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"Ball three!" Artie Grossman called.


Joe Getraer stood on the pitchers mound and wiped his brow in disgust.


"C'mon Artie- that was a strike! What kind of a strike zone do you have



Grossie adjusted his ball cap. "You're not supposed to argue balls and



Getraer glared at him. "Are you forgetting who you're talking to?"


The husky CHP officer cleared his throat. "You're not supposed to argue balls

and strikes, SARGE," he repeated with a grin.


Getraer shook his head and walked off the mound. "Okay batting practice is

over- lets get this game started."


Meg Locke stood near the on deck circle, bat resting on her shoulder, trying

to remember again why she agreed to spend her Saturday afternoons playing

third base for the CHP East L.A. softball team. Every Saturday they played

the L.A. Sheriff's Department team. The team with the least victories at the

end of the season had to donate $1000 to the winning team's favorite charity.

She looked up as her best friend Jon Baker sent the ball into the outfield

and trotted to first base. A smile tugged at her lips.


Finally Jon was learning to have fun again. After the nightmare with

Chey..... she sighed as she thought back.


Six months ago. It seemed like an eternity. Cheyanne Trefalgar. The name made

her cringe still. Meg and Jon had been on the verge of falling in love when

she walked into his life. A co-worker of Jon's sister Caroline, Chey was one

of those girls who wanted attention. Lots of it. She was a party girl with a

knockout body. It wasn't long before she had Jon wrapped around her finger.


She blinked back tears. Jon had pushed her away, and hard. Their friendship,

Meg's hope for something more, shattered. To make matters worse, Chey went

after Jon's partner and best friend too. When Ponch discovered Chey's game he

walked away and tried to warn Jon-with disasterous results.


What a mess,she thought. Jon had learned the hard way-and ended up with a

broken heart and two broken friendships. Her heart had been broken too, but

she was loathe to admit it. They'd managed to put the pieces of their

friendship back together, but Meg had shut him out of her heart. She smiled

as she watched him joke with Ponch. Those two went together like snow on a

mountain, and it was good to see them happy again.


Shaking her head to clear it, she dug in and took a few practice swings.


"Whoa! Nice swing ya got there!" said a deep voice behind her.


Startled,Meg turned around and sucked in her breath. This man was so good

looking he ought to be illegal. As he stood up and brushed himself off, he

towered over her, his green eyes twinkling merrily. He was ruggedly handsome,

and reminded Meg of a young Harrison Ford. Gray shorts and a blue tanktop

revealed powerful thighs and a muscular, well tanned chest and arms. Golden

brown chest hair peeked over the top of his shirt and glinted gold in the sun.


And she'd nearly knocked his head off.


"Oh- I'm sorry! I should have watched what I was doing! Are you okay?" the

words spilled out in a rush.


He gave her a lopsided grin. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't paying attention

either." he wiped his hand on his shirt and held it out. "Jake Fletcher- L.A.

Sheriff's Department. I sure hope you're on my team."


Meg shook his hand. His grip was warm and firm. "I'm afraid not. I'm Meg

Locke- CHP."


"Darn. We could really use you. You got a better arm than some of the guys."


She blushed. "Thanks- I think." Her heart was pounding so loud she was sure

he could hear it.


"Hey Meg!" Ponch called, "You gonna flirt or bat?" He flashed her a grin.


Jake released her hand. "I better get with my team- they'll have my hide for

being late."


As Meg walked to the batters box she watched him jog over to his bench. The

rear view was just as nice. Damn it Meg, knock it off, she scolded herself.

Leave the hormonal stuff to Ponch. The last thing I need is a relationship.


She dug in and swung. The ball landed neatly behind secondbase as Meg ran to





Meg looked over to third and grinned at Jon. He returned it and gave her a

thumbs up. Jake stood behind him, pounding his glove.


