Hi my name is Cute (aka Shaz). Cute is my yahoo alias which my friends know me by. My real name is Sharon, but my good online friends, a lot of whom I have now met, usually call me by my alias (except at Xmas when I was constantly Tangled in Tinsel - thanks Dor for the name by the way).

If you are interested in my family I have a page below on information about them and included some pictures as well.

The background picture on this page of the Earth lit up was taken from space at night and would be one of the most amazing views of our planet to witness. See if you can see your front porch light!

As for me, my interests usually centre around cars (my own) and car racing. I like Holdens and Chevs (modified and classic) and have made a page for my cars. I have included pictures and stories of my cars and my latest project (and for those interested I will continue to update the page as my project develops with pictures and information on what stage it is up to).

I am also an instructor with Air Force Cadets though I think I inherited my love of aircraft from my father. I will continue updating interesting pictures on my pages as I find them so hopefully each time you return there will be new news and pictures.

I have included a friends page with some pictures of the party I went to in Melbourne recently where I met a lot of my friends for the first time. Thanks to all my friends for your friendship over the time I have known you.

I have included some links to my favourite sites...time zones so you know what time it is when we talk, hubble and NASA to watch the stars, Wav sites to download your favourite songs, car sites just because I use them ... so enjoy.

On a final note please sign my guestbook before you leave and feel free to include any comments.

Site References -

    - NSCA - A Beginners Guide to HTML -

    - Designer Tips and Tricks -

    - Colorcenter -

    - The compendium of HTML elements -

    - HTML Tutorial for learning HTML -

    - Free Buttons -

    - Bravenet Webmaster Resources -
