened as he listened to how Jon has jumped on to a runaway bus from a bridge, and they began to glisten as he heard about all the lives Jon had saved, had touched, had made a difference in. When Ponch finished, Daniel just sat there, absorbing it all. What a fool I've been, he thought, what a fool.

Ponch glanced at his watch. "Listen, I hate to go, but if I don't get on my beat, Sarge will have my hide." he grinned.

Daniel smiled. "Thanks Ponch..thanks for...for introducing me to my brother."

Ponch flashed his sparkling grin. "No problem. Catch ya later."

Daniel watched Ponch leave, and then just sat there, staring at his coffee cup.

"Hi Daniel." Meg's soft voice startled him.

"Oh hi."

He watched as Meg sat down and began to fill out her reports.

"Hey're pretty close to my brother, huh?"

Meg looked up. "He's my best friend."

"Is that all?"

Meg's eyes flashed. "That's really none of your business."

Daniel's cheeks colored. Damn. You put your foot in your mouth again Danny. He cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry Meg. That's not what I meant to say. I...I just meant the way Jon talks about you in his letters home, we all assumed you were his girl."

Meg's expression softened. "He talks about me a lot?"

Daniel grinned. "Yeah. He really likes you."

Meg smiled. "Well I really like him too. But we're just friends."

"So he wouldn't mind if I took you to dinner?"

Meg looked surprised. "What?"

"Come on., it's the least I can do. I've been such a jerk to everyone."

Meg looked thoughtful. "Okay, I'll have dinner with you-on one condition."

Daniel looked amused. "Okay, and what's that?"

"Go and talk to Jon. He needs you. He looks up to you, Daniel. All he's ever wanted is your approval-and your respect."

Daniel smiled. "I can see why my brother likes you. Okay, I'll give it a shot. Maybe this time we can talk to each other instead of at each other."


Daniel approached Jon's room nervously. He cleared his throat and tapped on the door. Jon looked up from his seat by the window, a book on his lap.


"Hey Jonny. How ya feeling?"

"Well enough to remember I hate hospitals."

Daniel grinned and sat down on the bed. "You only hate hospitals because of that time you got whooped by Tommy Jeter and dad took you to County General. Remember Nurse Rodman tried to take your temperature the hard way?"

"Yeah, and I also remember my big brother laughing his behind off."

"C'mon Jon, " Daniel said laughing, "you'd have done the same if you'd been watching me wrestle with the nurse from hell."

Jon laughed and winced. "Darn right."

Daniel ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Will you look at this? We're actually having a civil conversation!"

Jon smiled. "It's not my fault...I think they've been giving me happy pills."

Daniel looked down and then straight at his younger brother. "Listen Jonny, I..I had a long talk with Ponch today. He told me about my brother the highway patrolman. I'm...I'm proud of you done good."

A mixture of sadness, surprise, and joy swept over Jon's face. He bit his lip, then looked away. When he finally spoke his voice was husky.

"Dan, do you know how long I've been waiting-"

"Yeah," Daniel interrupted, "too long. "

The two men were silent. Suddenly Jon spoke up. "So tell me, who knocked the sense back into you?" he smiled.

"That partner of yours for one. "

"Ponch is something else, isn't he?"

"Yeah..oh I almost forgot. Meg said these were your favorite." he handed him a brown paper bag.

Jon's face brightened at the sound of her name. He opened the bag to find two blueberry muffins.

"So you've been talking to Meg, huh?" he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah. quite a lady she is. I like her. She has spunk..she's got spark."

Jon laughed, ignoring the pain in his ribs. "Danny, she's a girl, not a horse!"

Daniel's eyes twinkled merrily. "So I noticed. You and her got anything going?"

Jon grinned. "No Danny, we're just friends, okay?"

Daniel's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Okay then, do you have a girl?"

Jon smiled. "No."

"C'mon Jon, you're not getting any younger. When are ya gonna settle down and make me an Uncle?"

Jon rolled his eyes. "You sound just like Pete, you know that? And I could ask you the same thing." he grinned.