Jed Turner was up and quickly took two strikes. The third pitch connected and

sailed over Meg's head. She ran to second, tagged and headed for third as Jon

headed for home. Jake got the ball a second before she got there, so she slid

hard, tripping him and knocking the ball out of his glove. The CHP bench

cheered. Jake tried to keep his balance but couldn't, landing on top of her.


Meg found herself looking at blue sky and emerald eyes.




Jake looked down at her, grinning. He smelled like sweat, fresh cut grass and

juniper, and his body felt far too good against hers. He rolled off and

helped her up, ignoring the hoots that were coming from his teammates.


"Sorry about that," she said breathlessly, trying to hide the flush in her



He just smiled and winked.


Someone hit a homerun, and she trotted back to the bench. Suddenly the game,

the beautiful afternoon- none of it seemed to matter anymore. She couldn't

get Jake Fletcher off her mind. As she took a seat next to her friend,

Bonnie, she noticed the other woman gazing appreciatively at him as he

hunched behind third base.


"Meg, will you look at that man? Wow."


Jon and Ponch looked at each other and laughed.


Meg smiled. "Yeah he's not hard on the eyes, now is he?"


"That man is amazing. You think he's married?"


"I didn't see a ring."


"You should ask him out."


"Bonnie, are you crazy? The last thing I need is a relationship right now.

Besides..." her voice trailed off as she watched him stretch, muscles

rippling. "....Guys like that aren't interested in women like me."


"Hey, wait a minute," Jon interjected from his seat on the other side of

Bonnie. "What do you mean, women like you?"


Meg looked down. "You know, Jon...What do you guys call them? Blenders?"


Ponch looked embarrassed. "Now wait a minute- I never said you were one. I'm

sure lots of guys would love to go out with a woman like you."


Meg didn't notice Jon's gentle gaze. "Thanks, Ponch."



After the game ended, both teams gathered for a barbecue. Meg sat by herself,

away from the crowd.


"Hey, Meg?" Jon's voice asked.


She looked up as he took a seat next to her. "Hi, Jon."


They were silent for a moment as they ate.


"Hey," Jon said finally. "You want to go riding with me next Sunday?"


"I can't. I've got a traffic detail. Thanks, though."


They were silent again.


"Hey..are we..I mean after all that's happened-are we okay?" Jon said

finally, a worried look on his face.


She looked up and smiled at him. "Yeah. You're still stuck with me."


Jon squeezed her hand. "I'm glad we're still friends."


I only wish we'd had the chance to be more, she said silently as he walked

away, but I'll never let you or anyone else near my heart again.



Jake reached for another soda from the cooler.


"Jake, right?" asked a voice next to him.


He looked down at the pretty blonde. "Sure is."


"I'm Bonnie. Nice to meet you."


Jake shook her hand. "Do you know Meg?" he asked.


"She's one of my best friends." Bonnie grinned.


Jake tried to sound nonchalant. "Is she seeing anyone?"


"No, she's not," said a soft voice.


Jake turned around and gave Meg a sheepish look as she joined them. "Um, hi."


"Hi," she said, amused.


"Guess that wasn't too suave, huh?"


Meg folded her arms across her chest, glancing at Ponch flirting a few tables

away. "I think suave is highly overrated." She smiled.


Bonnie cleared her throat. "I gotta run. Nice meeting you, Jake."


"You too," he replied, his eyes still on Meg.


She reached for a soda. "I'm flattered you asked."


Jake looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I'm not too good at this."


"Someone like you? I thought you'd be a pro." It was her turn to be

embarrassed. "I'm sorry, that didn't come out right."


He laughed. "Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Jake."


Meg laughed with him. "Nice to meet you. I'm Meg."


Jake paused to take a long drink. "This your first time, too?"


She burst out laughing. "Now that's a hell of an opening line."


He flushed, running a hand through his hair and grinning sheepishly. "I meant

playing ball, really."


"I know. Yeah, it is. My friends heard I'd played in high school and talked

me into it."


They began walking out toward the bleachers in the outfield.


