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What Road Rules: Campus Crawl Cast Member are YOU?
What Road Rules: Campus Crawl Roadie are YOU?

Which of these quotes would you most likely say?

"Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
"Don't cry 'cause it's over, smile 'cause it happened."
"Never let anyone else's opinions of you affect how you feel about yourself. Only you know you."
"As long as you believe, you can do anything. As soon as the 'I can't' steps into play, it's over."
"If you are going through hell, keep going."
"It is not the size of the dog in the fight, but it is size of the fight in the dog."

Which of these bands/singers would you most likely listen to?

Jimmy Eat World
Tori Amos
Britney Spears

What kind of "significant other" do you look for?

A person of the opposite sex who's not too active... just like me!
I like guys AND girls! (Especially LATIN LOVERS!)
Someone of the opposite sex.. and he/she has to look good AND have a good personality!
A person of the opposite sex.. and she/he has to have a good personality.
Same sex/Same sex, but its not clear cut
A person of the opposite sex.. and she/he has to be HOT!

Which of the following high-school stereotypes fit you best?

Unpopular girl/guy
All-Star Athlete
Popular girl/guy
The Romantic
Guy picked on for his femninity / Girl picked on for her masculinity
Athlete and Academic All-Star! (JOCK and GEEK!)

Which of these could you most likely NOT live without?

Cuff Bracelet
Photo Album or Lipgloss
Stuffed Monkey
Straw Hat
Photo of boyfriend/girlfriend
Natural Feeling Condom

If your personality were a MALE name, which would be best??


Which of these attributes do you treasure/wish you had?

Big Lips
Awesome Smile
Cute Dimples
Great Hair
Amazing Eyes
Lets just say, I like to take my shirt off and give the girls/guys a yell!

Please make sure you've answered all the questions!
Code adapted from colleen’s quiz tutorial