My Crazy Junk

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    Hi I'm Ryan, my friends call me Cook. I created this site to salute my friends and maybe my enemies but now it's about things I hate. If you don't hate the same things as me then you're stupid and should wise up. If you have any major issues with anything I write, feel free to e-mail me, but there's no guarentee I won't just laugh and delete your lame ass message before even reading the first stupid worthless sentance. I hate a lot of things so be prepared to hear about it. If you don't want to you can eat shit and die. You can access my links by using the pull out bar to the left of the screen. This is the new site and I'm still working on rants so if you want to see the old ones just use the pull out bar and it'll take you there.

Site Log:

June 15, 2001 - I just created the site, i hope you all like it! It's packed with great stuff.

August 10, 2002 - Wow, I haven't been here in a really long time! Well I'll try and get some more cool stuff going on here, not that anyone cares.

March 3, 2003 - Todays my sisters birthday, i ruined it by calling her stupid when she spilled a coke on her shirt, oh well.

October 6, 2003 - I'm working on some new rants so be ready for some bitter shit, all the old ones will still be available.

November 14, 2003 - If you are a bitter bastard and think you're capable of ranting with the best, send me some rants and I'll put em up.

November 14, 2003 - Cock pushups? It's when you fuckin lay down flat on the ground and let your boner push you up.


Warning: If you are easily offended, have a heart condition, or are a wang in any way, you should not visit this site. It is exclusive for people with a very loose sense of humour and not whiny bitches. There are no accusations or insults directed towards anyone specifically, if you think there are, contact me with your whiny complaint and I will deal with it. Enjoy.