"Same here. Only I played baseball. I got drafted by the Astros senior year

but decided to go to college instead."


Meg's eyes widened. "Wow, I'm impressed. What made you decide to turn down

all that money and fame?"


"Oh, I was ready to take it. Then I fell in love, and followed her to school.

It didn't work out though."


Jake smiled and took her hand as they reached the bleachers, helping her

climb up a few rows before taking a seat next to her. As she turned to set

her drink down, her ponytail brushed against his arm, sending a shiver

through him.


"Now that's romantic. Any regrets?" she asked.


"No. I missed home, but it was worth it," he replied, a wistful look in his



"Where's home?"


"San Antonio Texas, ma'am," Jake said in his best drawl.


Meg laughed. "Don't call me ma'am...Makes me feel old."


He gazed at her for a moment before taking another drink. "You're not like

the other California girls I know."


Meg drew her knees up to her chest and smiled. "I'm not a California girl,

maybe thats why. I'm from Colorado, actually."


Jake's eyes got a dreamy look in them. "Damn...I could spend the rest of my

life in the Rockies and be a happy man."


She looked up in surprise. "You've been there?"


"Every break I got from school I was there. Winter and Summer. It's been a

while though. I've had to make do with the San Gabriels-not that I'm



"I hike there all the time. I love ol Mt. Baldy." She grinned.


Jake swallowed the last of his soda. "Well then, you know my beat."


Meg straightened up. "You're stationed in San Dimas? That's some commute from



"Marina Del Rey, actually."


"Really? You must commute, what, at least an hour each way?"


He bent to tie his sneaker. "I don't mind. Working in San Dimas and living in

Marina Del Rey, I get the best of both worlds. It's worth it. Besides, when I

take my Harley to work," he paused, a devilish grin on his face. "Watch out."


"Oh, yeah? Better make sure you're not on my beat." Meg grinned.


He winked, eyes twinking. "You my dear, can pull me over anytime."


Meg flushed under his heated gaze. "A Harley huh? Jon and Ponch will be



"It's my toy." He gave her a playful nudge. "You ride?"


Meg stared down at her sneakers, trying to hide the blush in her cheeks. "Me?

God, no. I stick to my jeep."


Jake gave her a lopsided grin. "You ought to let me take you for a ride



God, yes! Meg said silently. And I don't mean on the Harley either. She

looked away suddenly, ashamed of her lustful thoughts.


"Hey, it's getting late-can I walk you to your car?"


Meg met his smile with one of her own. "Sure."



Jon watched them walk in from the outfield. From the look on Meg's face, she

was totally enthralled by whatever Jake was telling her. They stopped by her

jeep. Jake helped her in then leaned against the door, laughing. Then he

backed away, tipping his baseball cap, and stood there watching as she drove

away. Jon felt his heart sink. He'd give anything to be in Jake's shoes.


Damn it Jonny, you were, remember? And you blew it.



Later in the week, as Meg rode her beat, she let her thoughts drift to Jake

Fletcher. He was everything she could imagine a man could be. Smart, fun, and

so damn sexy! He seemed almost too good to be true. You know what they say

about things that seem too good to be true, Meg. They probably are.


A speeding pickup caught her attention. She threw her lights on and hit the

siren briefly, signaling for the driver to pull over. When he did she grabbed

her pinchbook at walked over.


"Good afternoon. May I see your driver's license and registration, please?

You were driving a little-"




She looked up from the ticket she was writing, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Jake? I don't believe it!"


He handed over his license with an embarassed grin. "You got me. I should

have been paying more attention to my speedometer."


"Yeah, and you aren't even on your Harley." she said with a grin as she

started walk back to her cruiser. A few minutes later she was back.


"Did I check out?"


Meg tried not to laugh. "Yep. You're clean."




She tried to sound official. "Okay, I'm just giving you a warning today.

Please keep it at 55 and stay alive."


