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The Main Freaking Page

As far as this web page goes, I have no real plan for it.

I do have a few small hopes though. You see, a friend of mine and I were joking about angelfire and the lot, you know, all the free web pages. We were just saying how they all suck. Does that make sense? Usually, it's some 12 year old kid who decides to make a web page on here. Then devotes it to one of a few things. Such as a band, or a TV show, or his life, which isn't nearly as interesting as he wants us to believe. Or he writes bad poetry, or has thoughts on a topic but can't find a good outlet for it. Maybe he wrote a story about Dragonball Z fighting The Ghostbusters. These web sites suck. You've seen them. You know which ones they are.

Now, you're probably thinking. "Wait a second, Michael. (My names Michael, by the way) Aren't you a hypocrit by making a webpage on Angelfire? Quit being a jerk." Although I see the irony by doing this, I know that this page has a very good percentage of sucking. Around 80-90 percent. That's a good chance of plain old suck. And I don't mean sucking like a vacuum. I mean the kind of suckiness that can be compared and contrasted to the awesomeness of the Grand Canyon. It could suck that big.

Then again, it might rock your socks off.

I mean, I don't want to let Angelfire down and create a freaking (its freaking cause I don't know AF's policy on swearing. I promise I wouldn't say freaking in my real, non artifcial life) create a freaking god as far as web pages go. But I do want to try to outdo some 12 year old kid. Call it pride. Internet pride.

Sad internet pride.


Here's a LIST of things that I may or may not accomplish with this page.

That's then followed by some links to the other stuff I've got on AF. And my e-mail address. This whole structured template thing AF gives you feels and repetative and just plain lame. But, feel free to drop me a line if you've got that type of urge.

New Year Goals for this Webpage

Other stuff of mine.

Here's, you know, stuff I've written. You should click there.
This page is about me. You should look at it, if you gotta know what makes me tick.
Do you want to know what I think of music? Check it out. It could be interesting.

Got the urge? Are you yearning to write a letter?: Be my guest.