Daniel ignored him. "You know, Ronnie Ann Dublin still asks about you. Maybe I'll-"

"Oh, don't even!" Jon exclaimed, remembering the girl from junior high who'd pursued him endlessly.

Daniel laughed. "You remember those brownies she made you?"

"Remember? That's another reason I hate hospitals!"

Daniel glanced at his watch. "I better get going. I have a date."

"Wait a minute-you have a date? With who?" Jon said, amused.

Daniel's eyes twinkled. "Oh, just Meg."

"Meg?" Jon exclaimed, "you're going on a date with my Meg?"

"Ohhh...your Meg? I though you two were just friends." Daniel teased.

"Well she is…we are…but-" Jon sputtered.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you in the morning."

Jon regained himself. "Hey Daniel...I'm glad we talked."

Daniel grew serious. "Me too, too."

"Hey relax, would ya? I think I can manage opening my door." Jon said as he and Daniel stood outside his apartment.

"You've only been out of the hospital for an hour," Daniel said, "and I can already tell that taking it easy isn't in your vocabulary."

Jon grinned as they walked inside. "If I had my way I'd be on my bike right now. I feel great!"

Daniel looked around the neat apartment. "Damn! I see you're still a neat freak."

"Neat freak? Nah. I just like to organize." Jon said with a smile.

After nearly a month in the hospital it was good to be home. Tomorrow he'd be back at Central. He'd be stuck on desk duty, but at least he'd be back in uniform.

"So Jonny, what would you like for dinner?"

Jon looked at his brother. "Wait a minute, you can cook? Since when?"

"C'mon Jonny, I've always been a good cook!"

"Oh really? I don't think Mom ever forgave you for melting that pot!"

"Hey! I swear I didn't know eggs could explode!"

Jon walked in Central the next morning, took a deep breath, and smiled. It was good to be back. He walked down the hall to his mailbox. It was jammed full of memos and interdepartmental mail. He was sorting through it all when a soft voice interrupted him.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!"

He looked up from his mail and grinned. "Mornin."

"Welcome back Jon!" Meg gave him a quick hug.

"Good to be back. Now if I could only convince Joe to let me back on my motor."

"You'll be back soon enough. You think Ponch would have it any other way?" Meg laughed and reached for her mail.

Jon coughed. "So, I heard you had a date with my brother a few weeks ago."

"We had a very nice dinner together." Meg replied, amusement in her eyes.

"So I heard-Daniel hasn't stopped talking about you."

Meg smiled. "He's a good man. Just like his brother. I'm glad you two have mended those broken ties."

"Yeah me too. When I think about all the years we wasted-"

"Don't," Meg interrupted, "Instead think of all the years you have ahead."


That night, everyone gathered for dinner to celebrate Jon's return to duty. As everyone gathered around the table at Caroline's house, Pete raised his glass.

"I'd like to make a toast. Here's to family-the kind you're born into, and the kind you find along the road of life-maybe we always be lucky enough to have one of each!"

"Here Here!" Ponch flashed his dazzling grin, "And here's to Jon and Daniel- brothers-and friends!"

A cheer went up as the two brothers slung their arms around each other's shoulders and grinned.

Pete grinned. "I almost hate to have to leave tommorow. You best be plannin to come visit, you hear me?"

Jon smiled. "Count on it."

"Are you leaving tomorrow too, Daniel?" Bonnie asked.

"Nah. Promised Pete I'd hang around another week or so and help out."

"You mean babysit." Jon said.

Daniel laughed. "I haven't babysat you since you were 9."

Caroline began to giggle. "And he was a handful too, let me tell you."

A faint blush began to spread over Jon's face. "Hey I wasn't that bad!"

Caroline looked at her two brothers. "I'm just glad you're still around to tease." she said softly.

"Yeah me too." Jon echoed quietly.

Jon left his high spirited friends and family and walked outside into the cool evening air. To the west, the sky was a warm orange, slowly deepening into a soft purple as the sun slipped away.