"Yes, ma'am." He winked at her. "See you Saturday."


Meg finally let herself laugh as he drove away.



Jake stood in the outfield, shagging fly balls. He looked up hopefully every

time a car pulled into the parking lot. He grinned as Meg's forest green jeep

finally arrived. He watched her climb out, her snug fitting pink t-shirt and

denim shorts revealing a curvy figure he couldn't take his eyes off of. Her

ponytail swung softly from side to side as she reached for her bat and glove.


Aware of how little his dark blue shorts would hide his interest, he took a

deep breath and began reciting evidence code to himself.



Jon jogged up to her. "Hey, Meg."


"Hi, Jon. What's up?" she asked cheerfully.


"You busy tonight? I thought maybe we could get together for dinner."


Meg caught sight of Jake in the outfield and smiled.




"Wha-? Oh, I'm sorry Jon-what were you saying?"


"I was asking if you were busy tonight."


"Yeah I am..I'm covering for Steve tonight. I'm sorry."


Jon tried not to look disappointed. "It's okay, maybe next week."


"Sure." She smiled.


Meg walked over to the bench and set her bat down. As she started toward the

outfield to greet Jake, she saw him reach down and look at the beeper clipped

to his shorts. Then he started to run toward her. "Meg, I gotta go- I have a



"A rescue?"


"Yeah, I'm on the Sheriff's Department Mountain Rescue Team. Listen, can I

call you later?" he asked hurriedly.


"Sure- my number-"


"Leave it on my machine-you can get the number from one of the guys. I gotta

go!" he spoke in a rush, and was gone.


Meg stood and watched his black pickup peel out of the lot, then turned and

walked over to the bench.


"Hey, Meg!"


"Hi, Bonnie." She set her bat and glove down and began to stretch.


"So what was that all about? With Jake, I mean?"


"He asked for my number, thats all."


"Really? That's great!"


She stopped stretching and sat down, kicking at the dirt with her sneaker. "I



Bonnie sat down next to her. "Okay, spill it. What's wrong? I thought you

liked him?"


Meg sighed, gazing up into the cloudless sky. "Oh, I do. I'm just not sure I

want to get involved with anyone."


"Oh, I get it now. Does this have to do with that whole mess with Jon? Meg, I

know he hurt you, but you've got to move on. It's Jon's loss, not yours. Let

yourself go, have some fun."


Meg chuckled. "You make it sound so easy, Bon. What if I fall for him and end

up hurt again? What if he makes a fool out of me?"


Bonnie slid over and put an arm around her shoulder. "And what if he doesn't?

Stop worrying so much, Meg. Jake could be just what you need."


As she got up to bat, Meg thought about her words. Was Jake worth the risk to

her heart?


She turned at the sound of gravel crunching. Cole Everett, Jake's Sargeant

was pulling into the lot. He smiled as he walked by.


Meg cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but Jake had to leave and he said you

might give me his number?"



"Man, Meg, when are you going to stop being so nice? These extra shifts are

going to kill you," she scolded herself out loud as she arrived home late

Saturday night.


She sighed and headed for the shower. As she stepped out, dripping and

wrapped in a towel the phone rang. "Hello?"


"Meg, hi! I'm not calling too late, am I?"


She sat down on her bed. "No, not at all. I just got in."


"Good. Hey I'm sorry about today. I'm on call 24 hours."


"I understand. Did everything turn out okay?"


"Oh, yeah, it was just a hiker with a broken leg."


"The Mountain Rescue Team sounds exciting."


"I'd love to tell you all about it. Over dinner maybe?"


Meg blushed, suddenly aware of her lack of clothing. "Um..sure."


"Great. How's Thursday?"


"Oh I can't! I mean- my friend Kathy is having a beach party that night.

Would you like to come?"


"I'd love too. What time?"


"You can pick me up at 7." She gave him directions and then hung up. Maybe

Bonnie was right. Maybe Jake was what she needed.