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Band Members

stepping up… stepping out… MAINSTREAM. A band that has been God breathed. Together, Matthew Crisp, David Crisp, and Jonathan Nash, have put together a band ready to battle the attack and plans of the enemy. Also, they have a longing and desire to reach the non-Christian world. Their motto is “You can’t get Christians saved.” They long to see the youth of this generation on fire and fulfilling the call on their lives for Christ. As simple as it sounds, there are many different aspects to what comes with these 3 guys. All three are highly involved in their local church ministry. And they fall under the spiritual covering of their local pastors and church. While Matthew and David Crisp attend First Assembly Church in Calgary, Jonathan Nash attends Frontline Worship Centre in Sylvan Lake. They are all involved in their worship teams and youth ministry. Matthew and David help out their father and his team currently at “The Calgary Dream Centre.” A building facilitated by First Assembly Church that will house and disciple the homeless, needy, and poor. Jonathan is also highly involved at his father’s church in Sylvan Lake. Leading a cell group, the church’s assistant and teaching the local kids the basics of music. A band put together by good friends wanting to lead worship together, “Mainstream” comes with a strong sound. Consisting of: 18 years old Matthew Crisp - guitar/lead vocals 16 years old David Crisp – Bass/back-up vocals 16 years old Jonathan Nash – drums/percussion Accompanist – Chad Thomas - Lead Guitar/ on our demo Accompanist – Adam Gill – Keyboards/effects on demo cd and live shows This band has come to many changes. First starting out as “AYR- Awaiting Your Return” they have shrunk from 6 to 3 members. They decided on a name change at the beginning of September 2001 to recognize their direction and plans for the future. Together they have traveled and played at many different venues across Canada. This past summer, they toured together traveling to Manitoba and playing at festivals along the way. They have taken part in such venues as: Jesus Manifest – Dauphin Manitoba (Along with - Shine MK, Dayz Wage, Jake, The Undecided and many more) Harvest Moon 2001 – though accepted to play, God directed Matthew to Ottawa, Ontario for a short period in his life. So they were unable to keep their commitment with the Harvest Moon Festival. CYIM World Youth Day Fundraiser – Catholic Youth Venue Frontline Worship Centre Family Camp – Worship and Concert The Big Moo Ice Cream Parlor (Sylvan Lake) – Concert(s) Various Churches in Winnipeg and Surrounding Areas Various Concert Venues in Sylvan Lake, Alberta Members of Mainstream all have the heart of worshippers. Since being together, they have seen incredible things that God has done through them and with them. They have the feeling that there is something new on the horizon. A sense of Evangelistic Worship. Where worship won’t be confined inside the church walls. But it will be taken out to the streets, festivals, cafes, and other areas of the world. They feel there is a new generation of worshippers being raised to take upon the mantle of worship and run with it. And to not be shaken, but to shake the un-disturbed and the silent. They have a very powerful message and a strong sense of God on each one of their lives. Growing up in the church, all three have encountered their own struggles and strife. Knowing of how dry and stagnant Christianity comes about without persistence and a daily relationship with Christ, they want to seek Christ on their own personal levels. They want to be filled and their cups running over. They have been mentored by various members of each one’s church. And all three members have had strong influences and connections with: · Chad Thomas (currently of Tourist and the Tehila Band) · Adam Gill (Tehila Band and Musical Theory at Mount Royal College in Calgary) · Jeff Robertson (currently of Tourist and the Tehila Band) · Jon Strutt (youth pastor of First Assembly) · Catherine Nash (Pastor of Frontline Worship Centre) . Peter Nash(Pastor of Fronline Worship Centre) They have been raised and taught the principles of prayer, worship, and music. They have been shown and helped with direction in their ministry and the ministry of the Lord by these few people and many others. Their influence comes from many ranges of pastors, mentors, family, friends, bands and culture. FUTURE PLANS FOR THE BAND Mainstream hopes to be traveling by the summer and become more widely recognized. They will be sending copies of their demo to cd to anyone and everyone to hear, enjoy, listen to, and review. The plans for music in their lives seem destined. They love it, breathe it, over-play it, and want God to move them in it. Their long-term goal is to sign with a record label and start their full-time ministry. With prayer, dedication, and God’s blessing, they will walk and be directed in their prosperity. They have dedicated Psalm 37:4 to their personal lives. And for their ministry, they will follow and spread the gospel with their music to whoever is willing and able to listen. Mainstream would like to thank-you for reading and listening to their “Hearts Desire”. They hope to see you in the future and join with you in the continuing and spreading of the gospel. Matt,Dave,Jon,


Dave #2
Matt #2
Jon #2
Group Photo
