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Retro Ringo Runamok

Beatle Quote: "What would you call that, uh, hairstyle you're wearing?" "Arthur."

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Wow... Im back. Thats kind of scary, actually. I dont know WHY I came back, other than that Im bored and that Cindy put a link up to this page in The Chum Bucket. Visit the Killer Bunny's Lair. Um... Ill update eventually I suppose. Just dropping in to be like, "Hey, havent touched this page since 1-1-03, I actually forgot my password for this thing and had to search for it, I cant believe I put in that much effort." Hells yeah.

What's your inner eye colour? Find out at hollywood

:: how jedi are you? ::

Other totally GEAR Pages

My 2nd page. Basically a tirade against G.W. Bush
My old page
What is a Hippie (No, not a pot-smoking, flower-power, love child making, hypocritical, draft evasive jerk)
Did i forget you on my friends page?
Dream Cars 'o Mine
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