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Recycling Logo
The Official Website for

Students Against Pollution

Students Against Pollution

Recycle Ralph says:
Why not recycle your trash? It'll end up in a better place. Would you want to be stuck inside a garbage can, when you could spread your wings and fly into a whole new life? Think about it.

Special Focus!!

Recycle Ralph

Students Against Pollution (SAP) was created as a non-profit organization to help combat the forces of pollution. The polluters of the world want to destroy our home. We only have one planet. We all must do our share if we want to remain kind to our earth. There are many ways that EACH of us can help. The earth needs you. Our leader, Recycle Ralph, will show us the way. Do you have the guts to follow?

Will you stand idly by as the world is thrown into the trash!!??
If not, then make a stand. This is a recycling call to arms!!

This site is maintained by:
Recycle Ralph

Site last updated- March 2003
© 2001 Students Against Pollution