He took a deep breath and jammed his hands into his pockets. He closed his eyes and immediately regretted it. The accident once again crashed into his thoughts. He must have relived it a million times by now. Jon, stop it already. There was nothing you could have done, he said to himself. He thought of the motor waiting for him at Central-shiny and new. Suddenly he was filled with a feeling of dread.

"Damn it to hell!" he said aloud.

"Jon? Are you all right?"

He turned around and saw Meg sitting at the edge of Caroline's pool, her bare feet dangling in the water. Embarrassed, he looked down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize anyone else was out here."

"That's okay. I just needed a little air. Have a seat." she patted the ground next to her.

Jon hesitated a minute, then sat down next to her, yanking his boots off and rolling up his jeans. He dunked his feet in the water.

"Feels good, huh?" she said with a smile.

"Yeah," he admitted,"it does."

"So what's wrong?" she asked softly," Anything you want to talk about?"

"No," he said firmly.

Meg didn't push him. They sat silently for awhile, the gently rippling water and the wind in the trees the only sounds.

"Damn it!" Jon said suddenly, "why should I talk about it? I tried you know, in the hospital. And do you know what they said? 'You survived a war, Officer Baker-this shouldn't be such a problem'!"

"Oh Jon," Meg said quietly, "that doctor was a jerk. There's-there's nothing wrong with being scared-you're only human! When I had my accident, I was scared of going back out there too. I think we've all felt that way."

"Yeah, well I never have. I hate it. Every time I think about getting back on that motor-" his voice trailed off.

Meg's hand found Jon's and squeezed it. "Just take it one step at a time. You've already made the first one."

Jon was quiet for a moment. "How did you get over it? Over...being scared?"

Meg smiled in the darkness. "I had friends. Good friends. And then there just came a point when my love for what we do overpowered my fear. I just couldn't stay away."

Jon grinned. "I sure do love being a patrolman, that's for sure."

"I know," Meg replied, "it shows. It's in your eyes, its in everything you do..." She trailed off, embarrassed.

Jon put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. "Hey, you wouldn't want to maybe go out for a milkshake and talk, would ya?"

Meg giggled. "I haven't been asked out for a milkshake since I was 14. I'd love to, but only if its vanilla."

"Vanilla it is." Jon smiled.

Meg stood up and reached for her sandals. "I'd better get back inside.Meet you there."

Jon watched her go and sighed.

"It's okay partner. I've been there too."

Jon turned with a start. Ponch was standing nearby.

"Okay, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you're stuck in the fifties. A milkshake?" Ponch's grin flashed in the darkness.

Jon blushed and stood up. "What else did you hear?"

Ponch grew serious. "Jon, I'm sorry-I didn't mean to eves drop-I saw you leave and wanted to make sure you were all right. When I got here you were with Meg and-"

"It's okay Ponch." Jon yanked his boots back on and began to walk towards the house.

"Jon wait!" Ponch called, "Meg is right-we've all been there. Remember the accident I had a few years ago? When I crashed into that shop and had the glass over my throat? I've never been so scared in my life Jon-I nearly transferred to cars for good!"

Jon stopped in his tracks. "You never told me that."

"I never told anyone."

Ponch watched his partner turn around and run a hand through his sandy hair.

"How-I mean what-"

Ponch walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's a long road ole buddy-but we'll get down it together, okay? You're not alone Jon."

Jon smiled. "Thanks Ponch." he looked over and saw Meg waiting for him by the truck.

Ponch laughed. "Go would ya? The girls waiting for her milkshake!"

As Jon turned away, Ponch's voice stopped him.

"Oh yeah, by the way, Joe's putting you back on the beat tomorrow. See ya at 7am sharp. I'll drive."

Jon whirled around. "What?"

"You heard me-if I'm gonna have to spend the beat in that tin can they call a car, I'm gonna drive!"

Realizing the sacrifice Ponch was making for him, Jon felt a lump in his throat. Finally he smiled and began walking again.

"See ya in the morning, Ponch."
