Things with Wings - Dragonflies & Damselflies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Dragonfly / Damselfly FAQ

Q: What's the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfy?
A: Damselflies are usually very slim, with their forewings and hindwings narrow at the base and of similar shape. Their eyes are widely separated. Most species of damselfies hold their wings above their abdomen when they rest. Damselflies are insects in the sub-order Zygoptera (meaning "yoke-winged"). Dragonflies are usually larger, and their eyes touch near the tops of their heads. Their wings do not narrow at the base and the forewings and hindwings differ in shape. Their wings are usually spread apart when they rest. Dragonflies are insects in the sub-order Anisoptera (meaning"unequal-winged").

Q: Where can I find Dragonflies and damselfies?
A: Almost anywhere where there is fresh water. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, canals, swamps, marshland & dykes. The preferred habitat is slow running water with plenty of vegetation.

Q: Do dragonflies bite or sting people?
A: No, dragonflies do not bite people, although it would be possible for a strong dragonfly to pierce the skin after much effort, as they do have jaws. Dragonflies can't sting, as they have no method of stinging.

Q: What do dragonflies eat?
A: One single dragonfly could eat up to 100 mosquitoes and larvae in as quick as 30 minutes! Both dragonflies and damselflies feed on other insects too, like gnats, flies, butterflies and moths, and sometimes other dragonflies.

Q: What are dragonflies eaten by?
A: Birds, spiders, frogs, and larger dragonflies.

Q: Do dragonflies suck on nectar like butterflies?
A: No, dragonflies only feed on insects, not nectar.

Q: Why do dragonflies dip their tails in the water?
A: This would be the dragonfly dropping it's eggs, so they can hatch.

Q: How long to dragonflies live?
A: Adults live on average just a few weeks as a dragonfly, but larger stronger ones can live as long as 4 months. Most are eaten by bigger predators. Of course by this time, it has already been living as an egg and then a larva. The larval stage sometimes takes as many as 5 years! Damselflies however, only have a development of just a year.

Q: How many species of dragonflies and damselflies are there?
A: Worldwide, over 5400.

Q: Why are dragonflies called dragonflies?
A: This remains a mystery, with no-one really knowing the right answer. Some people refer to them as "Devil's Darning Needle" and the "Devil's Walking Stick", and "Horse Stinger", generally these people are perhaps scared of them, well they do look a bit scary. They are also known as the "Mosquito Hawk", due to their main diet of mosquitos.

Q: Where do dragonflies go in winter?
A: Dragonflies die as winter approaches, as they do not live long as adults. The eggs and larva however are maturing, ready for the next batch to appear.

Q: How long have dragonflies been on the earth?
A: For more than 200 million years, even before the dinosaurs.

Q: What is the biggest draonfly?
A: The bulkiest known dragonfly is Petalura ingentissima from Australia, with a wingspan up to 16 cm. Pre-historic fossils of dragonflies with wingspans as much as 70-75 cm have been found.

Q: What's the smallest dragonfly?
A: Nannophya pygmaea from east Asia which is only 15 mm long with a wingspan of around 20 mm.

Q: What is the biggest damselfly?
A: The Megaloprepus coerulatus damselfly of Central America can have a wingspan up to 19 cm.

Q: How fast do dragonflies fly?
A: The largest species can travel at as much as 30miles per hour, that's 15 metres per second! Generally though, they cruise at a more leisurely 10mph.

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All photographs on this page © 2003  Sean Creech